
My favourite quotes. (nextjs)
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cultures-evolve-through.md (435B)

      1 ---
      2 attributed: false
      3 date: '2015-04-21'
      4 draft: false
      5 lang: 'en'
      6 misattributed: false
      7 tags: ['Culture']
      8 title: 'Cultures evolve through dissent and robust criticism from their members'
      9 unverified: false
     10 ---
     12 # *Cultures evolve through dissent and robust criticism from their members*
     13 &mdash; Mona Eltahawy, <cite><abbr title="ISBN-13: 9780865478039">Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution</abbr></cite>.