
Acoustic spectrum analyser https://github.com/alexkay/spek spek.cc
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spek-ruler.cc (2566B)

      1 #include <cmath>
      3 #include "spek-ruler.h"
      5 SpekRuler::SpekRuler(
      6     int x, int y, Position pos, wxString sample_label,
      7     int *factors, int min_units, int max_units, double spacing,
      8     double scale, double offset, formatter_cb formatter)
      9     :
     10     x(x), y(y), pos(pos), sample_label(sample_label),
     11     factors(factors), min_units(min_units), max_units(max_units), spacing(spacing),
     12     scale(scale), offset(offset), formatter(formatter)
     13 {
     14 }
     16 void SpekRuler::draw(wxDC& dc)
     17 {
     18     // Mesure the sample label.
     19     wxSize size = dc.GetTextExtent(sample_label);
     20     int len = this->pos == TOP || this->pos == BOTTOM ? size.GetWidth() : size.GetHeight();
     22     // Select the factor to use, we want some space between the labels.
     23     int factor = 0;
     24     for (int i = 0; factors[i]; ++i) {
     25         if (fabs(this->scale * factors[i]) >= this->spacing * len) {
     26             factor = factors[i];
     27             break;
     28         }
     29     }
     31     // Draw the ticks.
     32     this->draw_tick(dc, min_units);
     33     this->draw_tick(dc, max_units);
     35     if (factor > 0) {
     36         for (int tick = min_units + factor; tick < max_units; tick += factor) {
     37             if (fabs(this->scale * (max_units - tick)) < len * 1.2) {
     38                 break;
     39             }
     40             this->draw_tick(dc, tick);
     41         }
     42     }
     43 }
     45 void SpekRuler::draw_tick(wxDC& dc, int tick)
     46 {
     47     double GAP = 10;
     48     double TICK_LEN = 4;
     50     wxString label = this->formatter(tick);
     51     int value = this->pos == TOP || this->pos == BOTTOM ?
     52         tick : this->max_units + this->min_units - tick;
     53     double p = this->offset + this->scale * (value - min_units);
     54     wxSize size = dc.GetTextExtent(label);
     55     int w = size.GetWidth();
     56     int h = size.GetHeight();
     58     if (this->pos == TOP) {
     59         dc.DrawText(label, this->x + p - w / 2, this->y - GAP - h);
     60     } else if (this->pos == RIGHT){
     61         dc.DrawText(label, this->x + GAP, this->y + p - h / 2);
     62     } else if (this->pos == BOTTOM) {
     63         dc.DrawText(label, this->x + p - w / 2, this->y + GAP);
     64     } else if (this->pos == LEFT){
     65         dc.DrawText(label, this->x - w - GAP, this->y + p - h / 2);
     66     }
     68     if (this->pos == TOP) {
     69         dc.DrawLine(this->x + p, this->y, this->x + p, this->y - TICK_LEN);
     70     } else if (this->pos == RIGHT) {
     71         dc.DrawLine(this->x, this->y + p, this->x + TICK_LEN, this->y + p);
     72     } else if (this->pos == BOTTOM) {
     73         dc.DrawLine(this->x + p, this->y, this->x + p, this->y + TICK_LEN);
     74     } else if (this->pos == LEFT) {
     75         dc.DrawLine(this->x, this->y + p, this->x - TICK_LEN, this->y + p);
     76     }
     77 }