
Acoustic spectrum analyser https://github.com/alexkay/spek spek.cc
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      5     <title>Spek &ndash; Free Acoustic Spectrum Analyzer / Spectrogram Viewer</title>
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     34     <h1>Spek &ndash; Acoustic Spectrum Analyser<img src="spek.png" width="160" height="96" alt="Spek logo" style="float:right;"/></h1>
     35     <p>Spek (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet">IPA</a>: /sp&#603;k/, &lsquo;bacon&rsquo; in Dutch) helps to analyse your audio files by showing their <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrogram">spectrogram</a>. Spek is free software available for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X.</p>
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     63     <h2>Features</h2>
     64     <ul>
     65       <li>Supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file formats thanks to the <a href="https://www.ffmpeg.org/">FFmpeg</a> libraries.</li>
     66       <li>Ultra-fast signal processing, uses multiple threads to further speed up the analysis.</li>
     67       <li>Shows the codec name and the audio signal parameters.</li>
     68       <li>Allows to save the spectrogram as an image file.</li>
     69       <li>Drag-and-drop support; associates with common audio file formats.</li>
     70       <li>Auto-fitting time, frequency and spectral density rulers.</li>
     71       <li>Adjustable spectral density range.</li>
     72       <li>Translated into 19 languages.</li>
     73     </ul>
     75     <h2>Screenshots</h2>
     76     <table id="screenshots">
     77       <tr>
     78         <td><a href="flac.png"><img class="shadow" src="flac-small.png" width="240" height="192" alt="Spek running under Ubuntu Linux" title="Spek running under Ubuntu Linux and showing the spectrogram of a FLAC file."/></a></td>
     79         <td><a href="win7.png"><img class="shadow" src="win7-small.png" width="240" height="192" alt="Spek running under Windows 7" title="Spek running under Windows 7 and showing the same sound track encoded as a 320kbps MP3."/></a></td>
     80         <td><a href="osx.png"><img class="shadow" src="osx-small.png" width="240" height="192" alt="Spek running under Mac OS X" title="Russian-speaking version of Spek running under Mac OS X Leopard."/></a></td>
     81       </tr>
     82     </table>
     84     <h2>Download</h2>
     85     <table id="download">
     86       <tr>
     87         <td class="dld_col">
     88           <table>
     89             <tr>
     90               <td><img src="logo-unix.png" width="69" height="48" alt="Unix"/></td>
     91               <td class="dld_link">
     92                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/releases/download/v0.8.2/spek-0.8.2.tar.xz">spek-0.8.2.tar.xz</a> (168 KiB)
     93                 <br/>
     94                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/blob/v0.8.2/INSTALL.md#bsd-and-gnulinux">instructions</a>
     95                 <br/>
     96                 <a href="man-0.8.2.html">manual</a>
     97               </td>
     98             </tr>
     99           </table>
    100         </td>
    101         <td class="dld_col">
    102           <table>
    103             <tr>
    104               <td><img src="logo-windows.png" width="48" height="48" alt="Windows"/></td>
    105               <td class="dld_link">
    106                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/releases/download/v0.8.2/spek-0.8.2.msi">spek-0.8.2.msi</a> (8.47 MiB)
    107                 <br/>
    108                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/releases/download/v0.8.2/spek-0.8.2.zip">spek-0.8.2.zip</a> (8.35 MiB)
    109                 <br/>
    110                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/blob/v0.8.2/INSTALL.md#windows">instructions</a>
    111               </td>
    112             </tr>
    113           </table>
    114         </td>
    115         <td class="dld_col">
    116           <table>
    117             <tr>
    118               <td><img src="logo-osx.png" width="48" height="48" alt="Mac OS X"/></td>
    119               <td class="dld_link">
    120                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/releases/download/v0.8.3/spek-0.8.3.dmg">spek-0.8.3.dmg</a> (6.03 MiB)
    121                 <br/>
    122                 <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/blob/v0.8.3/INSTALL.md#mac-os-x">instructions</a>
    123               </td>
    124             </tr>
    125           </table>
    126         </td>
    127       </tr>
    128     </table>
    130     <h2>News <a href="http://kojevnikov.com/spek.xml"><img src="feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="news feed"/></a></h2>
    131     <ul>
    132       <li>2014-08-31: <a href="http://kojevnikov.com/faster-fast-fourier-transform.html">Faster Fast Fourier Transform</a></li>
    133       <li>2012-09-23: <a href="http://kojevnikov.com/spek-0-8-0-released.html">Spek 0.8.0 Released</a></li>
    134       <li>2011-08-17: <a href="http://kojevnikov.com/spek-and-lion.html">Spek and Lion</a></li>
    135       <li>2011-04-24: <a href="http://kojevnikov.com/spek-0-7-released.html">Spek 0.7 Released</a></li>
    136       <li>2011-03-16: <a href="http://kojevnikov.com/spek-status-update.html">Spek status update</a></li>
    137     </ul>
    139     <h2>Contribute</h2>
    140     <p>Spek is free and open source software licensed under GPLv3. The project is written in C++, the code is available on <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek">GitHub</a>.</p>
    141     <p>Report bugs and request new features on the <a href="https://github.com/alexkay/spek/issues">issue tracker</a>.</p>
    142     <p>Translation is done via <a href="https://www.transifex.com/spek/spek/">Transifex</a>. Don't hesitate to translate Spek into a new language or to improve existing translations.</p>
    144     <h2>Mailing lists</h2>
    145     <p>
    146       <a href="https://groups.google.com/d/forum/spek-announce">spek-announce</a>:
    147       A low volume mailing list with release announcements and other project updates.
    148       <br/>
    149       <a href="https://groups.google.com/d/forum/spek-translators">spek-translators</a>:
    150       Discussion and questions about translating Spek.
    151       <br/>
    152       <a href="https://groups.google.com/d/forum/spek-users">spek-users</a>:
    153       User questions and community support.
    154     </p>
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