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index.html (34876B)

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   1050   <body class="typora-export">
   1051     <div id="write" class="">
   1052       <h1>
   1053         <a name="web-surfing" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1054         ><span>Web surfing</span>
   1055       </h1>
   1056       <div class="md-toc" mdtype="toc">
   1057         <p class="md-toc-content" role="list">
   1058           <span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h1" data-ref="n0"
   1059             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#web-surfing">Web surfing</a></span
   1060           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h2" data-ref="n3"
   1061             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#about-this-page"
   1062               >About this page</a
   1063             ></span
   1064           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h2" data-ref="n6"
   1065             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#lists">Lists</a></span
   1066           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h2" data-ref="n10"
   1067             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#society">Society</a></span
   1068           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n11"
   1069             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#discrimination"
   1070               >Discrimination</a
   1071             ></span
   1072           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h2" data-ref="n15"
   1073             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#programming">Programming</a></span
   1074           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n16"
   1075             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#c">C++</a></span
   1076           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n20"
   1077             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#haskell">Haskell</a></span
   1078           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n24"
   1079             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#libraries">Libraries</a></span
   1080           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n28"
   1081             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#philosophy">Philosophy</a></span
   1082           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h2" data-ref="n32"
   1083             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#digital-rights"
   1084               >Digital rights</a
   1085             ></span
   1086           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n33"
   1087             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#dmca">DMCA</a></span
   1088           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h2" data-ref="n39"
   1089             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#operating-systems"
   1090               >Operating Systems</a
   1091             ></span
   1092           ><span role="listitem" class="md-toc-item md-toc-h3" data-ref="n40"
   1093             ><a class="md-toc-inner" href="#unix">UNIX</a></span
   1094           >
   1095         </p>
   1096       </div>
   1097       <h2>
   1098         <a name="about-this-page" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1099         ><span>About this page</span>
   1100       </h2>
   1101       <p>
   1102         <span
   1103           >Over the years, I have learned a great deal of things from Dr John N
   1104           Shutt. One of the things that Dr Shutt would mention was their surfing
   1105           page.</span
   1106         >
   1107       </p>
   1108       <p>
   1109         <span
   1110           >I was careless to lose that message. Ironically, in that message, Dr
   1111           Shutt had explained how he would save a list of all the resources that
   1112           he had found helpful over the years. While that message is lost, the
   1113           intent is passed on successfully. This is my page of the
   1114           resources.</span
   1115         >
   1116       </p>
   1117       <h2><a name="lists" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>Lists</span></h2>
   1118       <ul>
   1119         <li>
   1120           <a href=""
   1121             ><span>Web Surfing</span></a
   1122           ><span> by Dr John N. Shutt. </span
   1123           ><a
   1124             href=""
   1125             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1126           ><span>.</span>
   1127         </li>
   1128       </ul>
   1129       <h2>
   1130         <a name="society" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>Society</span>
   1131       </h2>
   1132       <h3>
   1133         <a name="discrimination" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1134         ><span>Discrimination</span>
   1135       </h3>
   1136       <ul>
   1137         <li>
   1138           <a
   1139             href=""
   1140             ><span>Reflections on the Color of My Skin</span></a
   1141           ><span> (</span
   1142           ><strong
   1143             ><span
   1144               >&quot;when you see black kids in the street, think of what they
   1145               can be rather than what you think they are&quot;</span
   1146             ></strong
   1147           ><span>) by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Dated June 3, 2020. </span
   1148           ><a
   1149             href=""
   1150             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1151           ><span>.</span>
   1152         </li>
   1153       </ul>
   1154       <h2>
   1155         <a name="programming" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1156         ><span>Programming</span>
   1157       </h2>
   1158       <h3><a name="c" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>C++</span></h3>
   1159       <ul>
   1160         <li>
   1161           <a href=""
   1162             ><span
   1163               >Re: [RFC] Convert builin-mailinfo.c to use The Better String
   1164               Library.</span
   1165             ></a
   1166           ><span> (</span
   1167           ><strong
   1168             ><span>Quite frankly, even if the choice of C were to do </span
   1169             ><em><span>nothing</span></em
   1170             ><span>
   1171               but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge
   1172               reason to use C.</span
   1173             ></strong
   1174           ><span>) by Linus Torvalds. Dated September 6, 2007 </span
   1175           ><a
   1176             href=""
   1177             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1178           ><span>.</span>
   1179         </li>
   1180       </ul>
   1181       <h3>
   1182         <a name="haskell" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>Haskell</span>
   1183       </h3>
   1184       <ul>
   1185         <li>
   1186           <a
   1187             href=";"
   1188             ><span>Haskell for JavaScript programmers</span></a
   1189           ><span> by Alexey Kutepov. Dated January 19, 2018 </span
   1190           ><a
   1191             href=""
   1192             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1193           ><span>.</span>
   1194         </li>
   1195       </ul>
   1196       <h3>
   1197         <a name="libraries" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>Libraries</span>
   1198       </h3>
   1199       <ul>
   1200         <li>
   1201           <a
   1202             href=""
   1203             ><span>matplotlib.pyplot.xkcd</span></a
   1204           ><span> (</span
   1205           ><strong><span>Turn on xkcd sketch-style drawing mode</span></strong
   1206           ><span>) by Matplotlib. Date of access November 24, 2020 </span
   1207           ><a
   1208             href=""
   1209             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1210           ><span>.</span>
   1211         </li>
   1212       </ul>
   1213       <h3>
   1214         <a name="philosophy" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1215         ><span>Philosophy</span>
   1216       </h3>
   1217       <ul>
   1218         <li>
   1219           <a
   1220             href=""
   1221             ><span
   1222               >Why MIT now uses python instead of scheme for its undergraduate
   1223               CS program</span
   1224             ></a
   1225           ><span> (</span
   1226           ><strong
   1227             ><span
   1228               >&quot;what generaly happened was a programmer would think for a
   1229               really long time, and then write just a little bit of code [...]
   1230               It was a much simpler time&quot;</span
   1231             ></strong
   1232           ><span>) by Chas Emerick. Dated March 24, 2009. </span
   1233           ><a
   1234             href=""
   1235             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1236           ><span>.</span>
   1237         </li>
   1238       </ul>
   1239       <h2>
   1240         <a name="digital-rights" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1241         ><span>Digital rights</span>
   1242       </h2>
   1243       <h3><a name="dmca" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>DMCA</span></h3>
   1244       <ul>
   1245         <li>
   1246           <a href=""
   1247             ><span>RIAA kills youtube-dl</span></a
   1248           ><span> (</span
   1249           ><strong
   1250             ><span
   1251               >&quot;But from the very first days, it was clear that DMCA1201
   1252               was NOT about preventing copyright infringement, it was about
   1253               enforcing business models.&quot;</span
   1254             ></strong
   1255           ><span>) by Cory Doctorow. Dated October 24, 2020. </span
   1256           ><a
   1257             href=""
   1258             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1259           ><span>.</span>
   1260         </li>
   1261         <li>
   1262           <a
   1263             href=";cid=12701745"
   1264             ><span>Parasites by John Carmack</span></a
   1265           ><span> (</span
   1266           ><strong
   1267             ><span
   1268               >Why should society reward that? What benefit does it bring? It
   1269               doesn&#39;t help bring more, better, or cheaper products to
   1270               market. Those all come from competition, not arbitrary
   1271               monopolies.</span
   1272             ></strong
   1273           ><span>) by John Carmack. Dated June 01, 2005. </span
   1274           ><a
   1275             href=";cid=12701745"
   1276             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1277           ><span>.</span>
   1278         </li>
   1279       </ul>
   1280       <h2>
   1281         <a name="operating-systems" class="md-header-anchor"></a
   1282         ><span>Operating Systems</span>
   1283       </h2>
   1284       <h3><a name="unix" class="md-header-anchor"></a><span>UNIX</span></h3>
   1285       <ul>
   1286         <li>
   1287           <a href=""
   1288             ><span>AT&amp;T Archives: The UNIX Operating System</span></a
   1289           ><span> by AT&amp;T Tech Channel. Dated February 22, 2012. </span
   1290           ><a
   1291             href=""
   1292             ><span>Archived link</span></a
   1293           ><span>.</span>
   1294         </li>
   1295       </ul>
   1296     </div>
   1297   </body>
   1298 </html>