README (1663B)
1 _ _ _ 2 __ _ _ __ ___ (_) __ _| (_)_ _____ 3 / _` | '_ ` _ \ | | / _` | | \ \ / / _ \ 4 | (_| | | | | | | | | | (_| | | |\ V / __/ 5 \__,_|_| |_| |_| |_| \__,_|_|_| \_/ \___| 6 =========================================== 7 8 Make it easy for people to check if you are alive or not. 9 10 Requirements 11 ============ 12 0. sqlite3 13 14 Installation 15 ============ 16 17 $ git clone 18 $ cd am-i-alive-go 19 $ sqlite3 am-i-alive.db -init init-db.sql 20 $ make // or go build -o amialive src/main.go 21 22 Configuration 23 ============= 24 25 Update config/config.go to 26 0. Port : Specify which port to run the server. 27 1. Auth : Authentication password. 28 2. Name : Name by which you are known. 29 3. DB : Path to DB. 30 4. Logfile : Path to logging GET requests. 31 5. ShouldLog : If GET requests should be logged or not. 32 33 Usage 34 ===== 35 36 Try running the following command to see if the tool is working fine. 37 38 $ curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "auth": "YOUR-PASSWORD" }' '' 39 40 Run this command periodically so others know if you are alive or not. 41 I have placed the command in my .zshrc. 42 I use my terminal a lot, and therefore it updates my status regularly. 43 44 People who want to know your status can run the following command to check on you. 45 46 $ curl -XGET '' 47 48 If someone who wants to know about you is not user to cUrl, they can still open the URL to see the message. 49 50 Sure, the message is not as pretty. 51 But it should not take much time to set up a front-end to this. 52 53 This is a very minimal tool under a free license. Tweak it to your liking.