
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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      3 <title>Caveats - klisp Reference Manual</title>
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     28 <a name="Caveats"></a>
     29 <p>
     30 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="Kernel-History.html#Kernel-History">Kernel History</a>,
     31 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="Introduction.html#Introduction">Introduction</a>,
     32 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="Introduction.html#Introduction">Introduction</a>
     33 <hr>
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     36 <h3 class="section">1.1 Caveats</h3>
     38 <p>This is the first draft of this manual.  It will be incomplete for
     39 some time.  It will also evolve, together with klisp and the Kernel
     40 Programming Language, both of which, right now, are in a quite fluid
     41 state.
     43 <!-- this is below, in history -->
     44    <p>The main reference on Kernel is the preliminary report:
     45 <cite>Revised(-1) Report on the Kernel Programming Language</cite>.  Some
     46 sections of the report are still incomplete, so both klisp and this
     47 manual will use specifications from other languages in these sections,
     48 trying to follow the Kernel spirit.  These instances will be documented
     49 throughout the manual.
     51    <p>Please mail comments and corrections to
     52 <a href="mailto:canavarro82@gmail.com">canavarro82@gmail.com</a>.
     54 <p class="noindent">
     55 <pre class="display">      &ndash;Andres Navarro
     56 </pre>
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