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Error-Messages.html (2367B)

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     36 <h4 class="subsection">1.3.4 Error Messages</h4>
     38 <p><a name="index-error-message-notation-6"></a>
     39   Some examples cause errors to be signaled.  The report doesn't
     40 specify what objects are passed to the error continuation, but in
     41 klisp, objects passed to the error continuation are encapsulated error
     42 objects that have at least a message and possibly some additional
     43 objects and context informations (such as source code location).  In
     44 the examples, the error message is shown on a line starting with
     45 &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">error--&gt;</span></samp>&rsquo;.
     47 <pre class="example">     (+ 23 #t)
     48      error--&gt; Wrong type argument: (expected number) (#t)
     49 </pre>
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