
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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     35 <!-- node-name,  next,  previous,  up -->
     36 <h2 class="chapter">2 Interpreter</h2>
     38 <p><a name="index-interpreter-12"></a>
     39 This section describes the <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp>, a Kernel Programming Language
     40 stand-alone interpreter.
     42 <h3 class="section">2.1 Invocation</h3>
     44 <p><samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> is invoked like this:
     45 <pre class="example">     klisp [options] [script]
     46 </pre>
     47    <h3 class="section">2.2 Description</h3>
     49 <p><samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> is a stand-alone klisp interpreter for the Kernel
     50 Programming Language.  It loads and evaluates Kernel programs in
     51 textual source form.  <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> can be used as a batch
     52 interpreter and also interactively.  The given <code>options</code>
     53 (see <a href="Command-Line-Options.html#Command-Line-Options">Command Line Options</a>) are evaluated and then the klisp
     54 program in file <code>script</code> is loaded and evaluated.  All
     55 evaluations mentioned, including the initialization that is described
     56 below, take place in the same (initially) standard environment. All
     57 values that result from these evaluation are discarded, but if the
     58 <code>root-continuation</code> or <code>error-continuation</code> are passed a
     59 value, the evaluation of <code>options</code> is interrupted and
     60 <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> terminates. 
     61 See <a href="Interpreter-Exit-Status.html#Interpreter-Exit-Status">Exit Status</a>, for a description of the
     62 exit status in each case.
     64    <p>The string <code>script</code> together with all arguments are available as
     65 a list of strings via the applicative <code>get-script-arguments</code>.  If
     66 these arguments contain spaces or other characters special to the
     67 shell, then they should be quoted (but note that the quotes will be
     68 removed by the shell).  The complete command line, including the name
     69 of the interpreter, options, the script, and its arguments are
     70 available as a list of strings via the applicative
     71 <code>get-interpreter-arguments</code>.
     73    <p>At the very beginning, before even handling the command line,
     74 <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> reads and evaluates the contents of the environment
     75 variable <code>KLISP_INIT</code>, if it is defined.  To use an init file,
     76 just define <code>KLISP_INIT</code> to the following form: <code>(load
     77 "/path/to/init-file")</code>.  Notice that <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> expects exactly one
     78 expression in <code>KLISP_INIT</code>, if it is defined.  So it is an error
     79 to have no expressions or more than one in <code>KLISP_INIT</code>.  The
     80 same is true of the argument to the <code>-e</code> option, as both are
     81 implemented in terms of <code>string-eval</code>. 
     82 <!-- TODO add xref to string-eval -->
     84    <p>In interactive mode, <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> prompts the user, reads
     85 expressions from the standard input, and evaluates them as they are
     86 read. The default prompt is "klisp&gt; ".
     88    <p><a name="Command-Line-Options"></a>
     90 <h3 class="section">2.3 Options</h3>
     92 <!-- @cindex Command Line Options -->
     93 <!-- TODO move this to an appendix -->
     94 <p>Options start with <samp><span class="option">-</span></samp> and are described below. You can use
     95 <samp><span class="option">--</span></samp> to signal the end of options. If no arguments are given,
     96 then <samp><span class="option">-v</span></samp>  <samp><span class="option">-i</span></samp> is assumed when the standard input is a
     97 terminal; otherwise, <samp><span class="option">-</span></samp> is assumed.  If no <var>script</var>, or
     98 option <samp><span class="option">-e</span></samp> or <code>-l</code> is given, <samp><span class="option">-i</span></samp> is assumed.
    100      <dl>
    101 <dt><samp><span class="option">-</span></samp><dd><!-- TODO implement option index @opindex - ... -->
    102 <!-- cindex ... -->
    103 load and execute the standard input as a file,
    104 that is,
    105 not interactively,
    106 even when the standard input is a terminal. 
    107 .TP
    109      <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-e </span><var>expr</var></samp><dd><!-- @opindex -e ... -->
    110 <!-- @cindex -e ... -->
    111 evaluate expression <var>expr</var>.  You need to quote <var>expr</var> if it
    112 contains spaces, quotes, or other characters special to the shell.
    114      <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-i</span></samp><dd><!-- @opindex -i ... -->
    115 <!-- @cindex -i ... -->
    116 enter interactive mode after <var>script</var> is executed.
    118      <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-l </span><var>name</var></samp><dd><!-- @opindex -l ... -->
    119 <!-- @cindex -l ... -->
    120 evaluate <code>(load "name")</code> before <var>script</var> is executed. 
    121 Typically used to do environment initialization.
    123      <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-r </span><var>name</var></samp><dd><!-- @opindex -r ... -->
    124 <!-- @cindex -r ... -->
    125 evaluate <code>(require "name")</code> before <var>script</var> is
    126 executed. Typically used to load libraries.
    128      <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-v</span></samp><dd><!-- @opindex -v ... -->
    129 <!-- @cindex -v ... -->
    130 show version and copyright information.
    132    </dl>
    134 <!-- TODO move this to an appendix -->
    135    <p><a name="Interpreter-Exit-Status"></a>
    137 <h3 class="section">2.4 Exit Status</h3>
    139 <!-- @cindex Exit Status -->
    140 <p>If the <var>script</var> or <samp><span class="file">stdin</span></samp> reach <var>EOF</var> or if there is no
    141 <var>script</var>, <code>EXIT_SUCCESS</code> is returned.  If the
    142 <var>error-continuation</var> is passed an object during init, arguments or script
    143 evaluation <code>EXIT_FAILURE</code> is returned.  If the
    144 <var>root-continuation</var> is passed an object, <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp> tries to
    145 convert the value passed to the <var>root-continuation</var> to an exit
    146 status as follows:
    148      <dl>
    149 <dt><code>integer</code><dd>If the value is an integer it is used as exit status.
    151      <br><dt><code>boolean</code><dd>If the value is a boolean then <code>EXIT_SUCCESS</code> is returned for
    152 <code>#t</code> and <code>EXIT_FAILURE</code> for <code>#f</code>.
    154      <br><dt><code>inert</code><dd>If the value is inert, then <code>EXIT_SUCCESS</code> is returned.
    156      <br><dt><code>else</code><dd>In any other case <code>EXIT_FAILURE</code> is returned. 
    157 </dl>
    159 <h3 class="section">2.5 Environment Variables</h3>
    161 <!-- @cindex Interpreter Environment Variables -->
    162 <p>The following environment variables affect the behaviour of <samp><span class="command">klisp</span></samp>
    164      <dl>
    165 <dt><samp><span class="env">KLISP_INIT</span></samp><dd><!-- TODO index for env variables -->
    166 A Kernel expression to be evaluated before any arguments to the
    167 interpreter.  To use an init file, just define <var>KLISP_INIT</var> to the
    168 following form <code>(load "/path/to/init-file")</code>
    170      <br><dt><samp><span class="env">KLISP_PATH</span></samp><dd>A semicolon separated list of templates for controlling the search of
    171 required files.  Each template can use the char <code>?</code> to be
    172 replaced by the required name at run-time.
    174    </dl>
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