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     35 <!-- node-name,  next,  previous,  up -->
     36 <h2 class="chapter">17 Ports</h2>
     38 <p><a name="index-ports-293"></a>
     39 A port is an object that mediates data from an input or to a
     40 destination.  In the former case, the port is an input port, in the
     41 latter case, an output port.  The data itself can consist of either
     42 characters or bytes.  In the former case the port is a textual port
     43 and in the latter case, a binary port.
     45    <p>There are three textual ports open, binded by dynamic variables, one
     46 for standard input, output, and error.
     48 <!-- TODO add xref to equal? & eq? -->
     49    <p>Although ports are not considered immutable, none of the operations on
     50 ports described in this section constitute mutation.  Ports are
     51 <code>equal?</code> iff <code>eq?</code>.  The port type is encapsulated.
     53    <p>An auxiliary data type used to signal the end of file was reached is
     54 <code>eof</code>. The eof type consists of a single immutable value, having
     55 an output only external representation (so that it can never be the
     56 normal result of a call to read).  The eof type is encapsulated.
     58    <p>SOURCE NOTE:  the eof type is not in the Kernel report, it is used in
     59 klisp and was taken from r7rs.
     61 <div class="defun">
     62 &mdash; Applicative: <b>port?</b> (<var>port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-port_003f-294"></a></var><br>
     63 <blockquote><p>The primitive type predicate for type port.  <code>port?</code>  returns
     64 true iff all the objects in <code>objects</code> are of type port. 
     65 </p></blockquote></div>
     67 <div class="defun">
     68 &mdash; Applicative: <b>input-port?</b> (<var>input-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-input_002dport_003f-295"></a></var><br>
     69 &mdash; Applicative: <b>output-port?</b> (<var>output-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-output_002dport_003f-296"></a></var><br>
     70 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>input-port?</code> is a predicate that returns true unless
     71 one or more of its arguments is not an input port.  Applicative
     72 <code>output-port?</code> is a predicate that returns true unless one or
     73 more of its arguments is not an output port.
     75         <p>Every port must be admitted by at least one of these two predicates. 
     76 </p></blockquote></div>
     78 <div class="defun">
     79 &mdash; Applicative: <b>textual-port?</b> (<var>textual-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-textual_002dport_003f-297"></a></var><br>
     80 &mdash; Applicative: <b>binary-port?</b> (<var>binary-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-binary_002dport_003f-298"></a></var><br>
     81 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>textual-port?</code> is a predicate that returns true
     82 unless one or more of its arguments is not a textual port. 
     83 Applicative <code>binary-port?</code> is a predicate that returns true
     84 unless one or more of its arguments is not a binary port.
     86         <p>Every port must be admitted by at least one of these two predicates.
     88         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from r7rs. 
     89 </p></blockquote></div>
     91 <div class="defun">
     92 &mdash; Applicative: <b>file-port?</b> (<var>file-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-file_002dport_003f-299"></a></var><br>
     93 &mdash; Applicative: <b>string-port?</b> (<var>string-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-string_002dport_003f-300"></a></var><br>
     94 &mdash; Applicative: <b>bytevector-port?</b> (<var>bytevector-port? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-bytevector_002dport_003f-301"></a></var><br>
     95 <blockquote><p>These applictives are predicates that returns true unless one or more
     96 of its arguments is not a file, string or bytevector port,
     97 repectively.
     99         <p>Every port in klisp is be admitted by exactly one of these predicates.
    101         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, but convenient in the face
    102 of the different port types admited by klisp. 
    103 </p></blockquote></div>
    105 <div class="defun">
    106 &mdash; Applicative: <b>port-open?</b> (<var>port-open? port</var>)<var><a name="index-port_002dopen_003f-302"></a></var><br>
    107 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>port-open?</code> returns true iff <code>port</code> is still
    108 open.
    110         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is taken from r7rs. 
    111 </p></blockquote></div>
    113 <div class="defun">
    114 &mdash; Applicative: <b>with-input-from-file</b> (<var>with-input-from-file string combiner</var>)<var><a name="index-with_002dinput_002dfrom_002dfile-303"></a></var><br>
    115 &mdash; Applicative: <b>with-output-to-file</b> (<var>with-output-to-file string combiner</var>)<var><a name="index-with_002doutput_002dto_002dfile-304"></a></var><br>
    116 &mdash; Applicative: <b>with-error-to-file</b> (<var>with-error-to-file string combiner</var>)<var><a name="index-with_002derror_002dto_002dfile-305"></a></var><br>
    117 <blockquote><!-- add xref get-current-input-port/get-current-output-port -->
    118         <p>These three applicatives open the file named in <code>string</code> for
    119 textual input or output, an invoke the binder of either the
    120 input-port, the output-port or the error-port keyed dynamic variables
    121 respectively with the opened port &amp; the passed <code>combiner</code> (this
    122 means that the combiner is called in a fresh, empty dynamic
    123 environment).  When/if the binder normally returns, the port is
    124 closed.  The result of the applicatives <code>with-input-from-file</code>
    125 and <code>with-output-from-file</code> is inert.
    127         <p>SOURCE NOTE: The first two are enumerated in the Kernel report but
    128 the text is still missing.  The third applicative is from r7rs. 
    129 </p></blockquote></div>
    131 <div class="defun">
    132 &mdash; Applicative: <b>get-current-input-port</b> (<var>get-current-input-port</var>)<var><a name="index-get_002dcurrent_002dinput_002dport-306"></a></var><br>
    133 &mdash; Applicative: <b>get-current-output-port</b> (<var>get-current-output-port</var>)<var><a name="index-get_002dcurrent_002doutput_002dport-307"></a></var><br>
    134 &mdash; Applicative: <b>get-current-error-port</b> (<var>get-current-error-port</var>)<var><a name="index-get_002dcurrent_002derror_002dport-308"></a></var><br>
    135 <blockquote><p>These are the accessors for the input-port, output-port, and
    136 error-port keyed dynamic variables repectively. 
    137 <!-- add xref to with-input-from-file, etc -->
    138 <!-- add xref and text for these dynamic vars -->
    140         <p>SOURCE NOTE: The first two are enumerated in the Kernel report but the
    141 text is still missing.  The third applicative is from r7rs. 
    142 </p></blockquote></div>
    144 <div class="defun">
    145 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-input-file</b> (<var>open-input-file string</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002dinput_002dfile-309"></a></var><br>
    146 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-binary-input-file</b> (<var>open-binary-input-file string</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002dbinary_002dinput_002dfile-310"></a></var><br>
    147 <blockquote><p><code>string</code> should be the name/path for an existing file.
    149         <p>Applicative <code>open-input-file</code> creates and returns a textual input
    150 port associated with the file represented with <code>string</code>. 
    151 Applicative <code>open-binary-input-file</code> creates and returns a binary
    152 input port associated with the file represented with <code>string</code>. 
    153 In either case, if the file can't be opened (e.g. because it doesn't
    154 exists, or there's a permissions problem), an error is signaled.
    156         <p>SOURCE NOTE: <code>open-input-file</code> is enumerated in the Kernel report
    157 but the text is still missing. <code>open-binary-input-file</code> is from
    158 r7rs. 
    159 </p></blockquote></div>
    161 <div class="defun">
    162 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-output-file</b> (<var>open-output-file string</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002doutput_002dfile-311"></a></var><br>
    163 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-binary-output-file</b> (<var>open-binary-output-file string</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002dbinary_002doutput_002dfile-312"></a></var><br>
    164 <blockquote><p><code>string</code> should be the name/path for an existing file.
    166         <p>Applicative <code>open-output-file</code> creates and returns a textual
    167 output port associated with the file represented with <code>string</code>. 
    168 Applicative <code>open-binary-output-file</code> creates and returns a
    169 binary output port associated with the file represented with
    170 <code>string</code>.  In either case, if the file can't be opened (e.g. if
    171 there's a permissions problem), an error is signaled.
    173         <p>In klisp, for now, applicative <code>open-output-file</code> and
    174 <code>open-binary-output-file</code> truncate the file if it already exists,
    175 but that could change later (i.e. like in Scheme the behaviour should
    176 be considered unspecified).
    178         <p>SOURCE NOTE: <code>open-output-file</code> is enumerated in the Kernel
    179 report but the text is still missing. <code>open-binary-output-file</code>
    180 is from r7rs. 
    181 </p></blockquote></div>
    183 <div class="defun">
    184 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-input-string</b> (<var>open-output-string string</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002dinput_002dstring-313"></a></var><br>
    185 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-input-bytevector</b> (<var>open-output-bytevector bytevector</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002dinput_002dbytevector-314"></a></var><br>
    186 <blockquote><p>These applicative return a fresh input port that reads characters or
    187 unsigned bytes from the passed sequence.
    189         <p>SOURCE NOTE: These are taken from r7rs. 
    190 </p></blockquote></div>
    192 <div class="defun">
    193 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-output-string</b> (<var>open-output-string</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002doutput_002dstring-315"></a></var><br>
    194 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>open-output-string</code> returns a fresh textual
    195 output port that accumulates characters.  The accumulated data can
    196 <!-- TODO add xref -->
    197 be obtained via applicative <code>get-output-string</code>.
    199         <p>SOURCE NOTE: This is taken from r7rs. 
    200 </p></blockquote></div>
    202 <div class="defun">
    203 &mdash; Applicative: <b>open-output-bytevector</b> (<var>open-output-bytevector</var>)<var><a name="index-open_002doutput_002dbytevector-316"></a></var><br>
    204 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>open-output-bytevector</code> returns a fresh binary
    205 output port that accumulates unsigned bytes.  The accumulated data can
    206 <!-- TODO add xref -->
    207 be obtained via applicative <code>get-output-bytevector</code>.
    209         <p>SOURCE NOTE: This is taken from r7rs. 
    210 </p></blockquote></div>
    212 <div class="defun">
    213 &mdash; Applicative: <b>close-input-file</b> (<var>close-input-file input-port</var>)<var><a name="index-close_002dinput_002dfile-317"></a></var><br>
    214 &mdash; Applicative: <b>close-output-file</b> (<var>close-output-file output-port</var>)<var><a name="index-close_002doutput_002dfile-318"></a></var><br>
    215 <blockquote><p>These applicatives close the port argument, so that no more
    216 input/output may be performed on them, and the resources can be freed. 
    217 If the port was already closed these applicatives have no effect.
    219         <p>The result returned by applicatives <code>close-input-file</code> and
    220 <code>close-output-file</code> is inert.
    222         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is enumerated in the Kernel report but the text is
    223 still missing.  There's probably a name error here.  These should
    224 probably be called close-input-port &amp; close-output-port. 
    225 </p></blockquote></div>
    227 <div class="defun">
    228 &mdash; Applicative: <b>close-input-port</b> (<var>close-input-port input-port</var>)<var><a name="index-close_002dinput_002dport-319"></a></var><br>
    229 &mdash; Applicative: <b>close-output-port</b> (<var>close-output-port output-port</var>)<var><a name="index-close_002doutput_002dport-320"></a></var><br>
    230 &mdash; Applicative: <b>close-port</b> (<var>close-port port</var>)<var><a name="index-close_002dport-321"></a></var><br>
    231 <blockquote><p>These applicatives close the port argument, so that no more
    232 input/output may be performed on them, and the resources can be freed. 
    233 If the port was already closed these applicatives have no effect.  If
    234 at some time klisp provided input/output ports these could be used to
    235 selectively close only one direction of the port.
    237         <p>The result returned by applicatives <code>close-input-port</code>,
    238 <code>close-output-port</code>, and <code>close-port</code> is inert.
    240         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is from r7rs. The equivalent <code>close-input-file</code>
    241 and <code>close-output-file</code> are probably name errors and only
    242 retained here till the draft standard rectifies them. 
    243 </p></blockquote></div>
    245 <div class="defun">
    246 &mdash; Applicative: <b>get-output-string</b> (<var>get-output-string port</var>)<var><a name="index-get_002doutput_002dstring-322"></a></var><br>
    247 <blockquote><p><code>port</code> should be a string output port.
    249         <p>Applicative <code>get-output-string</code> returns a freshly created mutable
    250 string representing the characters accumulated in <code>port</code> so far. 
    251 <code>port</code> can be either open or closed.
    253         <p>SOURCE NOTE: This is taken from r7rs. 
    254 </p></blockquote></div>
    256 <div class="defun">
    257 &mdash; Applicative: <b>get-output-bytevector</b> (<var>get-output-bytevector port</var>)<var><a name="index-get_002doutput_002dbytevector-323"></a></var><br>
    258 <blockquote><p><code>port</code> should be a bytevector output port.
    260         <p>Applicative <code>get-output-bytevector</code> returns a freshly created mutable
    261 bytevector representing the unsigned bytes accumulated in <code>port</code>
    262 so far. 
    263 <code>port</code> can be either open or closed.
    265         <p>SOURCE NOTE: This is taken from r7rs. 
    266 </p></blockquote></div>
    268 <div class="defun">
    269 &mdash; Applicative: <b>read</b> (<var>read </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-read-324"></a></var><br>
    270 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    271 of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    272 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual input
    273 port.
    275         <p>Applicative <code>read</code> reads &amp; returns the next parseable object from
    276 the given port, or the <code>eof</code> if no objects remain.  If
    277 <code>read</code> finds and unparseable object in the port, an error is
    278 signaled.  In that case, the remaining position in the port is
    279 unspecified.
    281         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is enumerated in the Kernel report but the text is
    282 still missing. 
    283 </p></blockquote></div>
    285 <div class="defun">
    286 &mdash; Applicative: <b>write</b> (<var>write object </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-write-325"></a></var><br>
    287 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    288 of the <code>output-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    289 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual output
    290 port.
    292      <!-- TODO add xref to external representation -->
    293         <p>Applicative <code>write</code> writes an external representation of
    294 <code>object</code> to the specified port.  This may be an output-only
    295 representation that can't be read by applicative <code>read</code> in cases
    296 where the type of <code>object</code> doen't have a parseable external
    297 representation (e.g. combiners and environments).  The result returned
    298 by <code>write</code> is inert.  <code>write</code> is guaranteed to terminate
    299 even in the case of objects with shared or cyclic structure.  In those
    300 cases <code>write</code> will use special syntax to preserve sharing info. 
    301 <!-- TODO add section and xref on sharing external representation -->
    303         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is enumerated in the Kernel report but the text is
    304 still missing. 
    305 </p></blockquote></div>
    307 <div class="defun">
    308 &mdash; Applicative: <b>write-simple</b> (<var>write-simple object </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-write_002dsimple-326"></a></var><br>
    309 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>write-simple</code> is like <code>write</code> except that it
    310 doesn't write sharing info. It will hang if handed a cyclic structure.
    312         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is taken from r7rs. 
    313 </p></blockquote></div>
    315 <div class="defun">
    316 &mdash; Applicative: <b>eof-object?</b> (<var>eof-object? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-eof_002dobject_003f-327"></a></var><br>
    317 <blockquote><p>The primitive type predicate for type eof.  <code>eof-object?</code>
    318 returns true iff all the objects in <code>objects</code> are of type eof.
    320         <p>SOURCE NOTE: This is not in the report, the idea is from Scheme.  The
    321 <code>eof-object?</code> name is also from Scheme, but this will probably be
    322 changed to just <code>eof?</code>, for consistency with the other primitive
    323 type predicates. 
    324 </p></blockquote></div>
    326 <div class="defun">
    327 &mdash; Applicative: <b>newline</b> (<var>newline </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-newline-328"></a></var><br>
    328 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    329 of the <code>output-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    330 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual output
    331 port.
    333         <p>Applicative <code>newline</code> writes a newline to the specified port. 
    334 The result returned by <code>newline</code> is inert.
    336         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from Scheme. 
    337 </p></blockquote></div>
    339 <div class="defun">
    340 &mdash; Applicative: <b>display</b> (<var>display object </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-display-329"></a></var><br>
    341 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    342 of the <code>output-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    343 is not a textual output port, or is closed, an error is signaled.
    345         <p>Applicative <code>display</code> behaves like <code>write</code> except that
    346 strings are not enclosed in double quotes and no character is escaped
    347 within those strings and character objects are output as if by
    348 <code>write-char</code> instead of <code>write</code>. The result returned by
    349 <code>display</code> is inert.
    351         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from Scheme. 
    352 </p></blockquote></div>
    354 <div class="defun">
    355 &mdash; Applicative: <b>read-line</b> (<var>read-line </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-read_002dline-330"></a></var><br>
    356 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    357 of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    358 is closed or if it is not a textual input port, an error is signaled.
    360         <p>Applicative <code>read-line</code>
    362         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is taken from r7rs. 
    363 </p></blockquote></div>
    365 <div class="defun">
    366 &mdash; Applicative: <b>flush-output-port</b> (<var>flush-output-port </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-flush_002doutput_002dport-331"></a></var><br>
    367 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    368 of the <code>output-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    369 is closed or if it is not an output port, an error is signaled.
    371         <p>Applicative <code>flush-output-port</code> flushes any buffered data in the
    372 output port to the underlying object (file, socket, pipe, memory
    373 sector, device, etc).  The result returned by <code>flush-output-port</code>
    374 is inert.
    376         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from r7rs. 
    377 </p></blockquote></div>
    379 <div class="defun">
    380 &mdash; Applicative: <b>write-char</b> (<var>write-char char </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-write_002dchar-332"></a></var><br>
    381 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the
    382 value of the <code>output-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the
    383 port is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual
    384 output port.
    386         <p>Applicative <code>write-char</code> writes the <code>char</code> character (not
    387 an external representation of the character) to the specified port. 
    388 The result returned by <code>write-char</code> is inert.
    390         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from Scheme. 
    391 </p></blockquote></div>
    393 <div class="defun">
    394 &mdash; Applicative: <b>read-char</b> (<var>read-char </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-read_002dchar-333"></a></var><br>
    395 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    396 of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    397 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual input
    398 port.
    400         <p>Applicative <code>read-char</code> reads and returns a character (not an
    401 external representation of a character) from the specified port, or an
    402 <code>eof</code> if the end of file was reached.
    404         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from Scheme. 
    405 </p></blockquote></div>
    407 <div class="defun">
    408 &mdash; Applicative: <b>peek-char</b> (<var>peek-char </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-peek_002dchar-334"></a></var><br>
    409 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    410 of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    411 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual input
    412 port.
    414         <p>Applicative <code>peek-char</code> reads and returns a character (not an
    415 external representation of a character) from the specified port, or an
    416 <code>eof</code> if the end of file was reached.  The position of the port
    417 remains unchanged so that new call to <code>peek-char</code> or
    418 <code>read-char</code> on the same port return the same character.
    420         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from Scheme. 
    421 </p></blockquote></div>
    423 <div class="defun">
    424 &mdash; Applicative: <b>char-ready?</b> (<var>char-ready? </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-char_002dready_003f-335"></a></var><br>
    425 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    426 of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    427 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a textual input
    428 port.
    430         <p>Predicate <code>char-ready?</code> checks to see if a character is available
    431 in the specified port.  If it returns true, then a <code>read-char</code> or
    432 <code>peek-char</code> on that port is guaranteed not to block/hang.  For
    433 now in klisp this is hardcoded to <code>#t</code> because the code to do
    434 this is non-portable.
    436         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from Scheme. 
    437 </p></blockquote></div>
    439 <div class="defun">
    440 &mdash; Applicative: <b>write-u8</b> (<var>write-u8 u8 </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-write_002du8-336"></a></var><br>
    441 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the
    442 value of the <code>output-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the
    443 port is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a binary
    444 output port.
    446         <p>Applicative <code>write-u8</code> writes the byte represented by the
    447 unsigned integer <code>u8</code>, that should be between 0 and 255 inclusive,
    448 (not an external representation of byte) to the specified port.  The
    449 result returned by <code>write-u8</code> is inert.
    451         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from r7rs. 
    452 </p></blockquote></div>
    454 <div class="defun">
    455 &mdash; Applicative: <b>read-u8</b> (<var>read-u8 </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-read_002du8-337"></a></var><br>
    456 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the value
    457 of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the port
    458 is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a binary input
    459 port.
    461         <p>Applicative <code>read-u8</code> reads and returns a byte as an exact
    462 unsigned integer between 0 and 255 inclusive (not an external
    463 representation of a byte) from the specified port, or an <code>eof</code> if
    464 the end of file was reached.
    466         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from r7rs. 
    467 </p></blockquote></div>
    469 <div class="defun">
    470 &mdash; Applicative: <b>peek-u8</b> (<var>peek-u8 </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-peek_002du8-338"></a></var><br>
    471 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the
    472 value of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the
    473 port is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a binary
    474 input port.
    476         <p>Applicative <code>peek-u8</code> reads and returns a byte as an exact
    477 unsigned integer between 0 and 255 inclusive (not an external
    478 representation of a byte) from the specified port, or an <code>eof</code> if
    479 the end of file was reached.  The position of the port remains
    480 unchanged so that new call to <code>peek-u8</code> or <code>read-u8</code> on the
    481 same port return the same byte.
    483         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from r7rs. 
    484 </p></blockquote></div>
    486 <div class="defun">
    487 &mdash; Applicative: <b>u8-ready?</b> (<var>u8-ready? </var>[<var>port</var>])<var><a name="index-u8_002dready_003f-339"></a></var><br>
    488 <blockquote><p>If the <code>port</code> optional argument is not specified, then the
    489 value of the <code>input-port</code> keyed dynamic variable is used.  If the
    490 port is closed, an error is signaled.  The port should be a binary
    491 input port.
    493         <p>Predicate <code>u8-ready?</code> checks to see if a byte is
    494 available in the specified port.  If it returns true, then a
    495 <code>read-u8</code> or <code>peek-u8</code> on that port is guaranteed not to
    496 block/hang.  For now in klisp this is hardcoded to <code>#t</code> because
    497 the code to do this is non-portable.
    499         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is missing from Kernel, it is taken from r7rs. 
    500 </p></blockquote></div>
    502 <div class="defun">
    503 &mdash; Applicative: <b>call-with-input-file</b> (<var>call-with-input-file string combiner</var>)<var><a name="index-call_002dwith_002dinput_002dfile-340"></a></var><br>
    504 &mdash; Applicative: <b>call-with-output-file</b> (<var>call-with-output-file string combiner</var>)<var><a name="index-call_002dwith_002doutput_002dfile-341"></a></var><br>
    505 <blockquote><p>These applicatives open file named in <code>string</code> for textual
    506 input/output respectively and call their <code>combiner</code> argument in a
    507 fresh empty environment passing it as a sole operand the opened port. 
    508 When/if the combiner normally returns a value the port is closed and
    509 that value is returned as the result of the applicative.
    511         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is enumerated in the Kernel report but the text is
    512 still missing. 
    513 </p></blockquote></div>
    515 <div class="defun">
    516 &mdash; Applicative: <b>load</b> (<var>load string</var>)<var><a name="index-load-342"></a></var><br>
    517 <blockquote><!-- TODO add xref, open/input, read -->
    518         <p>Applicative <code>load</code> opens the file named <code>string</code> for textual
    519 input; reads immutable objects from the file until the end of the file
    520 is reached; evaluates those objects consecutively in the created
    521 environment.  The result from applicative <code>load</code> is inert.
    523         <p>Notice that if <code>string</code> is a relative path it is looked in the
    524 current directory (whatever that means in your OS, normally the
    525 directory from which the interpreted was run or the directory where
    526 the interpreter executable lives).  klisp doesn't track the directory
    527 from which the current code was read, so there's in principle no way
    528 to load a file in the same directory as the currently executing code
    529 with a relative path.  See <code>find-required-filename</code> for a way to
    530 look for a file in a number of directories.
    532         <p>SOURCE NOTE: load is enumerated in the Kernel report, but the
    533 description is not there yet.  This seems like a sane way to define
    534 it, taking the description of <code>get-module</code> that there is in the
    535 report.  The one detail that I think is still open, is whether to
    536 return <code>#inert</code> (as is the case with klisp currently) or rather
    537 return the value of the last evaluation. 
    538 </p></blockquote></div>
    540 <div class="defun">
    541 &mdash; Applicative: <b>require</b> (<var>require string</var>)<var><a name="index-require-343"></a></var><br>
    542 <blockquote><p>Applicative <code>require</code> looks for <code>string</code> following the
    543 algorithm described in applicative <code>find-required-filename</code>.  If
    544 an appropriate file can't be found, and error is signaled.  Otherwise,
    545 the file is opened for textual input; immutable objects are read and
    546 acumulated until the end of file is found; those objects are evaluated
    547 in a fresh standard environment; the results of evaluation are
    548 discarded and the result from applicative <code>require</code> is inert.
    550         <p>Applicative <code>require</code> also register <code>string</code> (as via
    551 applicative <code>register-requirement!</code>) so that subsequent calls to
    552 <code>require</code> with exactly the same <code>string</code> will not cause any
    553 search or evaluation.  The mechanism used for this can also be
    554 manipulated directly by the programmer via applicatives
    555 <code>registered-requirement?</code>, <code>register-requirement!</code>,
    556 <code>unregister-requirement!</code>, and <code>find-required-filename</code>. 
    557 <!-- TODO add xref to fresh standard environment -->
    559         <p>Applicative <code>require</code> is useful to load klisp libraries.
    561         <p>SOURCE NOTE: require is taken from lua and r7rs. 
    562 </p></blockquote></div>
    564 <div class="defun">
    565 &mdash; Applicative: <b>registered-requirement?</b> (<var>registered-requirement? string</var>)<var><a name="index-registered_002drequirement_003f-344"></a></var><br>
    566 &mdash; Applicative: <b>register-requirement!</b> (<var>register-requirement! string</var>)<var><a name="index-register_002drequirement_0021-345"></a></var><br>
    567 &mdash; Applicative: <b>unregister-requirement!</b> (<var>unregister-requirement! string</var>)<var><a name="index-unregister_002drequirement_0021-346"></a></var><br>
    568 &mdash; Applicative: <b>find-required-filename</b> (<var>find-required-filename string</var>)<var><a name="index-find_002drequired_002dfilename-347"></a></var><br>
    569 <blockquote><p><code>string</code> should be non-empty.
    571         <p>These applicatives control the underlying facilities used by
    572 <code>require</code> to register already required files.  Predicate
    573 <code>registered-requirement?</code> returns true iff <code>string</code> is
    574 already registered.  <code>register-requirement!</code> marks <code>string</code>
    575 as registered (throws an error if it was already registered). 
    576 <code>unregister-requirement!</code> marks <code>string</code> as not being
    577 registered (throws an error if it wasn't registered). 
    578 <code>find-required-filename</code> looks for an appropriate file for
    579 <code>string</code> using the algorithm described below.
    581         <p>filename search in controlled by environment variable
    582 <code>KLISP_PATH</code>.  This environment variable should be a list of
    583 templates separated with semicolons (&ldquo;;&rdquo;).  Each template is a
    584 string that may contain embedded question mark characters (&ldquo;?&rdquo;) to
    585 be replaced with <code>string</code>.  After replacements, each template
    586 represents the path to a file.  All templates are probed in order, and
    587 the first to name an existing readable file is returned.  If no
    588 template corresponds to an existing readable file, an error is
    589 signaled.
    591         <p>NOTE: in the future there will be some mechanism to alter the search
    592 algorithm dinamically, in the meantime this environment variable is
    593 the only way to customize it.
    595         <p>SOURCE NOTE: this is not in Kernel, they are supplied per guideline
    596 G1b of the report (extensibility), so that klisp programs can easily
    597 duplicate the behaviour of <code>require</code>
    598 </p></blockquote></div>
    600 <div class="defun">
    601 &mdash; Applicative: <b>get-module</b> (<var>get-module string </var>[<var>environment</var>])<var><a name="index-get_002dmodule-348"></a></var><br>
    602 <blockquote><!-- TODO add xref standard-environment, open/input, read -->
    603         <p>Applicative <code>get-module</code> creates a fresh standard environment;
    604 opens the file named <code>string</code> for textual input; reads objects
    605 from the file until the end of the file is reached; evaluates those
    606 objects consecutively in the created environment; and, lastly, returns
    607 the created environment.  If the optional argument <code>environment</code>
    608 is specified, the freshly created standard environment is augmented,
    609 prior to evaluating read expressions, by binding symbol
    610 <code>module-parameters</code> to the <code>environment</code> argument. 
    611 </p></blockquote></div>
    613 <!-- *-texinfo-*- -->
    614    </body></html>