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     36 <h2 class="chapter">5 Symbols</h2>
     38 <p><a name="index-symbols-23"></a><!-- TODO add xref to eq?, identifiers, etc -->
     39   Two symbols are eq? iff they have the same external
     40 representation. Symbols are immutable, and the symbol type is
     41 encapsulated.  The external representations of symbols are usually
     42 identifiers.  However, symbols with other external representations may
     43 <!-- TODO add xref to string->symbol -->
     44 be created.  Symbols whose external representation is enclosed within
     45 &ldquo;|&rdquo; (that is &ldquo;| ... |&rdquo;) can contain any character supported by
     46 klisp, &ldquo;|&rdquo; and &ldquo;\&rdquo; can be included by escaping them with a leading
     47 &ldquo;\&rdquo; (that is &ldquo;\|&rdquo; and &ldquo;\\&rdquo;).  Characters in symbols can also be
     48 specified with a unicode hex escape by using the syntax &ldquo;\x&lt;hex
     49 codepoint&gt;;&rdquo;.  This works whether using the &ldquo;| ... |&rdquo; syntax or
     50 not.
     52 <div class="defun">
     53 &mdash; Applicative: <b>symbol?</b> (<var>symbol? . objects</var>)<var><a name="index-symbol_003f-24"></a></var><br>
     54 <blockquote><p>  The primitive type predicate for type symbol.  <code>symbol?</code>
     55 returns true iff all the objects in <code>objects</code> are of type symbol. 
     56 </p></blockquote></div>
     58 <div class="defun">
     59 &mdash; Applicative: <b>symbol-&gt;string</b> (<var>symbol-&gt;string symbol</var>)<var><a name="index-symbol_002d_003estring-25"></a></var><br>
     60 <blockquote><p>  Applicative <code>symbol-&gt;string</code> returns the name of <code>symbol</code>
     61 as a string.  The string returned is immutable. 
     62 </p></blockquote></div>
     64 <div class="defun">
     65 &mdash; Applicative: <b>string-&gt;symbol</b> (<var>string-&gt;symbol string</var>)<var><a name="index-string_002d_003esymbol-26"></a></var><br>
     66 <blockquote><p>  Applicative <code>string-&gt;symbol</code> returns the symbol with name
     67 <code>string</code>.  The symbol is always interned, which means, that it is
     68 always the case that:
     69      <pre class="example">          (eq? &lt;symbol&gt; (string-&gt;symbol (symbol-&gt;string &lt;symbol&gt;)))
     70                &rArr; #t
     71 </pre>
     72         <!-- TODO add xrefs for external representation -->
     73         <p><code>string-&gt;symbol</code> can create symbols whose external
     74 representation aren't identifiers.  klisp uses the r7rs external
     75 representation for such symbols and so all symbols can be written and
     76 read back. 
     77 </p></blockquote></div>
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