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bytevectors.texi (6056B)

      1 @c -*-texinfo-*-
      2 @setfilename ../src/bytevectors
      4 @node Bytevectors, Errors, Vectors, Top
      5 @comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
      7 @chapter Bytevectors
      8 @cindex Bytevectors
     10 A bytevector is an object that contains a sequence of bytes, that is,
     11 exact integers between 0 and 255 inclusive.  A bytevector has a length
     12 that is fixed at creation time, and as many bytes, indexed from
     13 @code{0} to @code{length-1}.  Compared to vectors, bytevectors use
     14 less size for each element.
     16 Bytevectors may be mutable or immutable.  If an attempt is made to
     17 mutate an immutable bytevector, an error is signaled.  Two immutable
     18 bytevectors are ``eq?'' iff they are ``equal?''.  Two mutable
     19 bytevectors are ``eq?'' if they were created by the same constructor
     20 call.  Two mutable bytevectors are ``equal?'' iff they have the same
     21 length and have ``equal?''  bytes in each position.  There is only one
     22 empty bytevector (that is, a bytevector of length 0) and that
     23 bytevector is immutable.  The bytevector type is encapsulated.
     25 SOURCE NOTE: The report doesn't currently include bytevectors. They
     26 are taken from r7rs scheme.
     28 @deffn Applicative bytevector? (bytevector? . obje)
     29 The primitive type predicate for type bytevector.  @code{bytevector?}
     30 returns true iff all the objects in @code{objects} are of type
     31 bytevector.
     32 @end deffn
     34 @deffn Applicative immutable-bytevector? (immutable-bytevector? objects)
     35 @deffnx Applicative mutable-bytevector? (mutable-bytevector? objects)
     36 The primitive type predicates for types immutable bytevector and
     37 mutable bytevector.  These return true iff all the objects in
     38 @code{objects} are of type immutable bytevector or mutable bytevector
     39 respectively.
     40 @end deffn
     42 @deffn Applicative make-bytevector (make-bytevector k [u8])
     43 Applicative @code{make-bytevector} constructs and returns a new
     44 mutable bytevector of length @code{k}.  If @code{u8} is specified,
     45 then all bytes in the returned bytevector are @code{obj}, otherwise
     46 the content of the bytevector is unspecified.
     47 @end deffn
     49 @deffn Applicative bytevector-length (bytevector-length bytevector)
     50 Applicative @code{bytevector-length} returns the length of
     51 @code{bytevector}.
     52 @end deffn
     54 @deffn Applicative bytevector-ref (bytevector-ref bytevector k)
     55 Applicative @code{bytevector-ref} returns the byte of
     56 @code{bytevector} at position @code{k}.  If @code{k} is out of bounds
     57 (i.e. less than @code{0} or greater or equal than
     58 @code{(bytevector-length bytevector)}) an error is signaled.
     59 @end deffn
     61 @deffn Applicative bytevector-set! (bytevector-set! bytevector k u8)
     62 Applicative @code{bytevector-set!} replaces the byte with index
     63 @code{k} in @code{bytevector} with byte @code{u8}.  If @code{k} is out
     64 of bounds, or @code{bytevector} is immutable, an error is
     65 signaled. The result returned by @code{bytevector-set!} is inert.
     66 @end deffn
     68 @deffn Applicative bytevector (bytevector . u8s)
     69 Applicative @code{bytevector} contructs and return a new mutable
     70 bytevector composed of the byte arguments.
     71 @end deffn
     73 @deffn Applicative bytevector->list (bytevector->list bytevector)
     74 @deffnx Applicative list->bytevector (list->bytevector u8s)
     75 These applicatives convert between bytevectors and lists of bytes.  If
     76 the list passed to @code{list->bytevector} contains an object that
     77 isn't a byte, an error is signaled.  The objects returned by these
     78 applicatives are always mutable.
     79 @end deffn
     81 @deffn Applicative bytevector-copy (bytevector-copy bytevector)
     82 Applicative @code{bytevector-copy} constructs and returns a new
     83 mutable bytevector with the same length and bytes as
     84 @code{bytevector}.
     85 @end deffn
     87 @deffn Applicative bytevector->vector (bytevector->vector bytevector)
     88 @deffnx Applicative vector->bytevector (vector->bytevector vector)
     89 These applicatives convert between bytevectors and vectors.  If a
     90 vector containing objects other than bytes (exact integers between 0
     91 and 255 inclusive) is passed to @code{vector->bytevector}, an error is
     92 signaled.  The objects returned by these applicatives are always
     93 mutable.
     94 @end deffn
     96 @deffn Applicative bytevector-copy! (bytevector-copy! bytevector1 bytevector2)
     97 bytevector2 should have a length greater than or equal to that of
     98 bytevector1.
    100 Copies the bytes in bytevector1 to the corresponding positions in
    101 bytevector2.  If bytevector2 is immutable, an error is signaled.  The
    102 result returned by @code{bytevector-copy!} is inert.
    103 @end deffn
    105 @deffn Applicative bytevector-copy-partial (bytevector-copy-partial bytevector k1 k2)
    106 Both @code{k1} & @code{k2} should be valid indexes in
    107 @code{bytevector}.  Also it should be the case that @code{k1 <= k2}.
    109 Applicative @code{bytevector-copy-partial} constructs and returns a
    110 new mutable bytevector with length @code{k2 - k1}, with the bytes from
    111 @code{bytevector}, starting at index @code{k1} (inclusive) and ending
    112 at index @code{k2} (exclusive).
    113 @end deffn
    115 @deffn Applicative bytevector-copy-partial! (bytevector-copy-partial! bytevector1 k1 k2 bytevector2 k3)
    116 Both @code{k1} & @code{k2-1} should be valid indexes in
    117 @code{bytevector1}.  Also it should be the case that @code{k1 <= k2}.
    118 Both @code{k3} & @code{k3 + (k2-k1) - 1} should be valid indexes in
    119 @code{bytevector2}.
    121 Applicative @code{bytevector-copy-partial!} copies bytes k1
    122 (inclusive) through k2 (exclusive) from @code{bytevector1} to the
    123 @code{k2-k1} positions in @code{bytevector2} starting at @code{k3}.
    124 If @code{bytevector2} is an immutable bytevector, an error is
    125 signaled.  The result returned by @code{bytevector-copy-partial!} is
    126 inert.
    127 @end deffn
    129 @deffn Applicative bytevector-fill! (bytevector-fill! bytevector u8)
    130 Applicative @code{bytevector-fill!} replaces all the bytes in
    131 @code{bytevector} with byte @code{u8}.  If @code{bytevector} is an
    132 immutable bytevector, an error is signaled.  The result
    133 returned by @code{bytevector-fill!} is inert.
    134 @end deffn
    136 @deffn Applicative bytevector->immutable-bytevector (bytevector->immutable-bytevector bytevector)
    137 Applicative @code{bytevector->immutable-bytevector} constructs and
    138 returns a new immutable bytevector with the same length and bytes as
    139 @code{bytevector}.
    140 @end deffn