
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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environments.texi (11914B)

      1 @c -*-texinfo-*-
      2 @setfilename ../src/environments
      4 @node Environments, Combiners, Pairs and lists, Top
      5 @comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
      7 @chapter Environments
      8 @cindex environments
      9 @cindex ignore
     11   An environment consists of a set of bindings, and a list of zero or
     12 more references to other environments called its parents.  
     13 @c TODO add xref to lookup algo & ground env
     14 Changing the set of bindings of an environment, or setting the
     15 referent of the reference in a binding, is a mutation of the
     16 environment. (Changing the parent list, or a referent in the list,
     17 would be a mutation of the environment too, but there is no facility
     18 provided to do it.) The Kernel data type environment is encapsulated.
     19 Among other things, there is no facility provided for enumerating all
     20 the variables exhibited by an environment (which is not required,
     21 after all, to be a finite set), and no facility for identifying the
     22 parents of an environment.  Two environments are @code{equal?} iff
     23 they are @code{eq?}.
     25   An auxiliary data type used by combiners that perform binding is
     26 ignore. The ignore type consists of a single immutable value, having
     27 external representation @code{#ignore}.  The ignore type is
     28 encapsulated.
     30 @deffn Applicative environment? (environment? . objects)
     31   The primitive type predicate for type environment.
     32 @code{environment?} returns true iff all the objects in @code{objects}
     33 are of type environment.
     34 @end deffn
     36 @deffn Applicative ignore? (ignore? . objects)
     37   The primitive type predicate for type ignore.  @code{ignore?}
     38 returns true iff all the objects in @code{objects} are of type ignore.
     39 @end deffn
     41 @deffn Applicative eval (eval expression environment)
     42 @c TODO add xref to tail context
     43 @c TODO add xref to evaluation description
     44 The @code{eval} applicative evaluates @code{expression} in
     45 @code{environment}, as a tail context, returning the resulting value.
     46 @end deffn
     48 @deffn Applicative make-environment (make-environment . environments)
     49   The applicative constructs and returns a new environment, with
     50 initially no local bindings, and parent environments the environments
     51 listed in @code{environments}. The constructed environment internally
     52 stores its list of parents independent of the first-class list
     53 @code{environments}, so that subsequent mutation of
     54 @code{environments} will not change the parentage of the constructed
     55 environment. If the provided list @code{environments} is cyclic, the
     56 constructed environment will still check each of its parents at most
     57 once, and signal an error if no binding is found locally or in any of
     58 @c TODO add xref to cons, mutation, eq? and equal?
     59 the parents.  No two objects returned by different calls to
     60 @code{make-environment} are @code{eq?} to each other.
     61 @end deffn
     63 @deffn Operative $define! ($define! <definiend> <expression>)
     64 @c TODO move formal parameter tree definition to the intro
     65 @c TODO move matching definition to the intro
     66   @code{<definiend>} should be a formal parameter tree, as described
     67 below; otherwise, an error is signaled.  
     69   The @code{$define!} operative evaluates @code{<expression>} in the
     70 dynamic environment and matches @code{<definiend>} to the result in
     71 the dynamic environment, binding each symbol in definiend in the
     72 dynamic environment to the corresponding part of the result; the
     73 matching process will be further described below. The ancestors of the
     74 dynamic environment, if any, are unaffected by the matching process,
     75 as are all bindings, local to the dynamic environment, of symbols not
     76 in @code{<definiend>}.  The result returned by @code{$define!} is
     77 inert.
     79   A formal parameter tree has the following context-free structure:
     80 @example
     81 ptree:: symbol | #ignore | () | (ptree . ptree) 
     82 @end example
     84   That is, a formal parameter tree is either a symbol, or ignore, or
     85 nil, or a pair whose car and cdr referents are formal parameter trees.
     86 A formal parameter tree must also be acyclic, and no one symbol can
     87 occur more than once in it.  It is not an error for a pair in the tree
     88 to be reachable from the root by more than one path, as long as there
     89 is no cycle; but if any particular symbol were reachable from the root
     90 by more than one path, that would count as occurring more than once.
     91 Thus, if a pair is reachable by more than one path, there must be no
     92 symbols reachable from it.
     94   Matching of a formal parameter tree @code{t} to an object @code{o}
     95 in an environment @code{e} proceeds recursively as follows.  If the
     96 matching process fails, an error is signaled.  
     97 @itemize @bullet
     98 @item
     99 If @code{t} is a symbol, then @code{t} is bound to @code{o} in
    100 @code{e}.
    102 @item
    103 If @code{t} is @code{#ignore}, no action is taken.
    105 @item
    106 If @code{t} is nil, then @code{o} must be nil (else matching fails).  
    108 @item
    109 If @code{t} is a pair, then @code{o} must be a pair (else matching
    110 fails). The car of @code{t} is matched to the car of @code{o} in
    111 @code{e}, and the cdr of @code{t} is matched to the cdr of @code{o} in
    112 @code{e}.
    113 @end itemize
    114 @end deffn
    116 @deffn Operative $let ($let <bindings> . <objects>)
    117 @c TODO add xref to formal parameter tree
    118   @code{<bindings>} should be a finite list of
    119 formal-parameter-tree/expression pairings, each of the form
    120 @code{(formals expression)}, where each @code{formals} is a formal
    121 parameter, and no symbol occurs in more than one of the
    122 @code{formals}.  
    124 The following equivalence holds:
    126 @example
    127 ($let ((form1 exp1) ... (formn expn)) . objects) @equiv{}
    128   (($lambda (form1 ... formn) . objects) exp1 ... expn) 
    129 @end example
    131 @c TODO add xref to tail context
    132 Thus, the @code{expk} are first evaluated in the dynamic environment,
    133 in any order; then a child environment @code{e} of the dynamic
    134 environment is created, with the @code{formk} matched in @code{e} to
    135 the results of the evaluations of the @code{expk}; and finally the
    136 subexpressions of @code{objects} are evaluated in @code{e} from left
    137 to right, with the last (if any) evaluated as a tail context, or if
    138 @code{objects} is empty the result is inert.
    139 @end deffn
    141 @deffn Operative $binds? ($binds? <exp> . <symbols>)
    142   Operative @code{$binds} evaluates @code{<exp>} in the dynamic
    143 environment; call the result @code{env}.  @code{env} must be an
    144 environment.  The operative is a predicate that returns true iff all
    145 its later operands, @code{<symbols>}, are visibly bound in @code{env}.
    146 @end deffn
    148 @deffn Applicative get-current-environment (get-current-environment)
    149   The @code{get-current-environment} applicative returns the dynamic
    150 environment in which it is called.
    151 @end deffn
    153 @deffn Applicative make-kernel-standard-environment (make-kernel-standard-environment)
    154 @c TODO add xref to ground environment/standard environment
    155   The @code{make-kernel-standard-environment} applicative returns a
    156 standard environment; that is, a child of the ground environment with
    157 no local bindings.
    158 @end deffn
    160 @deffn Operative $let* ($let* <bindings> . <body>)
    161 @c TODO add xref to formal ptree
    162   @code{<bindings>} should be a finite list of
    163 formal-parameter-tree/expression pairings, each of the form
    164 @code{(formals expression)}, where each @code{formals} is a formal
    165 parameter tree; @code{<body>} should be a list of expressions.  
    167 The following equivalences hold:
    169 @example
    170 ($let* () . body) @equiv{} ($let () . body)
    172 ($let* ((form exp) . bindings) . body) @equiv{}
    173   ($let ((form exp)) ($let* bindings . body))
    174 @end example
    175 @end deffn
    177 @deffn Operative $letrec ($letrec <bindings> . <body>)
    178 @c add xref for $let
    179   @code{<bindings>} and @code{<body>} should be as described for
    180 @code{$let}.  
    182   The following equivalence holds:
    183 @example
    184 ($letrec ((form1 exp1) ... (formn expn)) . body) @equiv{}
    185   ($let () ($define! (form1 ... formn) (list exp1 ... expn)) . body)
    186 @end example
    187 @end deffn
    189 @deffn Operative $letrec* ($letrec* <bindings> . <body>)
    190 @c TODO add xref to $let*
    191   @code{<bindings>} and @code{<body>} should be as described for
    192 @code{$let*}.  
    194   The following equivalences hold:
    195 @example
    196 ($letrec* () . body) @equiv{} ($letrec () . body) 
    198 ($letrec* ((form exp) . bindings) . body) @equiv{} 
    199   ($letrec ((form exp)) ($letrec* bindings . body))
    200 @end example
    201 @end deffn
    203 @deffn Operative $let-redirect ($let-redirect <exp> <bindings> . <body>)
    204 @c TODO add xref to $let
    205   @code{<bindings>} and @code{<body>} should be as described for
    206 @code{$let}.  
    208   The following equivalence holds:
    210 @example
    211 ($let-redirect exp ((form1 exp1) ... (formn . body) expn)) @equiv{}
    212   ((eval (list $lambda (form1 ... formn) body) exp) expn ... expn)
    213 @end example
    214 @end deffn
    216 @deffn Operative $let-safe ($let-safe <bindings> . <body>)
    217 @c TODO add xref to $let
    218   @code{<bindings>} and @code{<body>} should be as described for
    219 @code{$let}.  
    221   The following equivalence holds:
    223 @example
    224 ($let-safe bindings . body) @equiv{}
    225   ($let-redirect (make-kernel-standard-environment) bindings . body)
    226 @end example
    227 @end deffn
    229 @deffn Operative $remote-eval ($remote-eval <exp1> <exp2>)
    230 @c TODO add xref to tail context
    231   Operative @code{$remote-eval} evaluates @code{<exp2>} in the dynamic
    232 environment, then evaluates @code{<exp1>} as a tail context in the
    233 environment that must result from the first evaluation.
    234 @end deffn
    236 @deffn Operative $bindings->environment ($bindings->environment . <bindings>)
    237 @c TODO add xref to $let
    238   @code{<bindings>} should be as described for @code{$let}.
    240   The following equivalence holds:
    242 @example
    243 ($bindings->environment . bindings) @equiv{}
    244   ($let-redirect (make-environment) bindings (get-current-environment))
    245 @end example
    246 @end deffn
    248 @deffn Applicative eval-string (eval-string string environment)
    249 @code{string} should be the external representation of a single
    250 object.  If none or more than one external representation is found in
    251 @code{string} then an error is signaled.
    253 Applicative @code{eval-string} reads an external representation from
    254 string, and evaluates the resulting object in @code{environment}, as a
    255 tail context, returning the resulting value. 
    256 @c TODO add xref to tail context.
    257 @end deffn
    259 @deffn Operative $set! ($set! <exp1> <formals> <exp2>)
    260 @c TODO add xref to $define!
    261 @c TODO add xref to matching algo
    262   @code{<formals>} should be as described for the @code{$define!}
    263 operative.  The @code{$set!} operative evaluates @code{<exp1>} and
    264 @code{<exp2>} in the dynamic environment; call the results @code{env}
    265 and @code{obj}.  If @code{env} is not an environment, an error is
    266 signaled.  Then the operative matches @code{<formals>} to @code{obj}
    267 in environment @code{env}.  Thus, the symbols of @code{<formals>} are
    268 bound in @code{env} to the corresponding parts of @code{obj}. 
    269 The result returned by @code{$set!} is inert.
    270 @end deffn
    272 @deffn Operative $provide! ($provide! <symbols> . <body>)
    273   @code{<symbols>} must be a finite list of symbols, containing no
    274 duplicates.  @code{<body>} must be a finite list.
    276   The @code{$provide!} operative constructs a child @code{e} of the
    277 dynamic environment @code{d}; evaluates the elements of @code{<body>}
    278 in @code{e}, from left to right, discarding all of the results; and
    279 exports all of the bindings of symbols in @code{<symbols>} from
    280 @code{e} to @code{d}, i.e., binds each symbol in @code{d} to the
    281 result of looking it up in @code{e}.  The result returned by
    282 @code{$provide!}  is inert.
    284 The following equivalence holds:
    286 @example
    287 ($provide!  symbols . body) @equiv{}
    288 ($define!  symbols ($let () ($sequence . body) (list . symbols)))
    289 @end example
    290 @end deffn
    292 @deffn Operative $import! ($import! <exp> . <symbols>)
    293   @code{<symbols>} must be a list of symbols.
    295   The @code{$import!} operative evaluates @code{<exp>} in the dynamic
    296 environment; call the result @code{env}. @code{env} must be an
    297 environment. Each distinct symbol @code{s} in @code{<symbols>} is
    298 evaluated in @code{env}, and @code{s} is bound in the dynamic
    299 environment to the result of this evaluation.
    301 The following equivalence holds:
    303 @example
    304 ($import! exp . symbols) @equiv{}
    305 ($define! symbols ($remote-eval (list symbols) exp))
    306 @end example
    307 @end deffn