
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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ffi.k (10274B)

      1 ;;
      2 ;; Basic FFI examples.
      3 ;;
      4 ;; usage:
      5 ;;    .../src$ make posix USE_LIBFFI=1
      6 ;;    .../src$ ./klisp examples/ffi-sdl.k
      7 ;;
     10 ;; (ffi-load-library DLLNAME) ... loads the C library DLLNAME
     11 ;; and returns opaque handle.
     12 ;;
     13 ;; (ffi-load-library) ... returns a handle, which can be used
     14 ;; to access the functions linked statically to the interpreter
     15 ;;
     16 ;; Unloading not supported. ffi-load-library is actually
     17 ;; a wrapper around dlopen()
     18 ;;
     19 ($define! libc (ffi-load-library "libc.so.6"))
     20 ($define! self (ffi-load-library))
     22 ;; (ffi-make-call-interface ABI RETURN-TYPE ARGUMENT-TYPES) returns
     23 ;; libffi call interface object. It is actually a wrapper around
     24 ;; ffi_prep_cif().
     25 ;;
     26 ;; The parameter ABI determines the C call convention. Only
     27 ;; "FFI_DEFAULT_ABI" is supported.
     28 ;;
     29 ;; RETURN-TYPE determines the return type and ARGUMENT-TYPES
     30 ;; is a list which determines the arguments. The types
     31 ;; are specified as strings:
     32 ;;
     33 ;;    type      C type       klisp type           note
     34 ;;   ----------------------------------------------------
     35 ;;    "void"     void         inert              (only return)
     36 ;;    "sint"     signed int   fixint
     37 ;;   "string"    (char *)     string
     38 ;;   "uint8"    uint8_t       fixint
     39 ;;   "uint16"   uint16_t      fixint
     40 ;;   "uint32"   uint32_t      fixint, bigint
     41 ;;   "uint64"   uint64_t      fixint, bigint
     42 ;;   "float"    float         double
     43 ;;   "double"   double        double
     44 ;;   "pointer"   (void *)     bytevector         (only for arguments)
     45 ;;                            string             (only for arguments)
     46 ;;                            nil
     47 ;;                            pointer (TAG_USER)
     48 ;;
     49 ;; Other data types not supported yet. Varargs function
     50 ;; not supported by libffi.
     51 ;;
     53 ($define! abi "FFI_DEFAULT_ABI")
     54 ($define! cif-int-void (ffi-make-call-interface abi "sint" ()))
     55 ($define! cif-string-string (ffi-make-call-interface abi "string" (list "string")))
     56 ($define! cif-int-string (ffi-make-call-interface abi "sint" (list "string")))
     57 ($define! cif-double-double (ffi-make-call-interface abi "double" (list "double")))
     59 ;; (ffi-make-applicative LIB-HANDLE FUNCTION-NAME CALL-INTERFACE)
     60 ;;
     61 ;; Looks up the function FUNCTION-NAME in the library referenced
     62 ;; by LIB-HANDLE. Creates an applicative which calls the function
     63 ;; using the interface CALL-INTERFACE. Conversion from/to klisp
     64 ;; types is handled automatically.
     65 ;;
     66 ;; It is a wrapper around dlsym(). The types should match the
     67 ;; actual C function prototype, the interpreter might crash
     68 ;; otherwise.
     69 ;;
     71 ($define! getpid (ffi-make-applicative self "getpid" cif-int-void))
     72 ($define! getppid (ffi-make-applicative self "getppid" cif-int-void))
     73 ($define! system (ffi-make-applicative self "system" cif-int-string))
     74 ($define! getenv (ffi-make-applicative self "getenv" cif-string-string))
     75 ($define! lgamma (ffi-make-applicative self "lgamma" cif-double-double))
     77 (display "Testing getpid(), getppid() ...")
     78 (write (list (getpid) (getppid)))
     79 (newline)
     81 (display "Testing getenv(\"HOME\")...")
     82 (write (getenv "HOME"))
     83 (newline)
     85 (display "Testing system(\"ls /\")...")
     86 (newline)
     87 (write (system "ls /"))
     88 (newline)
     90 (display "Testing lgamma(9.87)...")
     91 (write (lgamma 9.87))
     92 (newline)
     94 ($define! unix-write-string
     95   ($let*
     96     ( (unix-write (ffi-make-applicative libc "write"
     97         (ffi-make-call-interface abi
     98           "sint" (list "sint" "pointer" "sint")))))
     99     ($lambda (s) (unix-write 0 s (string-length s)))))
    101 (display "Testing unix write()...")
    102 (unix-write-string "ABCDEFGH")
    103 (newline)
    105 ($define! strtoull
    106   (ffi-make-applicative libc "strtoull"
    107     (ffi-make-call-interface abi
    108           "uint64" (list "string" "pointer" "sint"))))
    110 (display "Testing strtoull(\"0x123456789ABCDEF\", NULL, 0)...")
    111 (write (strtoull "0x123456789ABCDEF" () 0))
    112 (display "...")
    113 (write #x123456789ABCDEF)
    114 (display "= #x123456789ABCDEF")
    115 (newline)
    117 ;; (ffi-type-suite TYPE) returns a four-element list
    118 ;; (SIZE ALIGNMENT REF SET!). SIZE is the size of
    119 ;; the data type in bytes. ALIGNMENT is preferred
    120 ;; alignment. REF and SET! are applicatives.
    121 ;;
    124 ;;
    125 ;; MEMORY-LOCATION is either bytevector, string, pointer,
    126 ;; or a two-element list (MEMORY-LOCATION OFFSET).
    127 ;; The offset specification can not be nested, i.e.
    128 ;; ((blob 1) 2) is not valid memory location.
    129 ;;
    130 ($define!
    131   (sint-size sint-alignment sint-ref sint-set!)
    132   (ffi-type-suite "sint"))
    134 (display "\"sint\" data type size and alignment: ")
    135 (write (list sint-size sint-alignment))
    136 (newline)
    138 ;; Using ffi-type-suite, one can define means to convert
    139 ;; C structs (stored in bytevectors or arbitrary memory locations)
    140 ;; to lists.
    141 ;;
    142 ($define! align
    143   ($lambda (offset alignment)
    144     (+ offset (mod (- alignment offset) alignment))))
    146 ($define! regularize-location
    147   ($lambda (location)
    148     ($if (pair? location)
    149       location
    150       (list location 0))))
    152 ($define! decode-struct
    153   ($lambda type-strings
    154     ($letrec*
    155       ( (suites (map ffi-type-suite type-strings))
    156         (decode ($lambda (base offset tail)
    157           ($if (null? tail)
    158             ()
    159             ($let (((size alignment ref set!) (car tail)))
    160               (cons
    161                 (ref (list base (align offset alignment)))
    162                 (decode
    163                   base
    164                   (+ size (align offset alignment))
    165                   (cdr tail))))))))
    166       ($lambda (location)
    167         ($let (((base offset) (regularize-location location)))
    168           (decode base offset suites))))))
    170 ;; For example,
    171 ;;
    172 ;;  struct timeval {
    173 ;;    time_t      tv_sec;     /* seconds */
    174 ;;    suseconds_t tv_usec;    /* microseconds */
    175 ;;  };
    176 ;;
    177 ($define! struct-timeval-ref
    178   (decode-struct "sint" "sint"))
    180 ($define! gettimeofday
    181   ($let
    182     ( (unix-gettimeofday
    183         (ffi-make-applicative libc "gettimeofday"
    184           (ffi-make-call-interface abi
    185              "sint" (list "pointer" "pointer")))))
    186     ($lambda ()
    187       ($let* ((buffer (make-bytevector (* 2 sint-size))))
    188         (unix-gettimeofday buffer ())
    189         ($let (((tv_sec tv_usec) (struct-timeval-ref buffer)))
    190           (list tv_sec (/ tv_usec 1000000)))))))
    192 (display "Testing gettimeofday(), assuming 32-bit arch...")
    193 (write (gettimeofday))
    194 (newline)
    196 ($define! localtime
    197   ($let
    198     ( (localtime-r
    199         (ffi-make-applicative libc "localtime_r"
    200           (ffi-make-call-interface abi
    201             "pointer" (list "pointer" "pointer"))))
    202       (decoder
    203         (decode-struct "sint" "sint" "sint" "sint" "sint" "sint" "sint" "sint")))
    204     ($lambda (t)
    205       ($let*
    206         ( (t-buf (make-bytevector sint-size))
    207           (tm-buf (make-bytevector 128)) )
    208         (sint-set! t-buf t)
    209         (localtime-r t-buf tm-buf)
    210         ($let
    211           (((tm_sec tm_min tm_hour tm_mday tm_mon tm_year . rest) 
    212            (decoder tm-buf)))
    213           (list
    214             (list (+ 1900 tm_year) (+ 1 tm_mon) tm_mday)
    215             (list tm_hour tm_min tm_sec)))))))
    217 (display "Testing localtime()...")
    218 (write
    219   ($let (((tm_sec tm_usec) (gettimeofday)))
    220     (localtime tm_sec)))
    221 (newline)
    223 ;; Some C structs are more complex:
    224 ;;
    225 ;;  struct hostent {
    226 ;;      char  *h_name;            /* official name of host */
    227 ;;      char **h_aliases;         /* alias list */
    228 ;;      int    h_addrtype;        /* host address type */
    229 ;;      int    h_length;          /* length of address */
    230 ;;      char **h_addr_list;       /* list of addresses */
    231 ;;  }
    232 ;;
    233 ;; Network address is just byte array. IPv4 address
    234 ;; contains 4 bytes, IPv6 address contains 16 bytes.
    235 ;;
    236 ;; (ffi-memmove DESTINATION SOURCE SIZE) copies
    237 ;; SIZE bytes from SOURCE to DESTINATION. Both SOURCE
    238 ;; and DESTINATION are memory locations as described above.
    239 ;; ffi-memmove can copy data between bytevectors and arbitrary
    240 ;; memory locations.
    241 ;;
    242 ($define! copy-location
    243   ($lambda (location size)
    244     ($let ((blob (make-bytevector size)))
    245       (ffi-memmove blob location size)
    246       blob)))
    248 ($define! bytevector->list
    249   ($letrec
    250     ((aux ($lambda (blob index)
    251       ($if (<? index (bytevector-length blob))
    252         (cons
    253           (bytevector-u8-ref blob index)
    254           (aux blob (+ 1 index)))
    255         ()))))
    256     ($lambda (blob)
    257       (aux blob 0))))
    259 ($define! parse-address
    260   ($lambda (location size)
    261     (bytevector->list (copy-location location size))))
    263 ($define!
    264   (voidptr-size voidptr-alignment voidptr-ref voidptr-set!)
    265   (ffi-type-suite "pointer"))
    267 ($define! null-terminated-array->list
    268   ($letrec
    269     ( (aux
    270         ($lambda (base offset)
    271           ($if (null? (voidptr-ref (list base offset)))
    272             ()
    273             (cons
    274               (list base offset)
    275               (aux base (+ offset voidptr-size)))))))
    276     ($lambda (location)
    277       (apply aux (regularize-location location)))))
    279 ($define!
    280   (charptr-size charptr-alignment charptr-ref charptr-set!)
    281   (ffi-type-suite "string"))
    283 ($define! parse-hostent
    284   ($letrec*
    285     ( (decode-1
    286         (decode-struct "string" "pointer" "sint" "sint" "pointer")))
    287     ($lambda (pointer)
    288       ($let
    289         ( ((h_name h_aliases h_addrtype h_length h_addr_list) (decode-1 pointer)))
    290         (list
    291           h_name
    292           (map
    293             charptr-ref
    294             (null-terminated-array->list h_aliases))
    295           (map
    296             ($lambda (a) (parse-address (voidptr-ref a) h_length))
    297             (null-terminated-array->list h_addr_list)))))))
    299 ($define! gethostbyname
    300   ($let
    301     ((unix-gethostbyname
    302        (ffi-make-applicative libc "gethostbyname"
    303          (ffi-make-call-interface abi "pointer" (list "string")))))
    304     ($lambda (hostname)
    305       (parse-hostent (unix-gethostbyname hostname)))))
    307 (display "Testing gehostbyname(\"localhost\")...")
    308 (write (gethostbyname "localhost"))
    309 (newline)
    311 (display "Testing gehostbyname(\"www.google.com\")...")
    312 (write (gethostbyname "www.google.com"))
    313 (newline)
    315 ;;
    316 ;; Detecting machine endianess.
    317 ;;
    319 ($define!
    320   (uint32-size uint32-alignment uint32-ref uint32-set!)
    321   (ffi-type-suite "uint32"))
    323 ($define! endianess
    324   ($let
    325     ((buffer (make-bytevector 4)))
    326     (uint32-set! buffer #x01020304)
    327     ($let
    328       ((bytes (bytevector->list buffer)))
    329       ($cond
    330         ((equal? bytes (list 1 2 3 4)) "big-endian")
    331         ((equal? bytes (list 4 3 2 1)) "little-endian")
    332         (#t                            "unknown")))))
    334 (display "Guessing endianess...")
    335 (write endianess)
    336 (newline)