
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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imath.h (11559B)

      1 /*
      2 ** imath.h
      3 ** Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic routines.
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 /*
      8 ** SOURCE NOTE: This is mostly from the IMath library, written by
      9 ** M.J. Fromberger. It is adapted to klisp, mainly in the use of the
     10 ** klisp allocator and fixing of digit size to 32 bits.
     11 ** Imported from version (1.15) updated 01-Feb-2011 at 03:10 PM.
     12 */
     14 #ifndef IMATH_H_
     15 #define IMATH_H_
     17 #include <limits.h>
     19 /* Andres Navarro: use c99 constants */
     20 #ifndef USE_C99
     21 #define USE_C99 1
     22 #endif
     24 /* Andres Navarro: klisp includes */
     25 #include "kobject.h"
     26 #include "kstate.h"
     28 #ifdef USE_C99
     29 #include <stdint.h>
     30 #endif
     32 #ifdef __cplusplus
     33 extern "C" {
     34 #endif
     36 #if USE_C99
     37     typedef unsigned char         mp_sign;
     38     typedef uint32_t                 mp_size;
     39     typedef int                         mp_result;
     40     typedef int32_t                  mp_small;  /* must be a signed type */
     41     typedef uint32_t                 mp_usmall; /* must be an unsigned type */
     42     typedef uint32_t                 mp_digit;
     43     typedef uint64_t                 mp_word;
     44 #else /* USE_C99 */
     45     typedef unsigned char         mp_sign;
     46     typedef unsigned int          mp_size;
     47     typedef int                         mp_result;
     48     typedef long                        mp_small;  /* must be a signed type */
     49     typedef unsigned long         mp_usmall; /* must be an unsigned type */
     50 #ifdef USE_LONG_LONG
     51     typedef unsigned int          mp_digit;
     52     typedef unsigned long long mp_word;
     53 #else /* USE_LONG_LONG */
     54     typedef unsigned short        mp_digit;
     55     typedef unsigned int          mp_word;
     56 #endif /* USE_LONG_LONG */
     57 #endif /* USE_C99 */
     59 /* Andres Navarro: Use kobject type instead */
     60     typedef Bigint mpz_t, *mp_int;
     62 #if 0
     63     typedef struct mpz {
     64         mp_digit    single;
     65         mp_digit   *digits;
     66         mp_size        alloc;
     67         mp_size        used;
     68         mp_sign        sign;
     69     } mpz_t, *mp_int;
     70 #endif
     72 #define MP_SINGLE(Z) ((Z)->single) /* added to correct check in mp_int_clear */
     73 #define MP_DIGITS(Z) ((Z)->digits)
     74 #define MP_ALLOC(Z)  ((Z)->alloc)
     75 #define MP_USED(Z)   ((Z)->used)
     76 #define MP_SIGN(Z)   ((Z)->sign)
     78     extern const mp_result MP_OK;
     79     extern const mp_result MP_FALSE;
     80     extern const mp_result MP_TRUE;
     81     extern const mp_result MP_MEMORY;
     82     extern const mp_result MP_RANGE;
     83     extern const mp_result MP_UNDEF;
     84     extern const mp_result MP_TRUNC;
     85     extern const mp_result MP_BADARG;
     86     extern const mp_result MP_MINERR;
     88 #define MP_DIGIT_BIT    (sizeof(mp_digit) * CHAR_BIT)
     89 #define MP_WORD_BIT        (sizeof(mp_word) * CHAR_BIT)
     90 /* Andres Navarro: USE_C99 */
     91 #ifdef USE_C99
     92 #define MP_SMALL_MIN    INT32_MIN
     93 #define MP_SMALL_MAX    INT32_MAX
     94 #define MP_USMALL_MIN   UINT32_MIN
     95 #define MP_USMALL_MAX   UINT32_MAX
     96 #define MP_DIGIT_MAX   ((uint64_t) UINT32_MAX)
     97 #define MP_WORD_MAX    UINT64_MAX
     98 #else /* USE_C99 */
     99 #define MP_SMALL_MIN    LONG_MIN
    100 #define MP_SMALL_MAX    LONG_MAX
    101 #define MP_USMALL_MIN   ULONG_MIN
    102 #define MP_USMALL_MAX   ULONG_MAX
    103 #ifdef USE_LONG_LONG
    104 #  ifndef ULONG_LONG_MAX
    105 #    ifdef ULLONG_MAX
    106 #         define ULONG_LONG_MAX   ULLONG_MAX
    107 #    else
    108 #         error "Maximum value of unsigned long long not defined!"
    109 #    endif
    110 #  endif
    111 #  define MP_DIGIT_MAX   (UINT_MAX * 1ULL)
    112 #  define MP_WORD_MAX    ULONG_LONG_MAX
    113 #else /* USE_LONG_LONG */
    114 #  define MP_DIGIT_MAX    (USHRT_MAX * 1UL)
    115 #  define MP_WORD_MAX        (UINT_MAX * 1UL)
    116 #endif /* USE_LONG_LONG */
    117 #endif /* USE_C99 */
    119 #define MP_MIN_RADIX    2
    120 #define MP_MAX_RADIX    36
    122 /* Values with fewer than this many significant digits use the
    123    standard multiplication algorithm; otherwise, a recursive algorithm
    124    is used.  Choose a value to suit your platform.  
    125 */
    126 #define MP_MULT_THRESH  22
    128 #define MP_DEFAULT_PREC 8   /* default memory allocation, in digits */
    130     extern const mp_sign   MP_NEG;
    131     extern const mp_sign   MP_ZPOS;
    133 #define mp_int_is_odd(Z)  ((Z)->digits[0] & 1)
    134 #define mp_int_is_even(Z) !((Z)->digits[0] & 1)
    136 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    137     mp_result mp_int_init(mp_int z);
    138     mp_int    mp_int_alloc(klisp_State *K);
    139     mp_result mp_int_init_size(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_size prec);
    140     mp_result mp_int_init_copy(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_int old);
    141     mp_result mp_int_init_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_small value);
    142     mp_result mp_int_set_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_small value);
    143     void         mp_int_clear(klisp_State *K, mp_int z);
    144     void         mp_int_free(klisp_State *K, mp_int z);
    146     mp_result mp_int_copy(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int c); /* c = a */
    147 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    148     void         mp_int_swap(mp_int a, mp_int c);                 /* swap a, c */
    149 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    150     void         mp_int_zero(mp_int z);        /* z = 0 */
    151     mp_result mp_int_abs(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int c); /* c = |a| */
    152     mp_result mp_int_neg(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int c); /* c = -a  */
    153 /* c = a + b */
    154     mp_result mp_int_add(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c);  
    155     mp_result mp_int_add_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small value, 
    156                                mp_int c);
    157 /* c = a - b */
    158     mp_result mp_int_sub(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c);  
    159     mp_result mp_int_sub_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small value, 
    160                                mp_int c);
    161 /* c = a * b */
    162     mp_result mp_int_mul(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c);  
    163     mp_result mp_int_mul_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small value, 
    164                                mp_int c);
    165     mp_result mp_int_mul_pow2(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small p2, mp_int c);
    166     mp_result mp_int_sqr(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int c); /* c = a * a */
    167 /* q = a / b */
    168 /* r = a % b */
    169     mp_result mp_int_div(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int q, 
    170                          mp_int r); 
    171 /* q = a / value */
    172 /* r = a % value */
    173     mp_result mp_int_div_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small value, 
    174                                mp_int q, mp_small *r);   
    175 /* q = a / 2^p2  */
    176 /* r = q % 2^p2  */
    177     mp_result mp_int_div_pow2(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small p2,        
    178                               mp_int q, mp_int r);          
    179 /* c = a % m */
    180     mp_result mp_int_mod(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int m, mp_int c);  
    181 #define   mp_int_mod_value(K, A, V, R)          \
    182     mp_int_div_value((K), (A), (V), 0, (R))
    183 /* c = a^b */
    184     mp_result mp_int_expt(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small b, mp_int c);
    185 /* c = a^b */
    186     mp_result mp_int_expt_value(klisp_State *K, mp_small a, mp_small b, mp_int c);
    187 /* c = a^b */
    188     mp_result mp_int_expt_full(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c);
    190 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    191     int          mp_int_compare(mp_int a, mp_int b);                /* a <=> b        */
    192 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    193     int          mp_int_compare_unsigned(mp_int a, mp_int b); /* |a| <=> |b| */
    194 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    195     int          mp_int_compare_zero(mp_int z);                           /* a <=> 0  */
    196 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    197     int          mp_int_compare_value(mp_int z, mp_small value); /* a <=> v  */
    199 /* Returns true if v|a, false otherwise (including errors) */
    200     int          mp_int_divisible_value(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small v);
    202 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    203 /* Returns k >= 0 such that z = 2^k, if one exists; otherwise < 0 */
    204     int          mp_int_is_pow2(mp_int z);
    206     mp_result mp_int_exptmod(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int m,
    207                              mp_int c);                                /* c = a^b (mod m) */
    208     mp_result mp_int_exptmod_evalue(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small value, 
    209                                     mp_int m, mp_int c);   /* c = a^v (mod m) */
    210     mp_result mp_int_exptmod_bvalue(klisp_State *K, mp_small value, mp_int b,
    211                                     mp_int m, mp_int c);   /* c = v^b (mod m) */
    212     mp_result mp_int_exptmod_known(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b,
    213                                    mp_int m, mp_int mu,
    214                                    mp_int c);                    /* c = a^b (mod m) */
    215     mp_result mp_int_redux_const(klisp_State *K, mp_int m, mp_int c); 
    217 /* c = 1/a (mod m) */
    218     mp_result mp_int_invmod(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int m, mp_int c); 
    220 /* c = gcd(a, b)   */
    221     mp_result mp_int_gcd(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c);
    223 /* c = gcd(a, b)   */
    224 /* c = ax + by        */
    225     mp_result mp_int_egcd(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c,
    226                           mp_int x, mp_int y);                   
    228 /* c = lcm(a, b)   */
    229     mp_result mp_int_lcm(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_int b, mp_int c);
    231 /* c = floor(a^{1/b}) */
    232     mp_result mp_int_root(klisp_State *K, mp_int a, mp_small b, mp_int c); 
    233 /* c = floor(sqrt(a)) */
    234 #define   mp_int_sqrt(K, a, c) mp_int_root((K), a, 2, c)          
    236 /* Convert to a small int, if representable; else MP_RANGE */
    237 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    238     mp_result mp_int_to_int(mp_int z, mp_small *out);
    239 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    240     mp_result mp_int_to_uint(mp_int z, mp_usmall *out);
    242 /* Convert to nul-terminated string with the specified radix, writing at
    243    most limit characters including the nul terminator  */
    244     mp_result mp_int_to_string(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_size radix, 
    245                                char *str, int limit);
    247 /* Return the number of characters required to represent 
    248    z in the given radix.  May over-estimate. */
    249 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    250     mp_result mp_int_string_len(mp_int z, mp_size radix);
    252 /* Read zero-terminated string into z */
    253     mp_result mp_int_read_string(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_size radix, 
    254                                  const char *str);
    255     mp_result mp_int_read_cstring(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, mp_size radix, 
    256                                   const char *str, char **end);
    258 /* Return the number of significant bits in z */
    259 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    260     mp_result mp_int_count_bits(mp_int z);
    262 /* Convert z to two's complement binary, writing at most limit bytes */
    263     mp_result mp_int_to_binary(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, unsigned char *buf, 
    264                                int limit);
    266 /* Read a two's complement binary value into z from the given buffer */
    267     mp_result mp_int_read_binary(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, unsigned char *buf, 
    268                                  int len);
    270 /* Return the number of bytes required to represent z in binary. */
    271 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    272     mp_result mp_int_binary_len(mp_int z);
    274 /* Convert z to unsigned binary, writing at most limit bytes */
    275     mp_result mp_int_to_unsigned(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, unsigned char *buf, 
    276                                  int limit);
    278 /* Read an unsigned binary value into z from the given buffer */
    279     mp_result mp_int_read_unsigned(klisp_State *K, mp_int z, unsigned char *buf, 
    280                                    int len);
    282 /* Return the number of bytes required to represent z as unsigned output */
    283 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    284     mp_result mp_int_unsigned_len(mp_int z);
    286 /* Return a statically allocated string describing error code res */
    287 /* NOTE: this doesn't use the allocator */
    288     const char *mp_error_string(mp_result res);
    290 #if DEBUG
    291     void         s_print(char *tag, mp_int z);
    292     void         s_print_buf(char *tag, mp_digit *buf, mp_size num);
    293 #endif
    295 #ifdef __cplusplus
    296 }
    297 #endif
    299 #endif /* end IMATH_H_ */