
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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kgcombiners.c (19426B)

      1 /*
      2 ** kgcombiners.c
      3 ** Combiners features for the ground environment
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 #include <assert.h>
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #include <stdbool.h>
     11 #include <stdint.h>
     13 #include "kstate.h"
     14 #include "kobject.h"
     15 #include "kpair.h"
     16 #include "kenvironment.h"
     17 #include "kcontinuation.h"
     18 #include "ksymbol.h"
     19 #include "koperative.h"
     20 #include "kapplicative.h"
     21 #include "kerror.h"
     23 #include "kghelpers.h"
     24 #include "kgcombiners.h"
     26 /* continuations */
     27 void do_vau(klisp_State *K);
     29 void do_map(klisp_State *K);
     30 void do_map_ret(klisp_State *K);
     31 void do_map_encycle(klisp_State *K);
     32 void do_map_cycle(klisp_State *K);
     34 void do_array_map_ret(klisp_State *K);
     36 /* 4.10.1 operative? */
     37 /* uses typep */
     39 /* 4.10.2 applicative? */
     40 /* uses typep */
     42 /* 4.10.3 $vau */
     43 /* 5.3.1 $vau */
     44 void Svau(klisp_State *K)
     45 {
     46     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
     47     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
     48     TValue denv = K->next_env;
     49     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
     50     (void) xparams;
     51     bind_al2p(K, ptree, vptree, vpenv, vbody);
     53     /* The ptree & body are copied to avoid mutation */
     54     vptree = check_copy_ptree(K, vptree, vpenv);
     56     krooted_tvs_push(K, vptree);
     58     /* the body should be a list */
     59     check_list(K, true, vbody, NULL, NULL);
     60     vbody = copy_es_immutable_h(K, vbody, false);
     62     krooted_tvs_push(K, vbody);
     64     TValue new_op = kmake_operative(K, do_vau, 4, vptree, vpenv, vbody, denv);
     66 #if KTRACK_SI
     67     /* save as source code info the info from the expression whose evaluation
     68        got us here */
     69     TValue si = kget_csi(K);
     70     if (!ttisnil(si)) {
     71         krooted_tvs_push(K, new_op);
     72         kset_source_info(K, new_op, si);
     73         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
     74     }
     75 #endif
     77     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
     78     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
     79     kapply_cc(K, new_op);
     80 }
     82 void do_vau(klisp_State *K)
     83 {
     84     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
     85     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
     86     TValue denv = K->next_env;
     87     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
     89     UNUSED(denv);
     91     /*
     92     ** xparams[0]: op_ptree
     93     ** xparams[1]: penv
     94     ** xparams[2]: body
     95     ** xparams[3]: senv
     96     */
     97     TValue op_ptree = xparams[0];
     98     TValue penv = xparams[1];
     99     TValue body = xparams[2];
    100     TValue senv = xparams[3];
    102     /* bindings in an operative are in a child of the static env */
    103     TValue env = kmake_environment(K, senv);
    105     /* protect env */
    106     krooted_tvs_push(K, env); 
    108     match(K, env, op_ptree, ptree);
    109     if (!ttisignore(penv))
    110         kadd_binding(K, env, penv, denv);
    112     /* keep env in stack in case a cont has to be constructed */
    114     if (ttisnil(body)) {
    115         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    116         kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    117     } else {
    118         /* this is needed because seq continuation doesn't check for 
    119            nil sequence */
    120         TValue tail = kcdr(body);
    121         if (ttispair(tail)) {
    122             TValue new_cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K),
    123                                                  do_seq, 2, tail, env);
    124             kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    125 #if KTRACK_SI
    126             /* put the source info of the list including the element
    127                that we are about to evaluate */
    128             kset_source_info(K, new_cont, ktry_get_si(K, body));
    129 #endif
    130         } 
    131         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    132         ktail_eval(K, kcar(body), env);
    133     }
    134 }
    136 /* 4.10.4 wrap */
    137 void wrap(klisp_State *K)
    138 {
    139     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    140     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    141     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    142     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    143     UNUSED(denv);
    144     UNUSED(xparams);
    146     bind_1tp(K, ptree, "combiner", ttiscombiner, comb);
    147     TValue new_app = kwrap(K, comb);
    148 #if KTRACK_SI
    149     /* save as source code info the info from the expression whose evaluation
    150        got us here */
    151     TValue si = kget_csi(K);
    152     if (!ttisnil(si)) {
    153         krooted_tvs_push(K, new_app);
    154         kset_source_info(K, new_app, si);
    155         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    156     }
    157 #endif
    158     kapply_cc(K, new_app);
    159 }
    161 /* 4.10.5 unwrap */
    162 void unwrap(klisp_State *K)
    163 {
    164     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    165     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    166     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    167     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    168     (void) denv;
    169     (void) xparams;
    170     bind_1tp(K, ptree, "applicative", ttisapplicative, app);
    171     TValue underlying = kunwrap(app);
    172     kapply_cc(K, underlying);
    173 }
    175 /* 5.3.1 $vau */
    176 /* DONE: above, together with 4.10.4 */
    177 /* 5.3.2 $lambda */
    178 void Slambda(klisp_State *K)
    179 {
    180     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    181     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    182     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    183     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    184     (void) xparams;
    185     bind_al1p(K, ptree, vptree, vbody);
    187     /* The ptree & body are copied to avoid mutation */
    188     vptree = check_copy_ptree(K, vptree, KIGNORE);
    189     krooted_tvs_push(K, vptree); 
    190     /* the body should be a list */
    191     check_list(K, true, vbody, NULL, NULL);
    192     vbody = copy_es_immutable_h(K, vbody, false);
    194     krooted_tvs_push(K, vbody); 
    196     TValue new_app = kmake_applicative(K, do_vau, 4, vptree, KIGNORE, vbody, 
    197                                        denv);
    198 #if KTRACK_SI
    199     /* save as source code info the info from the expression whose evaluation
    200        got us here, both for the applicative and the underlying combiner */
    201     TValue si = kget_csi(K);
    203     if (!ttisnil(si)) {
    204         krooted_tvs_push(K, new_app);
    205         kset_source_info(K, new_app, si);
    206         kset_source_info(K, kunwrap(new_app), si);
    207         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    208     }
    209 #endif
    211     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    212     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    213     kapply_cc(K, new_app);
    214 }
    216 /* 5.5.1 apply */
    217 void apply(klisp_State *K)
    218 {
    219     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    220     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    221     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    222     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    223     UNUSED(denv);
    224     UNUSED(xparams);
    226     bind_al2tp(K, ptree, 
    227                "applicative", ttisapplicative, app, 
    228                "any", anytype, obj, 
    229                maybe_env);
    231     TValue env = (get_opt_tpar(K, maybe_env, "environment", ttisenvironment))?
    232         maybe_env : kmake_empty_environment(K);
    234     krooted_tvs_push(K, env); 
    235     TValue expr = kcons(K, kunwrap(app), obj);
    236     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    237     /* TODO track source code info */
    238     ktail_eval(K, expr, env);
    239 }
    241 /* Continuation helpers for map */
    243 /* For acyclic input lists: Return the mapped list */
    244 void do_map_ret(klisp_State *K)
    245 {
    246     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    247     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    248     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    249     /*
    250     ** xparams[0]: (dummy . complete-ls)
    251     */
    252     UNUSED(obj);
    253     /* copy the list to avoid problems with continuations
    254        captured from within the dynamic extent to map
    255        and later mutation of the result */
    256     /* XXX: the check isn't necessary really, but there is
    257        no list_copy */
    258     TValue copy = check_copy_list(K, kcdr(xparams[0]), false, NULL, NULL);
    259     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    260 }
    262 /* For cyclic input list: close the cycle and return the mapped list */
    263 void do_map_encycle(klisp_State *K)
    264 {
    265     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    266     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    267     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    268     /*
    269     ** xparams[0]: (dummy . complete-ls)
    270     ** xparams[1]: last non-cycle pair
    271     */
    272     /* obj: (rem-ls . last-pair) */
    273     TValue lp = kcdr(obj);
    274     TValue lap = xparams[1];
    276     TValue fcp = kcdr(lap);
    277     TValue lcp = lp;
    278     kset_cdr(lcp, fcp);
    280     /* copy the list to avoid problems with continuations
    281        captured from within the dynamic extent to map
    282        and later mutation of the result */
    283     /* XXX: the check isn't necessary really, but there is
    284        no list_copy */
    285     TValue copy = check_copy_list(K, kcdr(xparams[0]), false, NULL, NULL);
    286     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    287 }
    289 void do_map(klisp_State *K)
    290 {
    291     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    292     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    293     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    294     /*
    295     ** xparams[0]: app
    296     ** xparams[1]: rem-ls
    297     ** xparams[2]: last-pair
    298     ** xparams[3]: n
    299     ** xparams[4]: denv
    300     ** xparams[5]: dummyp
    301     */
    302     TValue app = xparams[0];
    303     TValue ls = xparams[1];
    304     TValue last_pair = xparams[2];
    305     int32_t n = ivalue(xparams[3]);
    306     TValue denv = xparams[4];
    307     bool dummyp = bvalue(xparams[5]);
    309     /* this case is used to kick start the mapping of both
    310        the acyclic and cyclic part, avoiding code duplication */
    311     if (!dummyp) {
    312         TValue np = kcons(K, obj, KNIL);
    313         kset_cdr(last_pair, np);
    314         last_pair = np;
    315     }
    317     if (n == 0) {
    318         /* pass the rest of the list and last pair for cycle handling */
    319         kapply_cc(K, kcons(K, ls, last_pair));
    320     } else {
    321         /* copy the ptree to avoid problems with mutation */
    322         /* XXX: no check necessary, could just use copy_list if there
    323            was such a procedure */
    324         TValue first_ptree = check_copy_list(K, kcar(ls), false, NULL, NULL);
    325         ls = kcdr(ls);
    326         n = n-1;
    327         krooted_tvs_push(K, first_ptree);
    328         /* have to unwrap the applicative to avoid extra evaluation of first */
    329         TValue new_expr = kcons(K, kunwrap(app), first_ptree);
    330         krooted_tvs_push(K, new_expr);
    331         TValue new_cont = 
    332             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_map, 6, app, 
    333                                ls, last_pair, i2tv(n), denv, KFALSE);
    334         krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    335         krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    336         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    337         ktail_eval(K, new_expr, denv);
    338     }
    339 }
    341 void do_map_cycle(klisp_State *K)
    342 {
    343     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    344     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    345     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    346     /*
    347     ** xparams[0]: app
    348     ** xparams[1]: (dummy . res-list)
    349     ** xparams[2]: cpairs
    350     ** xparams[3]: denv
    351     */ 
    353     TValue app = xparams[0];
    354     TValue dummy = xparams[1];
    355     int32_t cpairs = ivalue(xparams[2]);
    356     TValue denv = xparams[3];
    358     /* obj: (cycle-part . last-result-pair) */
    359     TValue ls = kcar(obj);
    360     TValue last_apair = kcdr(obj);
    362     /* this continuation will close the cycle and return the list */
    363     TValue encycle_cont =
    364         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_map_encycle, 2, 
    365                            dummy, last_apair);
    367     krooted_tvs_push(K, encycle_cont);
    368     /* schedule the mapping of the elements of the cycle, 
    369        signal dummyp = true to avoid creating a pair for
    370        the inert value passed to the first continuation */
    371     TValue new_cont = 
    372         kmake_continuation(K, encycle_cont, do_map, 6, app, ls, 
    373                            last_apair, i2tv(cpairs), denv, KTRUE);
    374     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(denv));
    376     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    377     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    378     /* this will be like a nop and will continue with do_map */
    379     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    380 }
    382 /* 5.9.1 map */
    383 void map(klisp_State *K)
    384 {
    385     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    386     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    387     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    388     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    389     UNUSED(xparams);
    391     bind_al1tp(K, ptree, "applicative", ttisapplicative, app, lss);
    393     if (ttisnil(lss)) {
    394         klispE_throw_simple(K, "no lists");
    395         return;
    396     }
    398     /* get the metrics of the ptree of each call to app and
    399        of the result list */
    400     int32_t app_pairs, app_apairs, app_cpairs;
    401     int32_t res_pairs, res_apairs, res_cpairs;
    403     map_for_each_get_metrics(K, lss, &app_apairs, &app_cpairs,
    404                              &res_apairs, &res_cpairs);
    405     app_pairs = app_apairs + app_cpairs;
    406     res_pairs = res_apairs + res_cpairs;
    407     UNUSED(app_pairs);
    408     UNUSED(res_pairs);
    410     /* create the list of parameters to app */
    411     lss = map_for_each_transpose(K, lss, app_apairs, app_cpairs, 
    412                                  res_apairs, res_cpairs);
    414     /* ASK John: the semantics when this is mixed with continuations,
    415        isn't all that great..., but what are the expectations considering
    416        there is no prescribed order? */
    418     krooted_tvs_push(K, lss);
    419     /* This will be the list to be returned, but it will be copied
    420        before to play a little nicer with continuations */
    421     TValue dummy = kcons(K, KINERT, KNIL);
    423     krooted_tvs_push(K, dummy);
    425     TValue ret_cont = (res_cpairs == 0)?
    426         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_map_ret, 1, dummy)
    427         : kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_map_cycle, 4, 
    428                              app, dummy, i2tv(res_cpairs), denv);
    430     krooted_tvs_push(K, ret_cont);
    432     /* schedule the mapping of the elements of the acyclic part.
    433        signal dummyp = true to avoid creating a pair for
    434        the inert value passed to the first continuation */
    435     TValue new_cont = 
    436         kmake_continuation(K, ret_cont, do_map, 6, app, lss, dummy,
    437                            i2tv(res_apairs), denv, KTRUE);
    439     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    440     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    441     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    443     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    445     /* this will be a nop, and will continue with do_map */
    446     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    447 }
    449 /* 
    450 ** These are from r7rs (except bytevector). For now just follow
    451 ** Kernel version of (list) map. That means that the objects should
    452 ** all have the same size, and that the dynamic environment is passed
    453 ** to the applicatives. Continuation capturing interaction is still
    454 ** an open issue (see comment in map).
    455 */
    457 /* NOTE: the type error on the result of app are only checked after
    458    all values are collected. This could be changed if necessary, by
    459    having map continuations take an additional typecheck param */
    460 /* Helpers for array_map */
    462 /* copy the resulting list to a new vector */
    463 void do_array_map_ret(klisp_State *K)
    464 {
    465     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    466     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    467     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    468     /*
    469     ** xparams[0]: (dummy . complete-ls)
    470     ** xparams[1]: list->array
    471     ** xparams[2]: length
    472     */
    473     UNUSED(obj);
    475     TValue ls = kcdr(xparams[0]);
    476     TValue (*list_to_array)(klisp_State *K, TValue array, int32_t size) = 
    477         pvalue(xparams[1]);
    478     int32_t length = ivalue(xparams[2]);
    480     /* This will also avoid some problems with continuations
    481        captured from within the dynamic extent to map
    482        and later mutation of the result */
    483     TValue copy = list_to_array(K, ls, length);
    484     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    485 }
    487 /* 5.9.? string-map */
    488 /* 5.9.? vector-map */
    489 /* 5.9.? bytevector-map */
    490 void array_map(klisp_State *K)
    491 {
    492     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    493     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    494     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    495     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    497     /*
    498     ** xparams[0]: list->array fn 
    499     ** xparams[1]: array->list fn (with type check and size ret)
    500     */
    502     TValue list_to_array_tv = xparams[0];
    503     TValue (*array_to_list)(klisp_State *K, TValue array, int32_t *size) = 
    504         pvalue(xparams[1]);
    506     bind_al1tp(K, ptree, "applicative", ttisapplicative, app, lss);
    508     /* check that lss is a non empty list, and copy it */
    509     if (ttisnil(lss)) {
    510         klispE_throw_simple(K, "no arguments after applicative");
    511         return;
    512     }
    514     int32_t app_pairs, app_apairs, app_cpairs;
    515     /* the copied list should be protected from gc, and will host
    516        the lists resulting from the conversion */
    517     lss = check_copy_list(K, lss, true, &app_pairs, &app_cpairs);
    518     app_apairs = app_pairs - app_cpairs;
    519     krooted_tvs_push(K, lss);
    521     /* check that all elements have the correct type and same size,
    522        and convert them to lists */
    523     int32_t res_pairs;
    524     TValue head = kcar(lss);
    525     TValue tail = kcdr(lss);
    526     TValue ls = array_to_list(K, head, &res_pairs);
    527     kset_car(lss, ls); /* save the first */
    528     /* all array will produce acyclic lists */
    530     for(int32_t i = 1 /* jump over first */; i < app_pairs; ++i) {
    531         head = kcar(tail);
    532         int32_t pairs;
    533         ls = array_to_list(K, head, &pairs);
    534         /* in klisp all arrays should have the same length */
    535         if (pairs != res_pairs) {
    536             klispE_throw_simple(K, "arguments of different length");
    537             return;
    538         }
    539         kset_car(tail, ls);
    540         tail = kcdr(tail);
    541     }
    543     /* create the list of parameters to app */
    544     lss = map_for_each_transpose(K, lss, app_apairs, app_cpairs, 
    545                                  res_pairs, 0); /* cycle pairs is always 0 */
    547     /* ASK John: the semantics when this is mixed with continuations,
    548        isn't all that great..., but what are the expectations considering
    549        there is no prescribed order? */
    551     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    552     krooted_tvs_push(K, lss);
    553     /* This will be the list to be returned, but it will be transformed
    554        to an array before returning (making it also play a little nicer 
    555        with continuations) */
    556     TValue dummy = kcons(K, KINERT, KNIL);
    558     krooted_tvs_push(K, dummy);
    560     TValue ret_cont = 
    561         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_array_map_ret, 3, dummy, 
    562                            list_to_array_tv, i2tv(res_pairs));
    563     krooted_tvs_push(K, ret_cont);
    565     /* schedule the mapping of the elements of the acyclic part.
    566        signal dummyp = true to avoid creating a pair for
    567        the inert value passed to the first continuation */
    568     TValue new_cont = 
    569         kmake_continuation(K, ret_cont, do_map, 6, app, lss, dummy,
    570                            i2tv(res_pairs), denv, KTRUE);
    572     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    573     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    574     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    576     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    578     /* this will be a nop, and will continue with do_map */
    579     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    580 }
    582 /* 6.2.1 combiner? */
    583 /* uses ftypedp */
    585 /* init ground */
    586 void kinit_combiners_ground_env(klisp_State *K)
    587 {
    588     TValue ground_env = G(K)->ground_env;
    589     TValue symbol, value;
    591     /* 4.10.1 operative? */
    592     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "operative?", typep, 2, symbol, 
    593                     i2tv(K_TOPERATIVE));
    594     /* 4.10.2 applicative? */
    595     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "applicative?", typep, 2, symbol, 
    596                     i2tv(K_TAPPLICATIVE));
    597     /* 4.10.3 $vau */
    598     /* 5.3.1 $vau */
    599     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$vau", Svau, 0);
    600     /* 4.10.4 wrap */
    601     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "wrap", wrap, 0);
    602     /* 4.10.5 unwrap */
    603     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "unwrap", unwrap, 0);
    604     /* 5.3.2 $lambda */
    605     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$lambda", Slambda, 0);
    606     /* 5.5.1 apply */
    607     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "apply", apply, 0);
    608     /* 5.9.1 map */
    609     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "map", map, 0);
    610     /* 5.9.? string-map, vector-map, bytevector-map */
    611     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "string-map", array_map, 2, 
    612                     p2tv(list_to_string_h), p2tv(string_to_list_h));
    613     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "vector-map", array_map, 2, 
    614                     p2tv(list_to_vector_h), p2tv(vector_to_list_h));
    615     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "bytevector-map", array_map, 2, 
    616                     p2tv(list_to_bytevector_h), p2tv(bytevector_to_list_h));
    617     /* 6.2.1 combiner? */
    618     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "combiner?", ftypep, 2, symbol, 
    619                     p2tv(kcombinerp));
    620 }
    622 /* XXX lock? */
    623 /* init continuation names */
    624 void kinit_combiners_cont_names(klisp_State *K)
    625 {
    626     Table *t = tv2table(G(K)->cont_name_table);
    628     add_cont_name(K, t, do_vau, "$vau-bind!-eval");
    630     add_cont_name(K, t, do_map, "map-acyclic-part");
    631     add_cont_name(K, t, do_map_encycle, "map-encycle!");
    632     add_cont_name(K, t, do_map_ret, "map-ret");
    633     add_cont_name(K, t, do_map_cycle, "map-cyclic-part");
    635     add_cont_name(K, t, do_array_map_ret, "array-map-ret");
    636 }