
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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kgenvironments.c (23925B)

      1 /*
      2 ** kgenvironments.c
      3 ** Environments features for the ground environment
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 #include <assert.h>
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #include <stdbool.h>
     11 #include <stdint.h>
     13 #include "kstate.h"
     14 #include "kobject.h"
     15 #include "kpair.h"
     16 #include "kenvironment.h"
     17 #include "kcontinuation.h"
     18 #include "ksymbol.h"
     19 #include "kerror.h"
     20 #include "kport.h" /* for eval_string */
     21 #include "kread.h" /* for eval_string */
     23 #include "kghelpers.h"
     24 #include "kgenvironments.h"
     26 /* Continuations */
     27 void do_let(klisp_State *K);
     28 void do_let_redirect(klisp_State *K);
     29 void do_bindsp(klisp_State *K);
     30 void do_remote_eval(klisp_State *K);
     31 void do_b_to_env(klisp_State *K);
     32 void do_eval_string(klisp_State *K);
     34 /* 4.8.1 environment? */
     35 /* uses typep */
     37 /* 4.8.2 ignore? */
     38 /* uses typep */
     40 /* 4.8.3 eval */
     41 void eval(klisp_State *K)
     42 {
     43     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
     44     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
     45     TValue denv = K->next_env;
     46     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
     47     UNUSED(denv);
     48     UNUSED(xparams);
     50     bind_2tp(K, ptree, "any", anytype, expr,
     51              "environment", ttisenvironment, env);
     52     /* TODO: track source code info */
     53     ktail_eval(K, expr, env);
     54 }
     56 /* 4.8.4 make-environment */
     57 void make_environment(klisp_State *K)
     58 {
     59     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
     60     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
     61     TValue denv = K->next_env;
     62     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
     63     UNUSED(denv);
     64     UNUSED(xparams);
     66     TValue new_env;
     67     if (ttisnil(ptree)) {
     68         new_env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
     69         kapply_cc(K, new_env);
     70     } else if (ttispair(ptree) && ttisnil(kcdr(ptree))) {
     71         /* special common case of one parent, don't keep a list */
     72         TValue parent = kcar(ptree);
     73         if (ttisenvironment(parent)) {
     74             new_env = kmake_environment(K, parent);
     75             kapply_cc(K, new_env);
     76         } else {
     77             klispE_throw_simple(K, "not an environment in "
     78                                 "parent list");
     79             return;
     80         }
     81     } else {
     82         /* this is the general case, copy the list but without the
     83            cycle if there is any */
     84         TValue parents = check_copy_env_list(K, ptree);
     85         krooted_tvs_push(K, parents);
     86         new_env = kmake_environment(K, parents);
     87         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
     88         kapply_cc(K, new_env);
     89     }
     90 }
     92 /* Helpers for all the let family */
     94 /* 
     95 ** The split-let-bindings function has two cases:
     96 ** the 'lets' with a star ($let* and $letrec) allow repeated symbols
     97 ** in different bidings (each binding is a different ptree whereas
     98 ** in $let, $letrec, $let-redirect and $let-safe, all the bindings
     99 ** are collected in a single ptree).
    100 ** In both cases the value returned is a list of cars of bindings and
    101 ** exprs is modified to point to a list of cadrs of bindings.
    102 ** The ptrees are copied as by copy-es-immutable (as with $vau & $lambda)
    103 ** If bindings is not finite (or not a list) an error is signaled.
    104 */
    106 /* GC: assume bindings is rooted */
    107 TValue split_check_let_bindings(klisp_State *K, TValue bindings, 
    108                                 TValue *exprs, bool starp)
    109 {
    110     TValue cars = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    111     krooted_vars_push(K, &cars);
    112     TValue last_car_pair = cars;
    113     TValue cadrs = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    114     krooted_vars_push(K, &cadrs);
    115     TValue last_cadr_pair = cadrs;
    117     TValue tail = bindings;
    119     while(ttispair(tail) && !kis_marked(tail)) {
    120         kmark(tail);
    121         TValue first = kcar(tail);
    122         if (!ttispair(first) || !ttispair(kcdr(first)) ||
    123             !ttisnil(kcddr(first))) {
    124             unmark_list(K, bindings);
    125             klispE_throw_simple(K, "bad structure in bindings");
    126             return KNIL;
    127         }
    129         TValue new_car = kcons(K, kcar(first), KNIL);
    130         kset_cdr(last_car_pair, new_car);
    131         last_car_pair = new_car;
    132         TValue new_cadr = kcons(K, kcadr(first), KNIL);
    133         kset_cdr(last_cadr_pair, new_cadr);
    134         last_cadr_pair = new_cadr;
    136         tail = kcdr(tail);
    137     }
    139     unmark_list(K, bindings);
    141     if (!ttispair(tail) && !ttisnil(tail)) {
    142         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected list");
    143         return KNIL;
    144     } else if(ttispair(tail)) {
    145         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected finite list"); 
    146         return KNIL;
    147     } else {
    148         TValue res;
    149         if (starp) {
    150             /* all bindings are consider individual ptrees in these 'let's,
    151                replace each ptree with its copy (after checking of course) */
    152             tail = kcdr(cars);
    153             while(!ttisnil(tail)) {
    154                 TValue first = kcar(tail);
    155                 TValue copy = check_copy_ptree(K, first, KIGNORE);
    156                 kset_car(tail, copy);
    157                 tail = kcdr(tail);
    158             }
    159             res = kcdr(cars);
    160         } else {
    161             /* all bindings are consider one ptree in these 'let's */
    162             res = check_copy_ptree(K, kcdr(cars), KIGNORE);
    163         }
    164         *exprs = kcdr(cadrs);
    165         krooted_vars_pop(K);
    166         krooted_vars_pop(K);
    167         return res;
    168     }
    169 }
    171 /*
    172 ** Continuation function for all the let family
    173 ** it expects the result of the last evaluation to be matched to 
    174 ** this-ptree
    175 */
    176 void do_let(klisp_State *K)
    177 {
    178     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    179     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    180     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    181     /*
    182     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    183     ** xparams[1]: this ptree
    184     ** xparams[2]: remaining bindings
    185     ** xparams[3]: remaining exprs
    186     ** xparams[4]: match environment
    187     ** xparams[5]: rec/not rec flag
    188     ** xparams[6]: body
    189     */
    190     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    191     TValue ptree = xparams[1];
    192     TValue bindings = xparams[2];
    193     TValue exprs = xparams[3];
    194     TValue env = xparams[4];
    195     bool recp = bvalue(xparams[5]);
    196     TValue body = xparams[6];
    198     match(K, env, ptree, obj);
    200     if (ttisnil(bindings)) {
    201         if (ttisnil(body)) {
    202             kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    203         } else {
    204             /* this is needed because seq continuation doesn't check for 
    205                nil sequence */
    206             TValue tail = kcdr(body);
    207             if (ttispair(tail)) {
    208                 TValue new_cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K),
    209                                                      do_seq, 2, tail, env);
    210                 kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    211 #if KTRACK_SI
    212                 /* put the source info of the list including the element
    213                    that we are about to evaluate */
    214                 kset_source_info(K, new_cont, ktry_get_si(K, body));
    215 #endif
    216             } 
    217             ktail_eval(K, kcar(body), env);
    218         }
    219     } else {
    220         TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, env);
    221         krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    222         TValue new_cont = 
    223             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    224                                kcar(bindings), kcdr(bindings), kcdr(exprs), 
    225                                new_env, b2tv(recp), body);
    226         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    227         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    228         ktail_eval(K, kcar(exprs), recp? new_env : env);
    229     }
    230 }
    232 /* 5.10.1 $let */
    233 /* REFACTOR: reuse code in other members of the $let family */
    234 void Slet(klisp_State *K)
    235 {
    236     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    237     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    238     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    239     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    240     /*
    241     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    242     */
    243     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    244     bind_al1p(K, ptree, bindings, body);
    246     TValue exprs;
    247     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, bindings, &exprs, false);
    248     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    249     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    251     check_list(K, true, body, NULL, NULL);
    252     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    253     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    255     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, denv);
    256     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    257     TValue new_cont = 
    258         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    259                            bptree, KNIL, KNIL, new_env, b2tv(false), body);
    260     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    262     TValue expr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    264     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    265     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    266     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    267     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    269     ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
    270 }
    272 /* Helper for $binds? */
    273 void do_bindsp(klisp_State *K)
    274 {
    275     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    276     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    277     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    278     /*
    279     ** xparams[0]: symbol list (may contain cycles)
    280     ** xparams[1]: symbol list count
    281     */
    282     TValue symbols = xparams[0];
    283     int32_t count = ivalue(xparams[1]);
    285     if (!ttisenvironment(obj)) {
    286         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected environment as first argument");
    287         return;
    288     }
    289     TValue env = obj;
    290     TValue res = KTRUE;
    292     while(count--) {
    293         TValue first = kcar(symbols);
    294         symbols = kcdr(symbols);
    296         if (!kbinds(K, env, first)) {
    297             res = KFALSE;
    298             break;
    299         }
    300     }
    302     kapply_cc(K, res);
    303 }
    305 /* 6.7.1 $binds? */
    306 void Sbindsp(klisp_State *K)
    307 {
    308     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    309     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    310     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    311     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    312     UNUSED(xparams);
    313     bind_al1p(K, ptree, env_expr, symbols);
    315     /* REFACTOR replace with single function check_copy_typed_list */
    316     int32_t count;
    317     check_typed_list(K, ksymbolp, true, symbols, &count, NULL);
    318     symbols = check_copy_list(K, symbols, false, NULL, NULL);
    320     krooted_tvs_push(K, symbols);
    321     TValue new_cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_bindsp, 
    322                                          2, symbols, i2tv(count));
    323     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    324     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    325     ktail_eval(K, env_expr, denv);
    326 }
    328 /* 6.7.2 get-current-environment */
    329 void get_current_environment(klisp_State *K)
    330 {
    331     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    332     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    333     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    334     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    335     UNUSED(xparams);
    336     check_0p(K, ptree);
    337     kapply_cc(K, denv);
    338 }
    340 /* 6.7.3 make-kernel-standard-environment */
    341 void make_kernel_standard_environment(klisp_State *K)
    342 {
    343     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    344     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    345     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    346     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    347     UNUSED(xparams);
    348     UNUSED(denv);
    349     check_0p(K, ptree);
    351     /* std environments have hashtable for bindings */
    352     TValue new_env = kmake_table_environment(K, G(K)->ground_env);
    353 //    TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, G(K)->ground_env);
    354     kapply_cc(K, new_env);
    355 }
    357 /* 6.7.4 $let* */
    358 void SletS(klisp_State *K)
    359 {
    360     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    361     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    362     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    363     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    364     /*
    365     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    366     */
    367     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    368     bind_al1p(K, ptree, bindings, body);
    370     TValue exprs;
    371     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, bindings, &exprs, true);
    372     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    373     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    374     check_list(K, true, body, NULL, NULL);
    375     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    376     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    378     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, denv);
    379     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    381     if (ttisnil(bptree)) {
    382         /* same as $let */
    383         TValue new_cont = 
    384             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    385                                bptree, KNIL, KNIL, new_env, b2tv(false), body);
    386         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    388         TValue expr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    389         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    390         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    391         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    392         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    393         ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
    394     } else {
    395         TValue new_cont = 
    396             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    397                                kcar(bptree), kcdr(bptree), kcdr(exprs), 
    398                                new_env, b2tv(false), body);
    399         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    401         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    402         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    403         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    404         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    405         ktail_eval(K, kcar(exprs), denv);
    406     }
    407 }
    409 /* 6.7.5 $letrec */
    410 void Sletrec(klisp_State *K)
    411 {
    412     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    413     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    414     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    415     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    416     /*
    417     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    418     */
    419     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    420     bind_al1p(K, ptree, bindings, body);
    422     TValue exprs;
    423     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, bindings, &exprs, false);
    424     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    425     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    427     check_list(K, true, body, NULL, NULL);
    428     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    429     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    431     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, denv);
    432     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    434     TValue new_cont = 
    435         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    436                            bptree, KNIL, KNIL, new_env, b2tv(true), body);
    437     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    439     TValue expr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    441     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    442     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    443     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    444     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    446     ktail_eval(K, expr, new_env);
    447 }
    449 /* 6.7.6 $letrec* */
    450 void SletrecS(klisp_State *K)
    451 {
    452     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    453     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    454     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    455     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    456     /*
    457     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    458     */
    459     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    460     bind_al1p(K, ptree, bindings, body);
    462     TValue exprs;
    463     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, bindings, &exprs, true);
    464     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    465     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    466     check_list(K, true, body, NULL, NULL);
    467     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    468     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    470     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, denv);
    471     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    473     if (ttisnil(bptree)) {
    474         /* same as $letrec */
    475         TValue new_cont = 
    476             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    477                                bptree, KNIL, KNIL, new_env, b2tv(true), body);
    478         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    480         TValue expr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    482         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    483         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    484         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    485         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    486         ktail_eval(K, expr, new_env);
    487     } else {
    488         TValue new_cont = 
    489             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    490                                kcar(bptree), kcdr(bptree), kcdr(exprs), 
    491                                new_env, b2tv(true), body);
    492         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    494         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    495         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    496         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    497         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    498         ktail_eval(K, kcar(exprs), new_env);
    499     }
    500 }
    502 /* Helper for $let-redirect */
    503 void do_let_redirect(klisp_State *K)
    504 {
    505     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    506     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    507     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    508     /*
    509     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    510     ** xparams[1]: ptree
    511     ** xparams[2]: list expr to be eval'ed
    512     ** xparams[3]: denv
    513     ** xparams[4]: body
    514     */
    515     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    516     TValue bptree = xparams[1];
    517     TValue lexpr = xparams[2];
    518     TValue denv = xparams[3];
    519     TValue body = xparams[4];
    521     if (!ttisenvironment(obj)) {
    522         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected environment"); 
    523         return;
    524     }
    525     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, obj);
    526     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    527     TValue new_cont = 
    528         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    529                            bptree, KNIL, KNIL, new_env, b2tv(false), body);
    530     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    532     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    533     ktail_eval(K, lexpr, denv);
    534 }
    536 /* 6.7.7 $let-redirect */
    537 void Slet_redirect(klisp_State *K)
    538 {
    539     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    540     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    541     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    542     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    543     /*
    544     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    545     */
    546     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    547     bind_al2p(K, ptree, env_exp, bindings, body);
    549     TValue exprs;
    550     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, bindings, &exprs, false);
    551     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    552     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    554     check_list(K, true, body, NULL, NULL);
    555     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    556     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    558     TValue eexpr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    559     krooted_tvs_push(K, eexpr);
    561     TValue new_cont = 
    562         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let_redirect, 5, sname, 
    563                            bptree, eexpr, denv, body);
    564     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    566     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    567     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    568     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    569     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    571     ktail_eval(K, env_exp, denv);
    572 }
    574 /* 6.7.8 $let-safe */
    575 void Slet_safe(klisp_State *K)
    576 {
    577     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    578     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    579     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    580     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    581     /*
    582     ** xparams[0]: symbol name
    583     */
    584     TValue sname = xparams[0];
    585     bind_al1p(K, ptree, bindings, body);
    587     TValue exprs;
    588     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, bindings, &exprs, false);
    589     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    590     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    592     check_list(K, true, body, NULL, NULL);
    594     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    595     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    597 /* according to the definition of the report it should be a child
    598    of a child of the ground environment, but since this is a fresh
    599    environment, the semantics are the same */
    600     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, G(K)->ground_env);
    601     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    602     TValue new_cont = 
    603         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_let, 7, sname, 
    604                            bptree, KNIL, KNIL, new_env, b2tv(false), body);
    605     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    607     TValue expr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    608     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    609     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    610     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    611     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    613     ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
    614 }
    616 /* 6.7.9 $remote-eval */
    617 void Sremote_eval(klisp_State *K)
    618 {
    619     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    620     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    621     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    622     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    623     UNUSED(xparams);
    624     UNUSED(denv);
    626     bind_2p(K, ptree, obj, env_exp);
    628     TValue new_cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K),
    629                                          do_remote_eval, 1, obj);
    630     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    632     ktail_eval(K, env_exp, denv);
    633 }
    635 /* Helper for $remote-eval */
    636 void do_remote_eval(klisp_State *K)
    637 {
    638     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    639     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    640     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    641     if (!ttisenvironment(obj)) {
    642         klispE_throw_simple(K, "bad type from second operand "
    643                             "evaluation (expected environment)");
    644         return;
    645     } else {
    646         TValue eval_exp = xparams[0];
    647         ktail_eval(K, eval_exp, obj);
    648     }
    649 }
    651 /* Helper for $bindings->environment */
    652 void do_b_to_env(klisp_State *K)
    653 {
    654     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    655     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    656     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    657     /*
    658     ** xparams[0]: ptree
    659     ** xparams[1]: created env
    660     */
    661     TValue ptree = xparams[0];
    662     TValue env = xparams[1];
    664     match(K, env, ptree, obj);
    665     kapply_cc(K, env);
    666 }
    668 /* 6.7.10 $bindings->environment */
    669 void Sbindings_to_environment(klisp_State *K)
    670 {
    671     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    672     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    673     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    674     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    675     UNUSED(xparams);
    676     TValue exprs;
    677     TValue bptree = split_check_let_bindings(K, ptree, &exprs, false);
    678     krooted_tvs_push(K, exprs);
    679     krooted_tvs_push(K, bptree);
    681     TValue new_env = kmake_environment(K, KNIL);
    682     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    684     TValue new_cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), 
    685                                          do_b_to_env, 2, bptree, new_env);
    686     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    687     TValue expr = kcons(K, G(K)->list_app, exprs);
    689     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    690     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    691     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    693     ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
    694 }
    696 void do_eval_string(klisp_State *K)
    697 {
    698     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    699     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    700     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    701     /*
    702     ** xparams[0]: environment
    703     */
    704     TValue env = xparams[0];
    705     ktail_eval(K, obj, env);
    706 }
    708 /* ?.? eval-string */
    709 void eval_string(klisp_State *K)
    710 {
    711     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    712     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    713     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    714     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    715     UNUSED(xparams);
    716     UNUSED(denv);
    718     bind_2tp(K, ptree, "string", ttisstring, str,
    719              "environment", ttisenvironment, env);
    721     /* create a continuation for better stack traces
    722        in case of error */
    723     TValue port = kmake_mport(K, str, false, false);
    724     krooted_tvs_push(K, port);
    725     TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_eval_string, 1, env);
    726     kset_cc(K, cont);
    727     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    729     TValue obj = kread_from_port(K, port, true); /* read mutable pairs */ 
    730     if (ttiseof(obj)) {
    731         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "No object found in string", 1,
    732                                            str);
    733         return;
    734     }
    735     krooted_tvs_push(K, obj);
    736     TValue second_obj = kread_from_port(K, port, true);
    737     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    738     if (!ttiseof(second_obj)) {
    739         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "More than one object found "
    740                                            "in string", 1, str);
    741         return;
    742     }
    743     kapply_cc(K, obj);
    744 }
    746 /* init ground */
    747 void kinit_environments_ground_env(klisp_State *K)
    748 {
    749     TValue ground_env = G(K)->ground_env;
    750     TValue symbol, value;
    752     /* 4.8.1 environment? */
    753     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "environment?", typep, 2, symbol, 
    754                     i2tv(K_TENVIRONMENT));
    755     /* 4.8.2 ignore? */
    756     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "ignore?", typep, 2, symbol, 
    757                     i2tv(K_TIGNORE));
    758     /* 4.8.3 eval */
    759     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "eval", eval, 0);
    760     /* 4.8.4 make-environment */
    761     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "make-environment", make_environment, 0);
    762     /* 5.10.1 $let */
    763     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$let", Slet, 1, symbol);
    764     /* 6.7.1 $binds? */
    765     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$binds?", Sbindsp, 0);
    766     /* 6.7.2 get-current-environment */
    767     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "get-current-environment", 
    768                     get_current_environment, 0);
    769     /* 6.7.3 make-kernel-standard-environment */
    770     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "make-kernel-standard-environment", 
    771                     make_kernel_standard_environment, 0);
    772     /* 6.7.4 $let* */
    773     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$let*", SletS, 1, symbol);
    774     /* 6.7.5 $letrec */
    775     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$letrec", Sletrec, 1, symbol);
    776     /* 6.7.6 $letrec* */
    777     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$letrec*", SletrecS, 1, symbol);
    778     /* 6.7.7 $let-redirect */
    779     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$let-redirect", Slet_redirect, 1, symbol);
    780     /* 6.7.8 $let-safe */
    781     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$let-safe", Slet_safe, 1, symbol);
    782     /* 6.7.9 $remote-eval */
    783     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$remote-eval", Sremote_eval, 0);
    784     /* 6.7.10 $bindings->environment */
    785     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$bindings->environment", 
    786                   Sbindings_to_environment, 1, symbol);
    787     /* ?.? eval-string */
    788     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "eval-string", eval_string, 0);
    789 }
    791 /* XXX lock? */
    792 /* init continuation names */
    793 void kinit_environments_cont_names(klisp_State *K)
    794 {
    795     Table *t = tv2table(G(K)->cont_name_table);
    797     add_cont_name(K, t, do_let, "eval-let");
    798     add_cont_name(K, t, do_let_redirect, "eval-let-redirect");
    799     add_cont_name(K, t, do_bindsp, "eval-$binds?-env");
    800     add_cont_name(K, t, do_remote_eval, "eval-remote-eval-env");
    801     add_cont_name(K, t, do_eval_string, "eval-string");
    802     add_cont_name(K, t, do_b_to_env, "bindings-to-env");
    803 }