
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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kglibraries.c (26010B)

      1 /*
      2 ** kglibraries.c
      3 ** Libraries features for the ground environment
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 #include <stdlib.h>
      8 #include <stdbool.h>
      9 #include <stdint.h>
     10 #include <string.h>
     12 #include "kstate.h"
     13 #include "kobject.h"
     14 #include "klibrary.h"
     15 #include "kapplicative.h"
     16 #include "koperative.h"
     17 #include "kcontinuation.h"
     18 #include "kerror.h"
     19 #include "kpair.h"
     20 #include "kenvironment.h"
     21 #include "kkeyword.h"
     23 #include "kghelpers.h"
     24 #include "kglibraries.h"
     26 /* Continuations */
     27 static void do_register_library(klisp_State *K);
     28 static void do_provide_library(klisp_State *K);
     31 /* ?.? library? */
     32 /* uses typep */
     34 /* Helper for make-library */
     35 static inline void unmark_symbol_list(klisp_State *K, TValue ls)
     36 {
     37     UNUSED(K);
     38     for(; ttispair(ls) && kis_symbol_marked(kcar(ls)); ls = kcdr(ls))
     39         kunmark_symbol(kcar(ls));
     40 }
     42 /* ?.? make-library */
     43 static void make_library(klisp_State *K)
     44 {
     45     bind_1p(K, K->next_value, obj);
     47     int32_t pairs;
     48     /* list can't be cyclical */
     49     check_list(K, false, obj, &pairs, NULL);
     50     /* 
     51     ** - check the type (also check symbols aren't repeated)
     52     ** - copy the symbols in an immutable list 
     53     ** - put the values in a new empty env 
     54     */
     55     TValue dummy = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
     56     krooted_tvs_push(K, dummy);
     57     TValue lp = dummy;
     58     TValue tail = obj;
     59     /* use a table environment for libraries */
     60     TValue env = kmake_table_environment(K, KNIL);
     61     krooted_tvs_push(K, env);
     63     for (int32_t i = 0; i < pairs; ++i, tail = kcdr(tail)) {
     64         TValue p = kcar(tail);
     65         if (!ttispair(p) || !ttissymbol(kcar(p))) {
     66             unmark_symbol_list(K, kcdr(dummy));
     67             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "Bad type in bindings",
     68                                                1, tail);
     69             return;
     70         }
     72         TValue sym = kcar(p);
     73         TValue val = kcdr(p);
     74         if (kis_symbol_marked(sym)) {
     75             unmark_symbol_list(K, kcdr(dummy));
     76             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "Repeated symbol in "
     77                                                "bindings", 1, sym);
     78             return;
     79         }
     80         kmark_symbol(sym);
     82         TValue np = kimm_cons(K, sym, KNIL);
     83         kset_cdr_unsafe(K, lp, np);
     84         lp = np;
     85         kadd_binding(K, env, sym, val);
     86     }
     88     unmark_symbol_list(K, kcdr(dummy));
     89     TValue new_lib = kmake_library(K, env, kcdr(dummy));
     90     krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K);
     91     kapply_cc(K, new_lib);
     92 }
     94 /* ?.? get-library-export-list */
     95 static void get_library_export_list(klisp_State *K)
     96 {
     97     bind_1tp(K, K->next_value, "library", ttislibrary, lib);
     98     /* return mutable list (following the Kernel report) */
     99     /* XXX could use unchecked_copy_list if available */
    100     TValue copy = check_copy_list(K, klibrary_exp_list(lib), true, NULL, NULL);
    101     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    102 }
    104 /* ?.? get-library-environment */
    105 static void get_library_environment(klisp_State *K)
    106 {
    107     bind_1tp(K, K->next_value, "library", ttislibrary, lib);
    108     kapply_cc(K, kmake_environment(K, klibrary_env(lib)));
    109 }
    111 /* Helpers for working with library names */
    112 static bool valid_name_partp(TValue obj)
    113 {
    114     return ttissymbol(obj) || (keintegerp(obj) && !knegativep(obj));
    115 }
    117 static void check_library_name(klisp_State *K, TValue name)
    118 {
    119     if (ttisnil(name)) {
    120         klispE_throw_simple(K, "Empty library name");
    121         return;
    122     }
    123     check_typed_list(K, valid_name_partp, false, name, NULL, NULL);
    124 }
    126 static TValue libraries_registry_assoc(klisp_State *K, TValue name, TValue *lastp)
    127 {
    128     TValue last = KNIL;
    129     TValue res = KNIL;
    130     for (TValue ls = G(K)->libraries_registry; !ttisnil(ls); last = ls, 
    131              ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    132         if (equal2p(K, kcar(kcar(ls)), name)) {
    133             res = kcar(ls);
    134             break;
    135         }
    136     }
    137     if (lastp != NULL) *lastp = last;
    138     return res;
    139 }
    141 /* ?.? $registered-library? */
    142 static void Sregistered_libraryP(klisp_State *K)
    143 {
    144     bind_1p(K, K->next_value, name);
    145     check_library_name(K, name);
    146     TValue entry = libraries_registry_assoc(K, name, NULL);
    147     kapply_cc(K, ttisnil(entry)? KFALSE : KTRUE);
    148 }
    150 /* ?.? $get-registered-library */
    151 static void Sget_registered_library(klisp_State *K)
    152 {
    153     bind_1p(K, K->next_value, name);
    154     check_library_name(K, name);
    155     TValue entry = libraries_registry_assoc(K, name, NULL);
    156     if (ttisnil(entry)) {
    157         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "Unregistered library name",
    158                                            1, name);
    159         return;
    160     }
    161     kapply_cc(K, kcdr(entry));
    162 }
    164 static void do_register_library(klisp_State *K)
    165 {
    166     /* 
    167     ** xparams[0]: name 
    168     */
    169     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    170     if (!ttislibrary(obj)) {
    171         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "not a library", 1, obj);
    172         return;
    173     }
    174     TValue name = K->next_xparams[0];
    175     TValue entry = libraries_registry_assoc(K, name, NULL);
    176     if (!ttisnil(entry)) {
    177         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "library name already registered",
    178                                            1, name);
    179         return;
    180     }
    181     TValue np = kcons(K, name, obj);
    182     krooted_tvs_push(K, np);
    183     np = kcons(K, np, G(K)->libraries_registry);
    184     G(K)->libraries_registry = np;
    185     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    186     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    187 }
    189 /* ?.? $register-library! */
    190 static void Sregister_libraryB(klisp_State *K)
    191 {
    192     bind_2p(K, K->next_value, name, library);
    193     check_library_name(K, name);
    194     /* copy the name to avoid mutation */
    195     /* XXX could use unchecked_copy_list if available */
    196     name = check_copy_list(K, name, false, NULL, NULL);
    197     krooted_tvs_push(K, name);
    198     TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_register_library,
    199                                      1, name);
    200     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    201     kset_cc(K, cont);
    202     ktail_eval(K, library, K->next_env);
    203 }
    205 /* ?.? $unregister-library! */
    206 static void Sunregister_libraryB(klisp_State *K)
    207 {
    208     bind_1p(K, K->next_value, name);
    209     check_library_name(K, name);
    210     TValue last;
    211     TValue entry = libraries_registry_assoc(K, name, &last);
    212     if (ttisnil(entry)) {
    213         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "library name not registered",
    214                                            1, name);
    215         return;
    216     }
    217     if (ttisnil(last)) { /* it's in the first pair */
    218         G(K)->libraries_registry = kcdr(G(K)->libraries_registry);
    219     } else {
    220         kset_cdr(last, kcdr(kcdr(last)));
    221     }
    222     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    223 }
    225 /* Helpers for provide-library */
    226 static void unmark_export_list(klisp_State *K, TValue exports, TValue last)
    227 {
    228     /* exports shouldn't have the leading keyword */
    229     UNUSED(K);
    230     for (; !tv_equal(exports, last); exports = kcdr(exports)) {
    231         TValue first = kcar(exports);
    232         if (ttissymbol(first))
    233             kunmark_symbol(first);
    234         else
    235             kunmark_symbol(kcar(kcdr(kcdr(first))));
    236     }
    237 }
    239 static void check_export_list(klisp_State *K, TValue exports)
    240 {
    241     int32_t pairs;
    242     check_list(K, false, exports, &pairs, NULL);
    243     if (ttisnil(exports) || !ttiskeyword(kcar(exports)) ||
    244         kkeyword_cstr_cmp(kcar(exports), "export") != 0) {
    246         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "missing #:export keyword",
    247                                            1, exports);
    248         return;
    249     }
    250     /* empty export list are allowed (but still need #:export) */
    251     --pairs;
    252     exports = kcdr(exports);
    253     /* check that all entries are either a unique symbol or
    254        a rename form: (#:rename int-s ext-s) with unique ext-s */
    255     for (TValue tail = exports; pairs > 0; --pairs, tail = kcdr(tail)) {
    256         TValue clause = kcar(tail);
    257         TValue symbol;
    258         if (ttissymbol(clause)) {
    259             symbol = clause;
    260         } else {
    261             int32_t pairs;
    262             /* this use of marks doesn't interfere with symbols */
    263             check_list(K, false, clause, &pairs, NULL);
    264             if (pairs != 3 || 
    265                 kkeyword_cstr_cmp(kcar(clause), "rename") != 0) {
    267                 unmark_export_list(K, exports, tail);
    268                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "Bad export clause "
    269                                                    "syntax", 1, clause);
    270                 return;
    271             } else if (!ttissymbol(kcar(kcdr(clause))) || 
    272                        !ttissymbol(kcar(kcdr(kcdr(clause))))) {
    273                 unmark_export_list(K, exports, tail);
    274                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "Non symbol in #:rename "
    275                                                    "export clause", 1, clause);
    276                 return;
    277             } else {
    278                 symbol = kcar(kcdr(kcdr(clause)));
    279             }
    280         } 
    282         if (kis_symbol_marked(symbol)) {
    283             unmark_export_list(K, exports, tail);
    284             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "repeated symbol in export "
    285                                                "list", 1, symbol);
    286             return;
    287         }
    288         kmark_symbol(symbol);
    289     }
    290     unmark_export_list(K, exports, KNIL);
    291 }
    293 static void do_provide_library(klisp_State *K)
    294 {
    295     /* 
    296     ** xparams[0]: name 
    297     ** xparams[1]: inames
    298     ** xparams[2]: enames
    299     ** xparams[3]: env
    300     */
    301     TValue name = K->next_xparams[0];
    303     if (!ttisnil(libraries_registry_assoc(K, name, NULL))) {
    304         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "library name already registered",
    305                                            1, name);
    306         return;
    307     }
    309     TValue inames = K->next_xparams[1];
    310     TValue enames = K->next_xparams[2];
    311     TValue env = K->next_xparams[3];
    313     TValue new_env = kmake_table_environment(K, KNIL);
    314     krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    316     for (; !ttisnil(inames); inames = kcdr(inames), enames = kcdr(enames)) {
    317         TValue iname = kcar(inames);
    318         if (!kbinds(K, env, iname)) {
    319             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "unbound exported symbol in "
    320                                                "library", 1, iname);
    321             return;
    322         }
    323         kadd_binding(K, new_env, kcar(enames), kget_binding(K, env, iname));
    324     }
    326     enames = K->next_xparams[2];
    327     TValue library = kmake_library(K, new_env, enames);
    328     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* new_env */
    329     krooted_tvs_push(K, library);
    331     TValue np = kcons(K, name, library);
    332     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* library */
    333     krooted_tvs_push(K, np);
    334     np = kcons(K, np, G(K)->libraries_registry);
    335     G(K)->libraries_registry = np;
    336     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    337     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    338 }
    340 /* ?.? $provide-library! */
    341 static void Sprovide_libraryB(klisp_State *K)
    342 {
    343     bind_al2p(K, K->next_value, name, exports, body);
    344     check_library_name(K, name);
    345     name = check_copy_list(K, name, false, NULL, NULL);
    346     krooted_tvs_push(K, name);
    347     check_export_list(K, exports);
    348     TValue inames = kimm_cons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    349     TValue ilast = inames;
    350     krooted_vars_push(K, &inames);
    351     TValue enames = kimm_cons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    352     TValue elast = enames;
    353     krooted_vars_push(K, &enames);
    355     for (exports = kcdr(exports); !ttisnil(exports); exports = kcdr(exports)) {
    356         TValue clause = kcar(exports);
    357         TValue isym, esym;
    358         if (ttissymbol(clause)) {
    359             isym = esym = clause;
    360         } else {
    361             isym = kcar(kcdr(clause));
    362             esym = kcar(kcdr(kcdr(clause)));
    363         }
    364         TValue np = kimm_cons(K, isym, KNIL);
    365         kset_cdr_unsafe(K, ilast, np);
    366         ilast = np;
    367         np = kimm_cons(K, esym, KNIL);
    368         kset_cdr_unsafe(K, elast, np);
    369         elast = np;
    370     }
    371     inames = kcdr(inames);
    372     enames = kcdr(enames);
    374     check_list(K, false, body, NULL, NULL);
    376     body = copy_es_immutable_h(K, body, false);
    377     krooted_tvs_push(K, body);
    379     if (!ttisnil(libraries_registry_assoc(K, name, NULL))) {
    380         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "library name already registered",
    381                                            1, name);
    382         return;
    383     }
    384     /* TODO add some continuation protection/additional checks */
    385     /* TODO add cyclical definition handling */
    386     // do cont
    388     /* use a child of the dynamic environment to do evaluations */
    389     TValue env = kmake_table_environment(K, K->next_env);
    390     krooted_tvs_push(K, env);
    392     kset_cc(K, kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_provide_library,
    393                                   4, name, inames, enames, env));
    395     if (!ttisnil(body) && !ttisnil(kcdr(body))) {
    396         TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_seq, 2, 
    397                                          kcdr(body), env);
    398         kset_cc(K, cont);
    399 #if KTRACK_SI
    400     /* put the source info of the list including the element
    401        that we are about to evaluate */
    402     kset_source_info(K, cont, ktry_get_si(K, body));
    403 #endif
    404     }
    406     krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    407     krooted_vars_pop(K); krooted_vars_pop(K);
    409     if (ttisnil(body)) {
    410         kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    411     } else {
    412         ktail_eval(K, kcar(body), env);
    413     }
    414 }
    416 /* Helpers from $import-library! */
    418 /* This takes a keyword import clause */
    419 static void check_distinct_symbols(klisp_State *K, TValue clause)
    420 {
    421     /* probably no need to use a table environment for this */
    422     TValue env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    423     krooted_tvs_push(K, env);
    424     bool pairp = kkeyword_cstr_cmp(kcar(clause), "rename") == 0;
    425     for (TValue ls = kcdr(kcdr(clause)); !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    426         TValue s = kcar(ls);
    427         TValue s2 = s;
    428         if (pairp) {
    429             if (!ttispair(s) || !ttispair(kcdr(s)) || 
    430                 !ttisnil(kcdr(kcdr(s)))) {
    432                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "bad syntax in #:rename "
    433                                                    "import clause", 1, clause);
    434                 return;
    435             }
    436             s2 = kcar(s);
    437             /* s is the one that is checked for repeats */
    438             s = kcar(kcdr(s));
    439         }
    440         if (!ttissymbol(s) || !ttissymbol(s2)) {
    441             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(
    442                 K, "Not a symbol in import clause", 1, ttissymbol(s)? s2 : s);
    443             return;
    444         } else if (kbinds(K, env, s)) {
    445             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "Repeated symbol in import "
    446                                                "clause", 1, s);
    447             return;
    448         }
    449         kadd_binding(K, env, s, KINERT);
    450     }
    451     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    452 }
    454 static void check_import_list(klisp_State *K, TValue imports)
    455 {
    456     /* will use a stack for accumulating clauses */
    457     TValue stack = KNIL;
    458     krooted_vars_push(K, &stack);
    459     check_list(K, false, imports, NULL, NULL);
    461     while(!ttisnil(stack) || !ttisnil(imports)) {
    462         TValue clause;
    463         if (ttisnil(stack)) {
    464             clause = kcar(imports);
    465             while (ttispair(clause) && ttiskeyword(kcar(clause))) {
    466                 stack = kcons(K, clause, stack);
    467                 clause = kcar(kcdr(clause));
    468             }
    469             check_library_name(K, clause);
    470         } else {
    471             /* this is always a keyword clause */
    472             clause = kcar(stack);
    473             stack = kcdr(stack);
    474             int32_t pairs;
    475             check_list(K, false, clause, &pairs, NULL);
    476             if (pairs < 3) {
    477                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "bad syntax in import "
    478                                                    "clause", 1, clause);
    479                 return;
    480             }
    481             TValue keyw = kcar(clause);
    483             if (kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "only") == 0 ||
    484                 kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "except") == 0 ||
    485                 kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "rename") == 0) {
    487                 check_distinct_symbols(K, clause);
    488             } else if (kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "prefix") == 0) {
    489                 if (pairs != 3) {
    490                     klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "import clause is too "
    491                                                        "short", 1, clause);
    492                     return;
    493                 } else if (!ttissymbol(kcar(kcdr(kcdr(clause))))) {
    494                     klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(
    495                         K, "Non symbol in #:prefix import clause", 1, clause);
    496                     return;
    497                 }
    498             } else {
    499                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "unknown keyword in "
    500                                                    "import clause", 1, clause);
    501                 return;
    502             }
    503         }
    504         if (ttisnil(stack))
    505             imports = kcdr(imports);
    506     }
    507     krooted_vars_pop(K);
    508 }
    510 static void check_symbols_in_bindings(klisp_State *K, TValue ls, TValue env)
    511 {
    512     for (; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    513         TValue s = kcar(ls);
    514         if (ttispair(s)) s = kcar(s);
    516         if (!kbinds(K, env, s)) {
    517             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(
    518                 K, "Unknown symbol in import clause", 1, s);
    519             return;
    520         }
    521     }
    522 }
    524 static TValue extract_import_bindings(klisp_State *K, TValue imports)
    525 {
    526     TValue ret_ls = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    527     TValue lp = ret_ls;
    528     krooted_tvs_push(K, ret_ls);
    529     TValue np = KNIL;
    530     krooted_vars_push(K, &np);
    531     /* will use a stack for accumulating clauses */
    532     TValue stack = KNIL;
    533     krooted_vars_push(K, &stack);
    534     TValue menv = KINERT;
    535     TValue mls = KINERT;
    536     krooted_vars_push(K, &menv);
    537     krooted_vars_push(K, &mls);
    539     while(!ttisnil(stack) || !ttisnil(imports)) {
    540         TValue clause;
    541         if (ttisnil(stack)) {
    542             /* clause can't be nil */
    543             clause = kcar(imports);
    544             while (ttiskeyword(kcar(clause))) {
    545                 stack = kcons(K, clause, stack);
    546                 clause = kcar(kcdr(clause));
    547             }
    548             TValue entry = libraries_registry_assoc(K, clause, NULL);
    549             if (ttisnil(entry)) {
    550                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "library name not "
    551                                                    "registered", 1, clause);
    552                 return KINERT;
    553             }
    554             menv = klibrary_env(kcdr(entry));
    555             mls = klibrary_exp_list(kcdr(entry));
    557             klisp_assert(ttispair(clause) && !ttiskeyword(kcar(clause)));
    558         } else {
    559             clause = kcar(stack);
    560             stack = kcdr(stack);
    561         }
    563         if (ttiskeyword(kcar(clause))) {
    564             TValue keyw = kcar(clause);
    566             TValue rest = kcdr(kcdr(clause));
    567             if (kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "only") == 0) {
    568                 check_symbols_in_bindings(K, rest, menv);
    569                 mls = rest;
    570             } else if (kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "except") == 0) {
    571                 check_symbols_in_bindings(K, rest, menv);
    572                 TValue env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    573                 krooted_tvs_push(K, env);
    574                 for (TValue ls = rest; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls))
    575                     kadd_binding(K, env, kcar(ls), KINERT);
    576                 /* filter */
    577                 TValue nmls = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    578                 TValue nmls_lp = nmls;
    579                 krooted_tvs_push(K, nmls);
    580                 for (TValue ls = mls; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    581                     TValue s = kcar(ls);
    582                     if (!kbinds(K, env, s)) {
    583                         np = kcons(K, s, KNIL);
    584                         kset_cdr(nmls_lp, np);
    585                         nmls_lp = np;
    586                     }
    587                 }
    588                 mls = kcdr(nmls);
    589                 krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    590             } else if (kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "prefix") == 0) {
    591                 TValue pre = kcar(rest);
    592                 TValue obj = KNIL;
    593                 krooted_vars_push(K, &obj);
    594                 TValue nmls = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    595                 TValue nmls_lp = nmls;
    596                 krooted_tvs_push(K, nmls);
    597                 TValue nmenv = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    598                 krooted_tvs_push(K, nmenv);
    599                 for (TValue ls = mls; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    600                     TValue s = kcar(ls);
    601                     obj = kstring_new_s(K, ksymbol_size(pre) +
    602                                         ksymbol_size(s));
    603                     memcpy(kstring_buf(obj), ksymbol_buf(pre),
    604                            ksymbol_size(pre));
    605                     memcpy(kstring_buf(obj) + ksymbol_size(pre), 
    606                            ksymbol_buf(s), ksymbol_size(s));
    607                     /* TODO attach si */
    608                     obj = ksymbol_new_str(K, obj, KNIL);
    609                     np = kcons(K, obj, KNIL);
    610                     kset_cdr(nmls_lp, np);
    611                     nmls_lp = np;
    613                     kadd_binding(K, nmenv, obj, kget_binding(K, menv, s));
    614                 }
    615                 mls = kcdr(nmls);
    616                 menv = nmenv;
    617                 krooted_vars_pop(K);
    618                 krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    619             } else if (kkeyword_cstr_cmp(keyw, "rename") == 0) {
    620                 check_distinct_symbols(K, clause);
    621                 /* env is for renamed symbols info */
    622                 TValue env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    623                 krooted_tvs_push(K, env);
    625                 /* remember all renamed symbols info first */
    626                 for (TValue ls = rest; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    627                     TValue p = kcar(ls);
    628                     kadd_binding(K, env, kcar(p), kcar(kcdr(p)));
    629                 }
    631                 /* now we can construct the list and env */
    632                 TValue nmls = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    633                 TValue nmls_lp = nmls;
    634                 krooted_tvs_push(K, nmls);
    635                 TValue nmenv = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    636                 krooted_tvs_push(K, nmenv);
    639                 /* add all renamed symbols first */
    640                 for (TValue ls = mls; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    641                     TValue si = kcar(ls);
    642                     TValue se;
    643                     if (kbinds(K, env, si)) /* renamed binding */
    644                         se = kget_binding(K, env, si);
    645                     else se = si;
    647                     /* check that symbol wasn't already defined
    648                        (can happen if a binding is renamed to another binding
    649                        of the same library and that other binding isn't itself 
    650                        renamed) */
    651                     if (kbinds(K, nmenv, se)) {
    652                         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(
    653                             K, "imported a symbol twice in #:rename clause", 
    654                             1, se);
    655                         return KINERT;
    656                     }
    658                     np = kcons(K, se, KNIL);
    659                     kset_cdr(nmls_lp, np);
    660                     nmls_lp = np;
    662                     kadd_binding(K, nmenv, se, kget_binding(K, menv, si));
    663                 }
    665                 mls = kcdr(nmls);
    666                 menv = nmenv;
    667                 krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    668             }
    669         }
    671         if (ttisnil(stack)) {
    672             /* move to next import clause */
    673             for (TValue ls = mls; !ttisnil(ls); ls = kcdr(ls)) {
    674                 TValue s = kcar(ls);
    675                 np = kcons(K, s, kget_binding(K, menv, s));
    676                 np = kcons(K, np, KNIL);
    677                 kset_cdr(lp, np);
    678                 lp = np;
    679             }
    680             imports = kcdr(imports);
    681         }
    682     }
    683     krooted_vars_pop(K); krooted_vars_pop(K); 
    684     krooted_vars_pop(K); krooted_vars_pop(K);
    685     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    686     return kcdr(ret_ls);
    687 }
    689 /* ?.? $import-library! */
    690 static void Simport_libraryB(klisp_State *K)
    691 {
    692     TValue imports = K->next_value;
    693     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    695     check_import_list(K, imports);
    696     /* list of (name . value) pairs */
    697     TValue bindings = extract_import_bindings(K, imports);
    698     krooted_tvs_push(K, bindings);
    700     TValue env = kmake_table_environment(K, KNIL);
    701     krooted_tvs_push(K, env);
    702     TValue tail;
    703     for (tail = bindings; !ttisnil(tail); tail = kcdr(tail)) {
    704         TValue s = kcar(kcar(tail));
    705         TValue v = kcdr(kcar(tail));
    706         if (kbinds(K, env, s)) {
    707             TValue v2 = kget_binding(K, env, s);
    708             if (!eq2p(K, v, v2)) {
    709                 klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(
    710                     K, "imported a symbol twice with un-eq? values", 
    711                     3, s, v, v2);
    712                 return;
    713             }
    714         } else {
    715             kadd_binding(K, env, s, v);
    716         }
    717     }
    719     for (tail = bindings; !ttisnil(tail); tail = kcdr(tail)) {
    720         TValue s = kcar(kcar(tail));
    721         TValue v = kcdr(kcar(tail));
    722         kadd_binding(K, denv, s, v);
    723     }
    724     krooted_tvs_pop(K); krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    725     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
    726 }
    728 /* init ground */
    729 void kinit_libraries_ground_env(klisp_State *K)
    730 {
    731     TValue ground_env = G(K)->ground_env;
    732     TValue symbol, value;
    734     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "library?", typep, 2, symbol, 
    735                     i2tv(K_TLIBRARY));
    736     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "make-library", make_library, 0); 
    737     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "get-library-export-list", 
    738                     get_library_export_list, 0); 
    739     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "get-library-environment", 
    740                     get_library_environment, 0); 
    742     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$registered-library?", Sregistered_libraryP, 
    743                   0);
    744     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$get-registered-library", 
    745                   Sget_registered_library, 0);
    746     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$register-library!", Sregister_libraryB, 
    747                   0);
    748     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$unregister-library!", Sunregister_libraryB, 
    749                   0);
    751     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$provide-library!", Sprovide_libraryB, 0);
    752     add_operative(K, ground_env, "$import-library!", Simport_libraryB, 0);
    753 }
    755 /* XXX lock? */
    756 /* init continuation names */
    757 void kinit_libraries_cont_names(klisp_State *K)
    758 {
    759     Table *t = tv2table(G(K)->cont_name_table);
    761     add_cont_name(K, t, do_register_library, "register-library"); 
    762     add_cont_name(K, t, do_provide_library, "provide-library"); 
    763 }