
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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kgpairs_lists.c (42493B)

      1 /*
      2 ** kgpairs_lists.c
      3 ** Pairs and lists features for the ground environment
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 #include <assert.h>
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #include <stdbool.h>
     11 #include <stdint.h>
     13 #include "kstate.h"
     14 #include "kobject.h"
     15 #include "kpair.h"
     16 #include "kstring.h"
     17 #include "kcontinuation.h"
     18 #include "kenvironment.h"
     19 #include "ksymbol.h"
     20 #include "kerror.h"
     22 #include "kghelpers.h"
     23 #include "kgpairs_lists.h"
     25 /* Continuations */
     26 void do_memberp(klisp_State *K);
     27 void do_assoc(klisp_State *K);
     28 void do_filter(klisp_State *K);
     30 void do_reduce(klisp_State *K);
     31 void do_reduce_prec(klisp_State *K);
     32 void do_reduce_postc(klisp_State *K);
     33 void do_reduce_combine(klisp_State *K);
     34 void do_reduce_cycle(klisp_State *K);
     36 /* 4.6.1 pair? */
     37 /* uses typep */
     39 /* 4.6.2 null? */
     40 /* uses typep */
     42 /* 4.6.3 cons */
     43 void cons(klisp_State *K)
     44 {
     45     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
     46     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
     47     TValue denv = K->next_env;
     48     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
     49     UNUSED(denv);
     50     UNUSED(xparams);
     51     bind_2p(K, ptree, car, cdr);
     53     TValue new_pair = kcons(K, car, cdr);
     54     kapply_cc(K, new_pair);
     55 }
     57 /* 5.2.1 list */
     58 /* defined in kghelpers.h (for use in kstate) */
     60 /* 5.2.2 list* */
     61 void listS(klisp_State *K)
     62 {
     63     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
     64     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
     65     TValue denv = K->next_env;
     66     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
     67 /* TODO: 
     68    OPTIMIZE: if this call is a result of a call to eval, we could get away
     69    with just setting the kcdr of the next to last pair to the car of
     70    the last pair, because the list of operands is fresh. Also the type
     71    check wouldn't be necessary. This optimization technique could be
     72    used in lots of places to avoid checks and the like. */
     73     UNUSED(xparams);
     74     UNUSED(denv);
     76     if (ttisnil(ptree)) {
     77         klispE_throw_simple(K, "empty argument list"); 
     78         return;
     79     }
     80     TValue res_obj = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
     81     krooted_vars_push(K, &res_obj);
     82     TValue last_pair = res_obj;
     83     TValue tail = ptree;
     85     /* First copy the list, but remembering the next to last pair */
     86     while(ttispair(tail) && !kis_marked(tail)) {
     87         kmark(tail);
     88         /* we save the next_to last pair in the cdr to 
     89            allow the change into an improper list later */
     90         TValue new_pair = kcons(K, kcar(tail), last_pair);
     91         kset_cdr(last_pair, new_pair);
     92         last_pair = new_pair;
     93         tail = kcdr(tail);
     94     }
     95     unmark_list(K, ptree);
     97     if (ttisnil(tail)) {
     98         /* Now eliminate the last pair to get the correct improper list.
     99            This avoids an if in the above loop. It's inside the if because
    100            we need at least one pair for this to work. */
    101         TValue next_to_last_pair = kcdr(last_pair);
    102         kset_cdr(next_to_last_pair, kcar(last_pair));
    103         krooted_vars_pop(K);
    104         kapply_cc(K, kcdr(res_obj));
    105     } else if (ttispair(tail)) { /* cyclic argument list */
    106         klispE_throw_simple(K, "cyclic argument list"); 
    107         return;
    108     } else {
    109         klispE_throw_simple(K, "argument list is improper"); 
    110         return;
    111     }
    112 }
    114 /* Helper macros to construct xparams[1] for c[ad]{1,4}r */
    115 #define C_AD_R_PARAM(len_, br_)                         \
    116     (i2tv((C_AD_R_LEN(len_) | (C_AD_R_BRANCH(br_)))))
    117 #define C_AD_R_LEN(len_) ((len_) << 4)
    118 #define C_AD_R_BRANCH(br_)                      \
    119     ((br_ & 0x0001? 0x1 : 0) |                  \
    120      (br_ & 0x0010? 0x2 : 0) |                  \
    121      (br_ & 0x0100? 0x4 : 0) |                  \
    122      (br_ & 0x1000? 0x8 : 0))
    124 /* 5.4.1 car, cdr */
    125 /* 5.4.2 caar, cadr, ... cddddr */
    126 void c_ad_r(klisp_State *K)
    127 {
    128     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    129     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    130     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    131     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    133     UNUSED(denv);
    135     /*
    136     ** xparams[0]: name as symbol
    137     ** xparams[1]: an int with the less significant 2 nibbles 
    138     **                   standing for the count and the branch selection.
    139     **                   The high nibble is the count: that is the number of
    140     **                   'a's and 'd's in the name, for example:
    141     **                   0x1? for car and cdr.
    142     **                   0x2? for caar, cadr, cdar and cddr.
    143     **                   The low nibble is the branch selection, a 0 bit means
    144     **                   car, a 1 bit means cdr, the first bit to be applied 
    145     **                   is bit 0 so: caar=0x20, cadr=0x21, cdar:0x22, cddr 0x23
    146     */
    148     int p = ivalue(xparams[1]);
    149     int count = (p >> 4) & 0xf;
    150     int branches = p & 0xf;
    152     bind_1p(K, ptree, obj);
    154     while(count) {
    155         if (!ttispair(obj)) {
    156             klispE_throw_simple(K, "non pair found while traversing"); 
    157             return;
    158         }
    159         obj = ((branches & 1) == 0)? kcar(obj) : kcdr(obj);
    160         branches >>= 1;
    161         --count;
    162     }
    163     kapply_cc(K, obj);
    164 }
    166 /* 5.4.? make-list */
    167 void make_list(klisp_State *K)
    168 {
    169     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    170     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    171     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    172     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    174     UNUSED(xparams);
    175     UNUSED(denv);
    177     bind_al1tp(K, ptree, "exact integer", keintegerp, tv_s, fill);
    179     if (!get_opt_tpar(K, fill, "any", anytype))
    180         fill = KINERT;
    182     if (knegativep(tv_s)) {
    183         klispE_throw_simple(K, "negative list length");
    184         return;
    185     } else if (!ttisfixint(tv_s)) {
    186         klispE_throw_simple(K, "list length is too big");
    187         return;
    188     }
    189     TValue tail = KNIL;
    190     int i = ivalue(tv_s); 
    191     krooted_vars_push(K, &tail);
    192     while(i-- > 0) {
    193         tail = kcons(K, fill, tail);
    194     }
    195     krooted_vars_pop(K);
    197     kapply_cc(K, tail);
    198 }
    200 /* 5.4.? list-copy */
    201 void list_copy(klisp_State *K)
    202 {
    203     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    204     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    205     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    206     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    208     UNUSED(xparams);
    209     UNUSED(denv);
    211     bind_1p(K, ptree, ls);
    212     TValue copy = check_copy_list(K, ls, true, NULL, NULL);
    213     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    214 }
    216 /* 5.4.? reverse */
    217 void reverse(klisp_State *K)
    218 {
    219     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    220     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    221     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    222     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    224     UNUSED(xparams);
    225     UNUSED(denv);
    227     bind_1p(K, ptree, ls);
    228     TValue tail = ls;
    229     TValue res = KNIL;
    230     krooted_vars_push(K, &res);
    231     while(ttispair(tail) && !kis_marked(tail)) {
    232         kmark(tail);
    233         res = kcons(K, kcar(tail), res);
    234         tail = kcdr(tail);
    235     }
    236     unmark_list(K, ls);
    237     krooted_vars_pop(K);
    239     if (ttispair(tail)) {
    240         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected acyclic list"); 
    241     } else if (!ttisnil(tail)) {
    242         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected list"); 
    243     } else {
    244         kapply_cc(K, res);
    245     }
    246 }
    248 /* 5.7.1 get-list-metrics */
    249 void get_list_metrics(klisp_State *K)
    250 {
    251     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    252     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    253     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    254     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    255     UNUSED(xparams);
    256     UNUSED(denv);
    258     bind_1p(K, ptree, obj);
    260     int32_t pairs, nils, apairs, cpairs;
    261     get_list_metrics_aux(K, obj, &pairs, &nils, &apairs, &cpairs);
    263     TValue res = klist(K, 4, i2tv(pairs), i2tv(nils), 
    264                        i2tv(apairs), i2tv(cpairs));
    265     kapply_cc(K, res);
    266 }
    268 /* 5.7.2 list-tail */
    269 void list_tail(klisp_State *K)
    270 {
    271     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    272     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    273     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    274     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    275 /* ASK John: can the object be a cyclic list? the wording of the report
    276    seems to indicate that can't be the case, but it makes sense here 
    277    (cf $encycle!) to allow cyclic lists, so that's what I do */
    278     UNUSED(xparams);
    279     UNUSED(denv);
    280     bind_2tp(K, ptree, "any", anytype, obj,
    281              "exact integer", keintegerp, tk);
    283     if (knegativep(tk)) {
    284         klispE_throw_simple(K, "negative index");
    285         return;
    286     }
    288     int32_t k = (ttisfixint(tk))? ivalue(tk)
    289         : ksmallest_index(K, obj, tk);
    291     while(k) {
    292         if (!ttispair(obj)) {
    293             klispE_throw_simple(K, "non pair found while traversing "
    294                                 "object");
    295             return;
    296         }
    297         obj = kcdr(obj);
    298         --k;
    299     }
    300     kapply_cc(K, obj);
    301 }
    303 /* 6.3.1 length */
    304 void length(klisp_State *K)
    305 {
    306     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    307     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    308     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    309     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    310     UNUSED(xparams);
    311     UNUSED(denv);
    313     bind_1p(K, ptree, obj);
    315     TValue tail = obj;
    316     int pairs = 0;
    317     while(ttispair(tail) && !kis_marked(tail)) {
    318         kmark(tail);
    319         tail = kcdr(tail);
    320         ++pairs;
    321     }
    322     unmark_list(K, obj);
    324     TValue res = ttispair(tail)? KEPINF : i2tv(pairs);
    325     kapply_cc(K, res);
    326 }
    328 /* 6.3.2 list-ref */
    329 void list_ref(klisp_State *K)
    330 {
    331     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    332     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    333     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    334     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    335 /* ASK John: can the object be an improper list? the wording of the report
    336    seems to indicate that can't be the case, but it makes sense 
    337    (cf list-tail) For now we allow it. */
    338     UNUSED(denv);
    339     UNUSED(xparams);
    341     bind_2tp(K, ptree, "any", anytype, obj,
    342              "exact integer", keintegerp, tk);
    344     if (knegativep(tk)) {
    345         klispE_throw_simple(K, "negative index");
    346         return;
    347     }
    349     int32_t k = (ttisfixint(tk))? ivalue(tk)
    350         : ksmallest_index(K, obj, tk);
    352     while(k) {
    353         if (!ttispair(obj)) {
    354             klispE_throw_simple(K, "non pair found while traversing "
    355                                 "object");
    356             return;
    357         }
    358         obj = kcdr(obj);
    359         --k;
    360     }
    361     if (!ttispair(obj)) {
    362         klispE_throw_simple(K, "non pair found while traversing "
    363                             "object");
    364         return;
    365     }
    366     TValue res = kcar(obj);
    367     kapply_cc(K, res);
    368 }
    370 /* Helper for append */
    372 /* Check that ls is an acyclic list, copy it and return both the list
    373    (as the ret value) and the last_pair. If obj is nil, *last_pair remains
    374    unmodified (this avoids having to check ttisnil before calling this) */
    376 /* GC: Assumes obj is rooted */
    377 TValue append_check_copy_list(klisp_State *K, char *name, TValue obj, 
    378                               TValue *last_pair_ptr)
    379 {
    380     /* return early if nil to avoid setting *last_pair_ptr */
    381     if (ttisnil(obj))
    382         return obj;
    384     TValue copy = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    385     krooted_vars_push(K, &copy);
    386     TValue last_pair = copy;
    387     TValue tail = obj;
    389     while(ttispair(tail) && !kis_marked(tail)) {
    390         kmark(tail);
    391         TValue new_pair = kcons(K, kcar(tail), KNIL);
    392         kset_cdr(last_pair, new_pair);
    393         last_pair = new_pair;
    394         tail = kcdr(tail);
    395     }
    396     unmark_list(K, obj);
    398     if (ttispair(tail)) {
    399         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected acyclic list"); 
    400         return KINERT;
    401     } else if (!ttisnil(tail)) {
    402         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected list"); 
    403         return KINERT;
    404     }
    405     *last_pair_ptr = last_pair;
    406     krooted_vars_pop(K);
    407     return (kcdr(copy));
    408 }
    410 /* 6.3.3 append */
    411 void append(klisp_State *K)
    412 {
    413     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    414     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    415     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    416     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    417     UNUSED(xparams);
    418     UNUSED(denv);
    420     int32_t pairs, cpairs;
    421     check_list(K, true, ptree, &pairs, &cpairs);
    422     int32_t apairs = pairs - cpairs;
    424     TValue res_list = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    425     krooted_vars_push(K, &res_list);
    426     TValue last_pair = res_list;
    427     TValue lss = ptree;
    428     TValue last_apair;
    430     while (apairs != 0 || cpairs != 0) {
    431         if (apairs == 0) {
    432             /* this is the first run of the loop (if there is no acyclic part) 
    433                or the second run of the loop (the cyclic part), 
    434                must remember the last acyclic pair to encycle! the result */
    435             last_apair = last_pair;
    436             pairs = cpairs;
    437         } else {
    438             /* this is the first (maybe only) run of the loop 
    439                (the acyclic part) */
    440             pairs = apairs;
    441         }
    443         while (pairs--) {
    444             TValue first = kcar(lss);
    445             lss = kcdr(lss);
    446             TValue next_list;
    447             TValue new_last_pair = last_pair; /* this helps if first is nil */
    448             /* don't check or copy last list */
    449             if (ttisnil(lss)) {
    450                 /* here, new_last_pair is bogus, but it isn't necessary 
    451                    anymore so don't set it */
    452                 next_list = first;
    453             } else {
    454                 next_list = append_check_copy_list(K, "append", first, 
    455                                                    &new_last_pair);
    456             }
    457             kset_cdr(last_pair, next_list);
    458             last_pair = new_last_pair;
    459         }
    461         if (apairs != 0) {
    462             /* acyclic part done */
    463             apairs = 0;
    464         } else {
    465             /* cyclic part done */
    466             cpairs = 0;
    467             TValue first_cpair = kcdr(last_apair);
    468             TValue last_cpair = last_pair;
    469             /* this works even if there is no cycle to be formed
    470                (kcdr(last_apair) == ()) */
    471             kset_cdr(last_cpair, first_cpair); /* encycle! */
    472         }
    473     }
    474     krooted_vars_pop(K);
    475     kapply_cc(K, kcdr(res_list));
    476 }
    478 /* 6.3.4 list-neighbors */
    479 void list_neighbors(klisp_State *K)
    480 {
    481     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    482     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    483     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    484     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    485     UNUSED(xparams);
    486     UNUSED(denv);
    488     bind_1p(K, ptree, ls);
    490     int32_t pairs, cpairs;
    491     check_list(K, true, ls, &pairs, &cpairs);
    493     TValue tail = ls;
    494     int32_t count = cpairs? pairs - cpairs : pairs - 1;
    495     TValue neighbors = kcons(K, KNIL, KNIL);
    496     krooted_vars_push(K, &neighbors);
    497     TValue last_pair = neighbors;
    498     TValue last_apair = last_pair; /* set after first loop */
    499     bool doing_cycle = false;
    501     while(count > 0 || !doing_cycle) {
    502         while(count-- > 0) { /* can be -1 if ls is nil */
    503             TValue first = kcar(tail);
    504             tail = kcdr(tail); /* tail advances one place per iter */
    505             TValue new_car = klist(K, 2, first, kcar(tail));
    506             krooted_tvs_push(K, new_car);
    507             TValue new_pair = kcons(K, new_car, KNIL);
    508             krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    509             kset_cdr(last_pair, new_pair);
    510             last_pair = new_pair;
    511         }
    513         if (doing_cycle) {
    514             TValue first_cpair = kcdr(last_apair);
    515             kset_cdr(last_pair, first_cpair);
    516         } else { /* this is done even if cpairs is 0 to terminate the loop */
    517             doing_cycle = true;
    518             /* must remember first cycle pair to reconstruct the cycle,
    519                we can save the last outside of the cycle and then check 
    520                its cdr */
    521             last_apair = last_pair;
    522             count = cpairs; /* this contains the sublist that has the last
    523                                and first element of the cycle */
    524             /* this will loop once more */
    525         }
    526     }
    527     krooted_vars_pop(K);
    528     kapply_cc(K, kcdr(neighbors));
    529 }
    531 /* Helpers for filter */
    533 /* For acyclic input lists: Return the filtered list */
    534 void do_ret_cdr(klisp_State *K)
    535 {
    536     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    537     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    538     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    539     /*
    540     ** xparams[0]: (dummy . complete-ls)
    541     */
    542     UNUSED(obj);
    543     /* copy the list to avoid problems with continuations
    544        captured from within the dynamic extent to filter
    545        and later mutation of the result */
    546     /* XXX: the check isn't necessary really, but there is
    547        no list_copy (and if there was it would take apairs and
    548        cpairs, which we don't have here */
    549     TValue copy = check_copy_list(K, kcdr(xparams[0]), true, NULL, NULL);
    550     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    551 }
    553 /* For cyclic input list: If the result cycle is non empty, 
    554    close it and return filtered list */
    555 void do_filter_encycle(klisp_State *K)
    556 {
    557     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    558     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    559     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    560     /*
    561     ** xparams[0]: (dummy . complete-ls)
    562     ** xparams[1]: last non-cycle pair
    563     */
    564     /* obj: (rem-ls . last-pair) */
    565     TValue last_pair = kcdr(obj);
    566     TValue last_non_cycle_pair = xparams[1];
    568     if (tv_equal(last_pair, last_non_cycle_pair)) {
    569         /* no cycle in result, this isn't strictly necessary
    570            but just in case */
    571         kset_cdr(last_non_cycle_pair, KNIL);
    572     } else {
    573         /* There are pairs in the cycle, so close it */
    574         TValue first_cycle_pair = kcdr(last_non_cycle_pair);
    575         TValue last_cycle_pair = last_pair;
    576         kset_cdr(last_cycle_pair, first_cycle_pair);
    577     }
    579     /* copy the list to avoid problems with continuations
    580        captured from within the dynamic extent to filter
    581        and later mutation of the result */
    582     /* XXX: the check isn't necessary really, but there is
    583        no list_copy (and if there was it would take apairs and
    584        cpairs, which we don't have here */
    585     TValue copy = check_copy_list(K, kcdr(xparams[0]), true, NULL, NULL);
    586     kapply_cc(K, copy);
    587 }
    589 void do_filter(klisp_State *K)
    590 {
    591     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    592     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    593     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    594     /*
    595     ** xparams[0]: app
    596     ** xparams[1]: (last-exp . rem-ls)
    597     ** xparams[2]: acc
    598     ** xparams[3]: rem-apairs (+1?)
    599     ** xparams[4]: rem-cpairs (+1?)
    600     ** xparams[5]: acc-apairs
    601     ** xparams[6]: acc-cpairs
    602     */
    603     TValue app = xparams[0];
    604     TValue ls = xparams[1];
    605     TValue last_exp = kcar(ls);
    606     ls = kcdr(ls);
    607     TValue acc = xparams[2];
    608     int32_t apairs = ivalue(xparams[3]);
    609     int32_t cpairs = ivalue(xparams[4]);
    610     int32_t acc_apairs = ivalue(xparams[5]);
    611     int32_t acc_cpairs = ivalue(xparams[6]);
    613     bool last_acyclicp;
    615     if (apairs > 0) {
    616       last_acyclicp = true;
    617       --apairs;
    618     } else {
    619       last_acyclicp = false;
    620       --cpairs;
    621     }
    623     if (!ttisboolean(obj)) {
    624         klispE_throw_simple(K, "expected boolean result");
    625         return;
    626     } 
    628     if (kis_true(obj)) {
    629       acc = kcons(K, last_exp, acc);
    630       if (last_acyclicp) 
    631 	++acc_apairs;
    632       else 
    633 	++acc_cpairs;
    634     }
    636     krooted_tvs_push(K, acc); /* push it in case an object was added above */
    638     if (apairs > 0 || cpairs > 0) {
    639       /* there is still some work to do */
    640       TValue new_env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    641       krooted_tvs_push(K, new_env);
    642       /* have to unwrap the applicative to avoid extra evaluation of first */
    643       TValue new_expr = klist(K, 2, kunwrap(app), kcar(ls), KNIL);
    644       krooted_tvs_push(K, new_expr);
    645       TValue new_cont = 
    646             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_filter, 7, app, 
    647                                ls, acc, i2tv(apairs), i2tv(cpairs), 
    648 			       i2tv(acc_apairs), i2tv(acc_cpairs));
    649       krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* acc, new_env & new_expr */
    650       krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    651       krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    653       kset_cc(K, new_cont); /* this will avoid GC */
    654       ktail_eval(K, new_expr, new_env);
    655     } else {
    656       /* reverse-copy the list and encycle if necessary */
    657       /* GC: acc is already rooted */
    658       TValue res = reverse_copy_and_encycle(K, acc, acc_apairs + acc_cpairs,
    659 					    acc_cpairs);
    660       krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    661       kapply_cc(K, res);
    662     }
    663 }
    665 /* 6.3.5 filter */
    666 void filter(klisp_State *K)
    667 {
    668     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    669     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    670     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    671     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    672     UNUSED(xparams);
    673     UNUSED(denv);
    674     bind_2tp(K, ptree, "applicative", ttisapplicative, app,
    675              "any", anytype, ls);
    677     if (ttisnil(ls)) {
    678       kapply_cc(K, KNIL);
    679     }
    681     /* copy the list to ignore changes made by the applicative */
    682     int32_t pairs, cpairs;
    683     check_list(K, true, ls, &pairs, &cpairs);
    684     ls = check_copy_list(K, ls, false, &pairs, &cpairs);
    685     int apairs = pairs - cpairs;
    687     krooted_tvs_push(K, ls);
    688     TValue dummy_ls = kcons(K, KINERT, ls);
    689     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    690     krooted_tvs_push(K, dummy_ls);
    691     TValue new_cont = 
    692       kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_filter, 7, app, 
    693 			 dummy_ls, KNIL, i2tv(apairs+1), i2tv(cpairs), i2tv(0), i2tv(0));
    694     /* pass apairs + 1 to allow do_filter to tell whether the last evaluation was from
    695        the acyclic or cyclic part */
    696     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
    697     kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    698     /* this will be a nop, and will continue with do_filter */
    699     kapply_cc(K, KFALSE);
    700 }
    702 /* 6.3.6 assoc */
    703 /* helper if third optional argument is used */
    704 void do_assoc(klisp_State *K)
    705 {
    706     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    707     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    708     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    709     /*
    710     ** xparams[0]: pred
    711     ** xparams[1]: obj to be compared
    712     ** xparams[2]: last-pair + rem ls
    713     ** xparams[3]: rem pairs
    714     */ 
    716     TValue pred = xparams[0];
    717     TValue cmp_obj = xparams[1];
    718     TValue ls = xparams[2];
    719     int32_t pairs = ivalue(xparams[3]);
    721     if (!ttisboolean(obj)) {
    722         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "expected boolean", 1, obj);
    723         return;
    724     } else if (kis_true(obj) || pairs == 0) {
    725         TValue res = kis_true(obj)? kcar(ls) : KNIL;
    726         kapply_cc(K, res);
    727     } else {
    728         /* object not YET found */
    729         TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_assoc, 4, pred, 
    730                                          cmp_obj, kcdr(ls), i2tv(pairs-1));
    731         /* not necessary but may save a continuation in some cases */
    732         kset_bool_check_cont(cont);
    733         kset_cc(K, cont);
    734         TValue exp = kcons(K, kcar(kcar(kcdr(ls))), KNIL);
    735         krooted_vars_push(K, &exp);
    736         exp = kcons(K, cmp_obj, exp);
    737         exp = kcons(K, pred, exp);
    738         /* TEMP for now use an empty environment for dynamic env */
    739         TValue env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    740         krooted_vars_pop(K);
    741         ktail_eval(K, exp, env);
    742     }
    743 }
    745 void assoc(klisp_State *K)
    746 {
    747     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    748     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    749     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    750     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    751     UNUSED(xparams);
    752     UNUSED(denv);
    754     bind_al2p(K, ptree, obj, ls, maybe_pred);
    755     bool predp = get_opt_tpar(K, maybe_pred, "applicative", ttisapplicative);
    756     /* first pass, check structure */
    757     int32_t pairs;
    758     check_typed_list(K, kpairp, true, ls, &pairs, NULL);
    760     TValue res;
    761     if (predp) {
    762         /* we'll need use continuations, copy list first to
    763            avoid troubles with mutation */
    764         ls = check_copy_list(K, ls, false, NULL, NULL);
    765         krooted_vars_push(K, &ls);
    766         ls = kcons(K, KINERT, ls); /* add dummy obj to stand as last 
    767                                       compared obj */
    768         TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_assoc, 4,
    769                                          maybe_pred, obj, ls, i2tv(pairs));
    770         krooted_vars_pop(K);
    771         kset_cc(K, cont);
    772         /* pass false to have it keep looking (in the whole list) */
    773         res = KFALSE;
    774     } else {   
    775         /* use equal?, no continuation needed */
    776         TValue tail = ls;
    777         res = KNIL;
    778         while(pairs--) {
    779             TValue first = kcar(tail);
    780             if (equal2p(K, kcar(first), obj)) {
    781                 res = first;
    782                 break;
    783             }
    784             tail = kcdr(tail);
    785         }
    786     }
    787     kapply_cc(K, res);
    788 }
    790 /* 6.3.7 member? */
    791 /* helper if third optional argument is used */
    792 void do_memberp(klisp_State *K)
    793 {
    794     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    795     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    796     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    797     /*
    798     ** xparams[0]: pred
    799     ** xparams[1]: obj to be compared
    800     ** xparams[2]: rem ls
    801     ** xparams[3]: rem pairs
    802     */ 
    804     TValue pred = xparams[0];
    805     TValue cmp_obj = xparams[1];
    806     TValue ls = xparams[2];
    807     int32_t pairs = ivalue(xparams[3]);
    809     if (!ttisboolean(obj)) {
    810         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "expected boolean", 1, obj);
    811         return;
    812     } else if (kis_true(obj) || pairs == 0) {
    813         /* object found if obj is true and not found if obj is false */
    814         kapply_cc(K, obj);
    815     } else {
    816         /* object not YET found */
    817         TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_memberp, 4, pred, 
    818                                          cmp_obj, kcdr(ls), i2tv(pairs-1));
    819         /* not necessary but may save a continuation in some cases */
    820         kset_bool_check_cont(cont);
    821         kset_cc(K, cont);
    822         TValue exp = kcons(K, kcar(ls), KNIL);
    823         krooted_vars_push(K, &exp);
    824         exp = kcons(K, cmp_obj, exp);
    825         exp = kcons(K, pred, exp);
    826         /* TEMP for now use an empty environment for dynamic env */
    827         TValue env = kmake_empty_environment(K);
    828         krooted_vars_pop(K);
    829         ktail_eval(K, exp, env);
    830     }
    831 }
    833 void memberp(klisp_State *K)
    834 {
    835     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    836     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    837     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    838     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    839     UNUSED(xparams);
    840     UNUSED(denv);
    842     bind_al2p(K, ptree, obj, ls, maybe_pred);
    843     bool predp = get_opt_tpar(K, maybe_pred, "applicative", ttisapplicative);
    845     /* first pass, check structure */
    846     int32_t pairs;
    847     if (predp) { /* copy if a custom predicate is used */
    848         ls = check_copy_list(K, ls, false, &pairs, NULL);
    849     } else { 
    850         check_list(K, true, ls, &pairs, NULL);
    851     }
    853     TValue res;
    854     if (predp) {
    855         /* we'll need use continuations */
    856         krooted_tvs_push(K, ls);
    857         TValue cont = kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_memberp, 4,
    858                                          maybe_pred, obj, ls, i2tv(pairs));
    859         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    860         kset_cc(K, cont);
    861         /* pass false to have it keep looking (in the whole list) */
    862         res = KFALSE;
    863     } else {
    864         /* if using equal? we need no continuation, we can 
    865            do it all here */
    866         TValue tail = ls;
    867         res = KFALSE;
    868         while(pairs--) {
    869             TValue first = kcar(tail);
    870             if (equal2p(K, first, obj)) {
    871                 res = KTRUE;
    872                 break;
    873             }
    874             tail = kcdr(tail);
    875         }
    876     }
    877     kapply_cc(K, res);
    878 }
    880 /* 6.3.8 finite-list? */
    881 /* NOTE: can't use ftypep because the predicate marks pairs too */
    882 void finite_listp(klisp_State *K)
    883 {
    884     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    885     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    886     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    887     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    888     UNUSED(xparams);
    889     UNUSED(denv);
    890     int32_t pairs;
    891     check_list(K, true, ptree, &pairs, NULL);
    893     TValue res = KTRUE;
    894     TValue tail = ptree;
    895     while(pairs--) {
    896         TValue first = kcar(tail);
    897         tail = kcdr(tail);
    898         TValue itail = first;
    899         while(ttispair(itail) && !kis_marked(itail)) {
    900             kmark(itail);
    901             itail = kcdr(itail);
    902         }
    903         unmark_list(K, first);
    905         if (!ttisnil(itail)) {
    906             res = KFALSE;
    907             break;
    908         }
    909     }
    910     kapply_cc(K, res);
    911 }
    913 /* 6.3.9 countable-list? */
    914 /* NOTE: can't use ftypep because the predicate marks pairs too */
    915 void countable_listp(klisp_State *K)
    916 {
    917     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    918     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
    919     TValue denv = K->next_env;
    920     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
    921     UNUSED(xparams);
    922     UNUSED(denv);
    923     int32_t pairs;
    924     check_list(K, true, ptree, &pairs, NULL);
    926     TValue res = KTRUE;
    927     TValue tail = ptree;
    928     while(pairs--) {
    929         TValue first = kcar(tail);
    930         tail = kcdr(tail);
    931         TValue itail = first;
    932         while(ttispair(itail) && !kis_marked(itail)) {
    933             kmark(itail);
    934             itail = kcdr(itail);
    935         }
    936         unmark_list(K, first);
    938         if (!ttisnil(itail) && !ttispair(itail)) {
    939             res = KFALSE;
    940             break;
    941         }
    942     }
    943     kapply_cc(K, res);
    944 }
    946 /* Helpers for reduce */
    948 void do_reduce_prec(klisp_State *K)
    949 {
    950     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    951     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    952     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    953     /*
    954     ** xparams[0]: first-pair
    955     ** xparams[1]: (old-obj . rem-ls)
    956     ** xparams[2]: cpairs
    957     ** xparams[3]: prec
    958     ** xparams[4]: denv
    959     */ 
    961     TValue first_pair = xparams[0];
    962     TValue last_pair = xparams[1];
    963     TValue ls = kcdr(last_pair);
    964     int32_t cpairs = ivalue(xparams[2]);
    965     TValue prec = xparams[3];
    966     TValue denv = xparams[4];
    968     /* save the last result of precycle */
    969     kset_car(last_pair, obj);
    971     if (cpairs == 0) {
    972         /* pass the first element to the do_reduce_inc continuation */
    973         kapply_cc(K, kcar(first_pair));
    974     } else {
    975         TValue expr = klist(K, 2, kunwrap(prec), kcar(ls));
    976         krooted_tvs_push(K, expr);
    977         TValue new_cont = 
    978             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce_prec,
    979                                5, first_pair, ls, i2tv(cpairs-1), prec, denv);
    980         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
    981         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    982         ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
    983     }
    984 }
    986 void do_reduce_postc(klisp_State *K)
    987 {
    988     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
    989     TValue obj = K->next_value;
    990     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
    991     /*
    992     ** xparams[0]: postc
    993     ** xparams[1]: denv
    994     */
    995     TValue postc = xparams[0];
    996     TValue denv = xparams[1];
    998     TValue expr = klist(K, 2, kunwrap(postc), obj);
    999     ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
   1000 }
   1002 /* This could be avoided by contructing a list and calling
   1003    do_reduce, but the order would be backwards if the cycle
   1004    is processed after the acyclic part */
   1005 void do_reduce_combine(klisp_State *K)
   1006 {
   1007     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
   1008     TValue obj = K->next_value;
   1009     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
   1010     /*
   1011     ** xparams[0]: acyclic result
   1012     ** xparams[1]: bin
   1013     ** xparams[2]: denv
   1014     */
   1016     TValue acyclic_res = xparams[0];
   1017     TValue bin = xparams[1];
   1018     TValue denv = xparams[2];
   1020     /* obj: cyclic_res */
   1021     TValue cyclic_res = obj;
   1022     TValue expr = klist(K, 3, kunwrap(bin), acyclic_res, 
   1023                         cyclic_res);
   1024     ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
   1025 }
   1027 void do_reduce_cycle(klisp_State *K)
   1028 {
   1029     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
   1030     TValue obj = K->next_value;
   1031     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
   1032     /*
   1033     ** xparams[0]: first-cpair
   1034     ** xparams[1]: cpairs
   1035     ** xparams[2]: acyclic binary applicative
   1036     ** xparams[3]: prec applicative
   1037     ** xparams[4]: inc applicative
   1038     ** xparams[5]: postc applicative
   1039     ** xparams[6]: denv
   1040     ** xparams[7]: has-acyclic-part?
   1041     */ 
   1043     TValue ls = xparams[0];
   1044     int32_t cpairs = ivalue(xparams[1]);
   1045     TValue bin = xparams[2];
   1046     TValue prec = xparams[3];
   1047     TValue inc = xparams[4];
   1048     TValue postc = xparams[5];
   1049     TValue denv = xparams[6];
   1050     bool has_acyclic_partp = bvalue(xparams[7]);
   1052     /* 
   1053     ** Schedule actions in reverse order 
   1054     */
   1056     if (has_acyclic_partp) {
   1057         TValue acyclic_obj = obj;
   1058         TValue combine_cont = 
   1059             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce_combine,
   1060                                3, acyclic_obj, bin, denv);
   1061         kset_cc(K, combine_cont); /* implitly rooted */
   1062     } /* if there is no acyclic part, just let the result pass through */
   1064     TValue post_cont = 
   1065         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce_postc,
   1066                            2, postc, denv);
   1067     kset_cc(K, post_cont); /* implitly rooted */ 
   1069     /* pass one less so that pre_cont can pass the first argument
   1070        to the continuation */
   1071     TValue in_cont = 
   1072         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce,
   1073                            4, kcdr(ls), i2tv(cpairs - 1), inc, denv);
   1074     kset_cc(K, in_cont);
   1076     /* add dummy to allow passing inert to pre_cont */
   1077     TValue dummy = kcons(K, KINERT, ls);
   1078     krooted_tvs_push(K, dummy); 
   1079     /* pass ls as the first pair to be passed to the do_reduce
   1080        continuation */
   1081     TValue pre_cont = 
   1082         kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce_prec,
   1083                            5, ls, dummy, i2tv(cpairs), prec, denv);
   1084     kset_cc(K, pre_cont);
   1085     krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
   1086     /* this will overwrite dummy, but that's ok */
   1087     kapply_cc(K, KINERT);
   1088 }
   1090 /* NOTE: This is used from both do_reduce_cycle and reduce */
   1091 void do_reduce(klisp_State *K)
   1092 {
   1093     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
   1094     TValue obj = K->next_value;
   1095     klisp_assert(ttisnil(K->next_env));
   1096     /*
   1097     ** xparams[0]: remaining list
   1098     ** xparams[1]: remaining pairs
   1099     ** xparams[2]: binary applicative (either bin or inc)
   1100     ** xparams[3]: denv
   1101     */ 
   1103     TValue ls = xparams[0];
   1104     int32_t pairs = ivalue(xparams[1]);
   1105     TValue bin = xparams[2];
   1106     TValue denv = xparams[3];
   1108     if (pairs == 0) {
   1109         /* NOTE: this continuation could have been avoided (made a
   1110            tail context) but since it isn't a requirement having
   1111            this will help with error signaling and backtraces */
   1112         kapply_cc(K, obj);
   1113     } else {
   1114         TValue next = kcar(ls);
   1115         TValue expr = klist(K, 3, kunwrap(bin), obj, next);
   1116         krooted_tvs_push(K, expr); 
   1118         TValue new_cont = 
   1119             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce, 4, 
   1120                                kcdr(ls), i2tv(pairs-1), bin, denv);
   1121         kset_cc(K, new_cont);
   1122         krooted_tvs_pop(K); 
   1123         /* use the dynamic environment of the call to reduce */
   1124         ktail_eval(K, expr, denv);
   1125     }
   1126 }
   1128 /* 6.3.10 reduce */
   1129 /* ASK John: There should probably be a clarification to reduce comparing
   1130    with fold like in Haskell, r6rs and srfi-1 (all of which have the
   1131    mentioned in the report, left/right distintion).
   1132    srfi-1 also defines reduce-left/reduce-right that work as in 
   1133    kernel. The difference is the use or not of the id value if the list
   1134    is not null */
   1135 void reduce(klisp_State *K)
   1136 {
   1137     TValue *xparams = K->next_xparams;
   1138     TValue ptree = K->next_value;
   1139     TValue denv = K->next_env;
   1140     klisp_assert(ttisenvironment(K->next_env));
   1141     UNUSED(xparams);
   1143     bind_al3tp(K, ptree, "any", anytype, ls, "applicative",
   1144                ttisapplicative, bin, "any", anytype, id, rest);
   1146     TValue prec, inc, postc;
   1147     bool extended_form = !ttisnil(rest);
   1149     if (extended_form) {
   1150         /* the variables are an artifact of the way bind_3tp macro works,
   1151            XXX: this will also send wrong error msgs (bad number of arg) */
   1152         bind_3tp(K, rest, 
   1153                  "applicative", ttisapplicative, prec_h, 
   1154                  "applicative", ttisapplicative, inc_h, 
   1155                  "applicative", ttisapplicative, postc_h);
   1156         prec = prec_h;
   1157         inc = inc_h;
   1158         postc = postc_h;
   1159     } else {
   1160         /* dummy init */
   1161         prec = inc = postc = KINERT;
   1162     }
   1164     /* the easy case first */
   1165     if (ttisnil(ls)) {
   1166         kapply_cc(K, id);
   1167     } 
   1169     /* TODO all of these in one procedure */
   1170     int32_t pairs, cpairs;
   1171     /* force copy to be able to do all precycles and replace
   1172        the corresponding objs in ls */
   1173     ls = check_copy_list(K, ls, true, &pairs, &cpairs);
   1174     int32_t apairs = pairs - cpairs;
   1175     TValue first_cycle_pair = ls;
   1176     int32_t dapairs = apairs;
   1177     /* REFACTOR: add an extra return value to check_copy_list to output
   1178        the last pair of the list */
   1179     while(dapairs--)
   1180         first_cycle_pair = kcdr(first_cycle_pair);
   1182     TValue res;
   1184     if (cpairs != 0) {
   1185         if (!extended_form) {
   1186             klispE_throw_simple(K, "no cyclic handling applicatives");
   1187             return;
   1188         }
   1189         /* make cycle reducing cont */
   1190         TValue cyc_cont = 
   1191             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce_cycle, 8, 
   1192                                first_cycle_pair, i2tv(cpairs), bin, prec, 
   1193                                inc, postc, denv, b2tv(apairs != 0));
   1194         kset_cc(K, cyc_cont);
   1195     }
   1197     if (apairs == 0) {
   1198         /* this will be ignore by cyc_cont */
   1199         res = KINERT;
   1200     } else {
   1201         /* this will pass the parent continuation either
   1202            a list of (rem-ls result) if there is a cycle or
   1203            result if there is no cycle, this should be a list
   1204            and not a regular pair to allow the above case of 
   1205            a one element list to signal no acyclic part */
   1206         TValue acyc_cont = 
   1207             kmake_continuation(K, kget_cc(K), do_reduce, 4, 
   1208                                kcdr(ls), i2tv(apairs-1), bin, denv);
   1209         kset_cc(K, acyc_cont);
   1210         res = kcar(ls);
   1211     }
   1212     kapply_cc(K, res);
   1213 }
   1215 /* init ground */
   1216 void kinit_pairs_lists_ground_env(klisp_State *K)
   1217 {
   1218     TValue ground_env = G(K)->ground_env;
   1219     TValue symbol, value;
   1221     /* 4.6.1 pair? */
   1222     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "pair?", typep, 2, symbol, 
   1223                     i2tv(K_TPAIR));
   1224     /* 4.6.2 null? */
   1225     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "null?", typep, 2, symbol, 
   1226                     i2tv(K_TNIL));
   1227     /* 4.6.3 cons */
   1228     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cons", cons, 0);
   1229     /* 5.2.1 list */
   1230     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "list", list, 0);
   1231     /* 5.2.2 list* */
   1232     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "list*", listS, 0);
   1233     /* 5.4.1 car, cdr */
   1234     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "car", c_ad_r, 2, symbol, 
   1235                     C_AD_R_PARAM(1, 0x0000));
   1236     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1237                     C_AD_R_PARAM(1, 0x0001));
   1238     /* 5.4.2 caar, cadr, ... cddddr */
   1239     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1240                     C_AD_R_PARAM(2, 0x0000));
   1241     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1242                     C_AD_R_PARAM(2, 0x0001));
   1243     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1244                     C_AD_R_PARAM(2, 0x0010));
   1245     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1246                     C_AD_R_PARAM(2, 0x0011));
   1247     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caaar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1248                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0000));
   1249     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1250                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0001));
   1251     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cadar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1252                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0010));
   1253     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1254                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0011));
   1255     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdaar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1256                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0100));
   1257     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1258                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0101));
   1259     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cddar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1260                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0110));
   1261     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1262                     C_AD_R_PARAM(3, 0x0111));
   1263     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caaaar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1264                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0000));
   1265     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caaadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1266                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0001));
   1267     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caadar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1268                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0010));
   1269     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caaddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1270                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0011));
   1271     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cadaar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1272                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0100));
   1273     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cadadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1274                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0101));
   1275     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "caddar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1276                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0110));
   1277     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cadddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1278                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x0111));
   1279     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdaaar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1280                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1000));
   1281     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdaadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1282                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1001));
   1283     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdadar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1284                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1010));
   1285     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdaddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1286                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1011));
   1287     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cddaar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1288                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1100));
   1289     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cddadr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1290                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1101));
   1291     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cdddar", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1292                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1110));
   1293     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "cddddr", c_ad_r, 2, symbol,
   1294                     C_AD_R_PARAM(4, 0x1111));
   1295     /* 5.?.? make-list */
   1296     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "make-list", make_list, 0);
   1297     /* 5.?.? list-copy */
   1298     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "list-copy", list_copy, 0);
   1299     /* 5.?.? reverse */
   1300     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "reverse", reverse, 0);
   1301     /* 5.7.1 get-list-metrics */
   1302     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "get-list-metrics", get_list_metrics, 0);
   1303     /* 5.7.2 list-tail */
   1304     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "list-tail", list_tail, 0);
   1305     /* 6.3.1 length */
   1306     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "length", length, 0);
   1307     /* 6.3.2 list-ref */
   1308     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "list-ref", list_ref, 0);
   1309     /* 6.3.3 append */
   1310     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "append", append, 0);
   1311     /* 6.3.4 list-neighbors */
   1312     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "list-neighbors", list_neighbors, 0);
   1313     /* 6.3.5 filter */
   1314     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "filter", filter, 0);
   1315     /* 6.3.6 assoc */
   1316     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "assoc", assoc, 0);
   1317     /* 6.3.7 member? */
   1318     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "member?", memberp, 0);
   1319     /* 6.3.8 finite-list? */
   1320     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "finite-list?", finite_listp, 0);
   1321     /* 6.3.9 countable-list? */
   1322     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "countable-list?", countable_listp, 0);
   1323     /* 6.3.10 reduce */
   1324     add_applicative(K, ground_env, "reduce", reduce, 0);
   1325 }
   1327 /* XXX lock? */
   1328 /* init continuation names */
   1329 void kinit_pairs_lists_cont_names(klisp_State *K)
   1330 {
   1331     Table *t = tv2table(G(K)->cont_name_table);
   1333     add_cont_name(K, t, do_memberp, "member?-search");
   1334     add_cont_name(K, t, do_assoc, "assoc-search");
   1336     add_cont_name(K, t, do_filter, "filter");
   1338     add_cont_name(K, t, do_reduce, "reduce-acyclic-part");
   1339     add_cont_name(K, t, do_reduce_prec, "reduce-precycle");
   1340     add_cont_name(K, t, do_reduce_combine, "reduce-combine");
   1341     add_cont_name(K, t, do_reduce_postc, "reduce-postcycle");
   1342     add_cont_name(K, t, do_reduce_cycle, "reduce-cyclic-part");
   1343 }