
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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krational.c (24575B)

      1 /*
      2 ** krational.c
      3 ** Kernel Rationals (fixrats and bigrats)
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 #include <stdbool.h>
      8 #include <stdint.h>
      9 #include <string.h> /* for code checking '/' & '.' */
     10 #include <inttypes.h>
     11 #include <ctype.h> /* for to lower */
     12 #include <math.h>
     14 #include "krational.h"
     15 #include "kinteger.h"
     16 #include "kobject.h"
     17 #include "kstate.h"
     18 #include "kmem.h"
     19 #include "kgc.h"
     21 /* used for res & temps in operations */
     22 /* NOTE: This is to be called only with already reduced values */
     23 TValue kbigrat_new(klisp_State *K, bool sign, uint32_t num, 
     24                    uint32_t den)
     25 {
     26     Bigrat *new_bigrat = klispM_new(K, Bigrat);
     28     /* header + gc_fields */
     29     klispC_link(K, (GCObject *) new_bigrat, K_TBIGRAT, 0);
     31     /* bigrat specific fields */
     32     /* If later changed to alloc obj: 
     33        GC: root bigint & put dummy value to work if garbage collections 
     34        happens while allocating array */
     35     new_bigrat->num.single = num;
     36     new_bigrat->num.digits = &(new_bigrat->num.single);
     37     new_bigrat->num.alloc = 1;
     38     new_bigrat->num.used = 1;
     39     new_bigrat->num.sign = sign? MP_NEG : MP_ZPOS;
     41     new_bigrat->den.single = den;
     42     new_bigrat->den.digits = &(new_bigrat->den.single);
     43     new_bigrat->den.alloc = 1;
     44     new_bigrat->den.used = 1;
     45     new_bigrat->den.sign = MP_ZPOS;
     47     return gc2bigrat(new_bigrat);
     48 }
     50 /* assumes src is rooted */
     51 TValue kbigrat_copy(klisp_State *K, TValue src)
     52 {
     53     TValue copy = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
     54     /* arguments are in reverse order with respect to mp_rat_copy */
     55     UNUSED(mp_rat_init_copy(K, tv2bigrat(copy), tv2bigrat(src)));
     56     return copy;
     57 }
     59 /*
     60 ** read/write interface 
     61 */
     62 /* this works for bigrats, bigints & fixints, returns true if ok */
     63 bool krational_read(klisp_State *K, char *buf, int32_t base, TValue *out, 
     64                     char **end)
     65 {
     66     TValue res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
     67     krooted_tvs_push(K, res);
     68     bool ret_val = (mp_rat_read_cstring(K, tv2bigrat(res), base, 
     69                                         buf, end) == MP_OK);
     70     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
     71     *out = kbigrat_try_integer(K, res);
     73     /* TODO: ideally this should be incorporated in the read code */
     74     /* detect sign after '/', and / before numbers, those are allowed 
     75        by imrat but not in kernel */
     76     if (ret_val) {
     77         char *slash = strchr(buf, '/');
     78         if (slash != NULL && (slash == 0 || 
     79                               (*(slash+1) == '+' || *(slash+1) == '-') ||
     80                               (*(slash-1) == '+' || *(slash-1) == '-')))
     81             ret_val = false;
     82     }
     84     return ret_val;
     85 }
     87 /* NOTE: allow decimal for use after #e */
     88 bool krational_read_decimal(klisp_State *K, char *buf, int32_t base, TValue *out, 
     89                             char **end, bool *out_decimalp)
     90 {
     91     /* NOTE: in Kernel only base ten is allowed in decimal format */
     92     klisp_assert(base == 10);
     94     char *my_end;
     95     if (!end) /* always get the last char not read */
     96         end = &my_end;
     98     TValue res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
     99     krooted_tvs_push(K, res);
    100     mp_result ret_val = mp_rat_read_ustring(K, tv2bigrat(res), base, 
    101                                             buf, end);
    103     /* check to see if there was a decimal point, will only
    104        be written to out_decimalp if no error ocurr */
    105     /* TEMP: mp_rat_read_ustring does not set *end if an error occurs.
    106      * Do not let memchr() read past the end of the buffer. */
    107     bool decimalp = (ret_val == MP_OK || ret_val == MP_TRUNC)
    108         ? (memchr(buf, '.', *end - buf) != NULL)
    109         : false;
    111     /* handle exponents, avoid the case where the number finishes
    112        in a decimal point (this isn't allowed by kernel */
    113     if (decimalp && ret_val == MP_TRUNC && *end != buf &&
    114         *((*end)-1) != '.') {
    115         char *ebuf = *end;
    116         char el = tolower(*ebuf);
    117         /* NOTE: in klisp all exponent letters map to double */
    118         if (el == 'e' || el == 's' || el == 'f' || el == 'd' || el == 'l') {
    119             ebuf++;
    120             TValue tv_exp_exp = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    121             krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_exp_exp);
    122             Bigint *exp_exp = tv2bigint(tv_exp_exp);
    123             /* base should be 10 */
    124             ret_val = mp_int_read_cstring(K, exp_exp, base, ebuf, end);
    125             if (ret_val == MP_OK) {
    126                 /* IMath doesn't have general rational exponentiation,
    127                    so do it manually */
    128                 TValue tv_iexp = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    129                 krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_iexp);
    130                 Bigint *iexp = tv2bigint(tv_iexp);
    131                 UNUSED(mp_int_set_value(K, iexp, 10));
    132                 bool negativep = mp_int_compare_zero(exp_exp) < 0;
    133                 UNUSED(mp_int_abs(K, exp_exp, exp_exp));
    134                 UNUSED(mp_int_expt_full(K, iexp, exp_exp, iexp));
    135                 /* iexp has 10^|exp_exp| */
    136                 if (negativep) {
    137                     TValue tv_rexp = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    138                     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_rexp);
    139                     Bigrat *rexp = tv2bigrat(tv_rexp);
    140                     /* copy reciprocal of iexp to rexp */
    141                     UNUSED(mp_rat_zero(K, rexp));
    142                     UNUSED(mp_rat_add_int(K, rexp, iexp, rexp));
    143                     UNUSED(mp_rat_recip(K, rexp, rexp));
    144                     /* now get true number */
    145                     UNUSED(mp_rat_mul(K, tv2bigrat(res), rexp,
    146                                       tv2bigrat(res)));
    147                     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* rexp */
    148                 } else { /* exponent positive, can just mult int */
    149                     UNUSED(mp_rat_mul_int(K, tv2bigrat(res), iexp,
    150                                           tv2bigrat(res)));
    151                 }
    152                 krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* iexp */
    153                 /* fall through, ret_val remains MP_OK */
    154             } /* else, fall through, ret_val remains != MP_OK */
    155             krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* exp_exp */
    156         }
    157     }
    159     /* TODO: ideally this should be incorporated in the read code */
    160     /* TODO: if returning MP_TRUNC adjust the end pointer returned */
    161     /* detect sign after '/', or trailing '.' or starting '/' or '.'. 
    162        Those are allowed by imrat but not by kernel */
    163     if (ret_val == MP_OK) {
    164         char *ch = strchr(buf, '/');
    165         if (ch != NULL && (ch == 0 || 
    166                            (*(ch+1) == '+' || *(ch+1) == '-') ||
    167                            (*(ch-1) == '+' || *(ch-1) == '-'))) {
    168             ret_val = MP_TRUNC;
    169         } else {
    170             ch = strchr(buf, '.');
    171             if (ch != NULL && (ch == 0 || 
    172                                (*(ch+1) == '+' || *(ch+1) == '-') ||
    173                                (*(ch-1) == '+' || *(ch-1) == '-') ||
    174                                ch == *end - 1)) {
    175                 ret_val = MP_TRUNC;
    176             }
    177         }
    178     }
    180     if (ret_val == MP_OK && out_decimalp != NULL)
    181         *out_decimalp = decimalp;
    183     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    184     if (ret_val == MP_OK) {
    185         *out = kbigrat_try_integer(K, res);
    186     }
    188     return ret_val == MP_OK;
    189 }
    191 /* this is used by write to estimate the number of chars necessary to
    192    print the number */
    193 int32_t kbigrat_print_size(TValue tv_bigrat, int32_t base)
    194 {
    195     klisp_assert(ttisbigrat(tv_bigrat));
    196     return mp_rat_string_len(tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat), base);
    197 }
    199 /* this is used by write */
    200 void  kbigrat_print_string(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat, int32_t base, 
    201                            char *buf, int32_t limit)
    202 {
    203     klisp_assert(ttisbigrat(tv_bigrat));
    204     mp_result res = mp_rat_to_string(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat), base, buf, 
    205                                      limit);
    206     /* only possible error is truncation */
    207     klisp_assert(res == MP_OK);
    208 }
    210 /* Interface for kgnumbers */
    212 /* The compare predicates take a klisp_State because in general
    213    may need to do multiplications */
    214 bool kbigrat_eqp(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat1, TValue tv_bigrat2)
    215 {
    216     return (mp_rat_compare(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat1), 
    217                            tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat2)) == 0);
    218 }
    220 bool kbigrat_ltp(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat1, TValue tv_bigrat2)
    221 {
    222     return (mp_rat_compare(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat1), 
    223                            tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat2)) < 0);
    224 }
    226 bool kbigrat_lep(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat1, TValue tv_bigrat2)
    227 {
    228     return (mp_rat_compare(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat1), 
    229                            tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat2)) <= 0);
    230 }
    232 bool kbigrat_gtp(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat1, TValue tv_bigrat2)
    233 {
    234     return (mp_rat_compare(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat1), 
    235                            tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat2)) > 0);
    236 }
    238 bool kbigrat_gep(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat1, TValue tv_bigrat2)
    239 {
    240     return (mp_rat_compare(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat1), 
    241                            tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat2)) >= 0);
    242 }
    244 /*
    245 ** GC: All of these assume the parameters are rooted 
    246 */
    247 TValue kbigrat_plus(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2)
    248 {
    249     TValue res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    250     krooted_tvs_push(K, res);
    251     UNUSED(mp_rat_add(K, tv2bigrat(n1), tv2bigrat(n2), tv2bigrat(res)));
    252     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    253     return kbigrat_try_integer(K, res);
    254 }
    256 TValue kbigrat_times(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2)
    257 {
    258     TValue res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    259     krooted_tvs_push(K, res);
    260     UNUSED(mp_rat_mul(K, tv2bigrat(n1), tv2bigrat(n2), tv2bigrat(res)));
    261     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    262     return kbigrat_try_integer(K, res);
    263 }
    265 TValue kbigrat_minus(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2)
    266 {
    267     TValue res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    268     krooted_tvs_push(K, res);
    269     UNUSED(mp_rat_sub(K, tv2bigrat(n1), tv2bigrat(n2), tv2bigrat(res)));
    270     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    271     return kbigrat_try_integer(K, res);
    272 }
    274 /* NOTE: n2 can't be zero, that case should be checked before calling this */
    275 TValue kbigrat_div_mod(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2, TValue *res_r)
    276 {
    277     /* NOTE: quotient is always an integer, remainder may be any rational */
    278     TValue tv_q = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    279     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_q);
    280     TValue tv_r = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    281     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_r);
    282     /* for temp values */
    283     TValue tv_true_rem = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    284     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_true_rem);
    285     TValue tv_div = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    286     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_div);
    288     Bigrat *n = tv2bigrat(n1);
    289     Bigrat *d = tv2bigrat(n2);
    291     Bigint *q = tv2bigint(tv_q);
    292     Bigint *r = tv2bigint(tv_r);
    294     Bigrat *div = tv2bigrat(tv_div);
    295     Bigrat *trem = tv2bigrat(tv_true_rem);
    297     UNUSED(mp_rat_div(K, n, d, div));
    299     /* Now use the integral part as the quotient and the fractional part times
    300        the divisor as the remainder, but then correct the remainder so that it's
    301        always positive like in kbigint_div_and_mod */
    303     UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, MP_NUMER_P(div), MP_DENOM_P(div), q, r));
    305     /* NOTE: denom is positive, so div & q & r have the same sign */
    307     /* first adjust the quotient if necessary,
    308        the remainder will just fall into place after this */
    309     if (mp_rat_compare_zero(n) < 0)
    310         UNUSED(mp_int_add_value(K, q, mp_rat_compare_zero(d) < 0? 1 : -1, q));
    312     UNUSED(mp_rat_sub_int(K, div, q, trem));
    313     UNUSED(mp_rat_mul(K, trem, d, trem));
    315     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    316     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    317     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    318     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    320     *res_r = kbigrat_try_integer(K, tv_true_rem);
    321     return kbigrat_try_integer(K, tv_q);
    322 }
    324 TValue kbigrat_div0_mod0(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2, TValue *res_r)
    325 {
    326     /* NOTE: quotient is always an integer, remainder may be any rational */
    327     TValue tv_q = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    328     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_q);
    329     TValue tv_r = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    330     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_r);
    331     /* for temp values */
    332     TValue tv_true_rem = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    333     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_true_rem);
    334     TValue tv_div = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    335     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_div);
    337     Bigrat *n = tv2bigrat(n1);
    338     Bigrat *d = tv2bigrat(n2);
    340     Bigint *q = tv2bigint(tv_q);
    341     Bigint *r = tv2bigint(tv_r);
    343     Bigrat *div = tv2bigrat(tv_div);
    344     Bigrat *trem = tv2bigrat(tv_true_rem);
    346     UNUSED(mp_rat_div(K, n, d, div));
    348     /* Now use the integral part as the quotient and the fractional part times
    349        the divisor as the remainder, but then correct the remainder so that it's
    350        in the interval [-|d/2|, |d/2|) */
    352     UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, MP_NUMER_P(div), MP_DENOM_P(div), q, r));
    353     /* NOTE: denom is positive, so div & q & r have the same sign */
    354     UNUSED(mp_rat_sub_int(K, div, q, trem));
    355     UNUSED(mp_rat_mul(K, trem, d, trem));
    357     /* NOTE: temporarily use trem as d/2 */
    358     TValue tv_d_2 = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    359     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_d_2);
    360     Bigrat *d_2 = tv2bigrat(tv_d_2);
    361     TValue m2 = i2tv(2);
    362     kensure_bigint(m2);
    363     UNUSED(mp_rat_div_int(K, d, tv2bigint(m2), d_2));
    364     /* adjust remainder and quotient if necessary */
    365     /* first check positive side (closed part of the interval) */
    366     mp_rat_abs(K, d_2, d_2);
    368     /* the case analysis is like in bigint (and inverse to that of fixint) */
    369     if (mp_rat_compare(K, trem, d_2) >= 0) {
    370         if (mp_rat_compare_zero(d) < 0) {
    371             mp_rat_add(K, trem, d, trem);
    372             mp_int_sub_value(K, q, 1, q);
    373         } else {
    374             mp_rat_sub(K, trem, d, trem);
    375             mp_int_add_value(K, q, 1, q);
    376         }
    377     } else {
    378         /* now check negative side (open part of the interval) */
    379         mp_rat_neg(K, d_2, d_2);
    380         if (mp_rat_compare(K, trem, d_2) < 0) {
    381             if (mp_rat_compare_zero(d) < 0) {
    382                 mp_rat_sub(K, trem, d, trem);
    383                 mp_int_add_value(K, q, 1, q);
    384             } else {
    385                 mp_rat_add(K, trem, d, trem);
    386                 mp_int_sub_value(K, q, 1, q);
    387             }
    388         }
    389     }
    391     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* d/2 */
    393     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    394     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    395     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    396     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    398     *res_r = kbigrat_try_integer(K, tv_true_rem);
    399     return kbigrat_try_integer(K, tv_q);
    400 }
    403 TValue kbigrat_divided(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2)
    404 {
    405     TValue res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    406     krooted_tvs_push(K, res);
    407     UNUSED(mp_rat_div(K, tv2bigrat(n1), tv2bigrat(n2), tv2bigrat(res)));
    408     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    409     return kbigrat_try_integer(K, res);
    410 }
    412 bool kbigrat_negativep(TValue tv_bigrat)
    413 {
    414     return (mp_rat_compare_zero(tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat)) < 0);
    415 }
    417 bool kbigrat_positivep(TValue tv_bigrat)
    418 {
    419     return (mp_rat_compare_zero(tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat)) > 0);
    420 }
    422 /* GC: These assume tv_bigrat is rooted */
    423 /* needs the state to create a copy if negative */
    424 TValue kbigrat_abs(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat)
    425 {
    426     if (kbigrat_negativep(tv_bigrat)) {
    427         TValue copy = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    428         krooted_tvs_push(K, copy);
    429         UNUSED(mp_rat_abs(K, tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat), tv2bigrat(copy)));
    430         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    431         /* NOTE: this can never be an integer if the parameter was a bigrat */
    432         return copy;
    433     } else {
    434         return tv_bigrat;
    435     }
    436 }
    438 TValue kbigrat_numerator(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat)
    439 {
    440     int32_t fnum = 0;
    441     Bigrat *bigrat = tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat);
    442     if (mp_rat_to_ints(bigrat, &fnum, NULL) == MP_OK)
    443         return i2tv(fnum);
    444     else {
    445         TValue copy = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    446         krooted_tvs_push(K, copy);
    447         UNUSED(mp_rat_numer(K, bigrat, tv2bigint(copy)));
    448         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    449         /* NOTE: may still be a fixint because mp_rat_to_ints fails if
    450            either numer or denom isn't a fixint */
    451         return kbigint_try_fixint(K, copy);
    452     }
    453 }
    455 TValue kbigrat_denominator(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat)
    456 {
    457     int32_t fden = 0;
    458     Bigrat *bigrat = tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat);
    459     if (mp_rat_to_ints(bigrat, NULL, &fden) == MP_OK)
    460         return i2tv(fden);
    461     else {
    462         TValue copy = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    463         krooted_tvs_push(K, copy);
    464         UNUSED(mp_rat_denom(K, bigrat, tv2bigint(copy)));
    465         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    466         /* NOTE: may still be a fixint because mp_rat_to_ints fails if
    467            either numer or denom isn't a fixint */
    468         return kbigint_try_fixint(K, copy);
    469     }
    470 }
    472 TValue kbigrat_to_integer(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_bigrat, kround_mode mode)
    473 {
    474     /* do an usigned divide first */
    475     TValue tv_quot = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    476     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_quot);
    477     TValue tv_rest = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    478     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_rest);
    479     Bigint *quot = tv2bigint(tv_quot);
    480     Bigint *rest = tv2bigint(tv_rest);
    481     Bigrat *n = tv2bigrat(tv_bigrat);
    483     UNUSED(mp_int_abs(K, MP_NUMER_P(n), quot));
    484     UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, quot, MP_DENOM_P(n), quot, rest));
    486     if (mp_rat_compare_zero(n) < 0)
    487         UNUSED(mp_int_neg(K, quot, quot));
    489     switch(mode) {
    490     case K_TRUNCATE: 
    491         /* nothing needs to be done */
    492         break;
    493     case K_CEILING:
    494         if (mp_rat_compare_zero(n) > 0 && mp_int_compare_zero(rest) != 0)
    495             UNUSED(mp_int_add_value(K, quot, 1, quot));
    496         break;
    497     case K_FLOOR:
    498         if (mp_rat_compare_zero(n) < 0 && mp_int_compare_zero(rest) != 0)
    499             UNUSED(mp_int_sub_value(K, quot, 1, quot));
    500         break;
    501     case K_ROUND_EVEN: {
    502         UNUSED(mp_int_mul_pow2(K, rest, 1, rest));
    503         int cmp = mp_int_compare(rest, MP_DENOM_P(n));
    504         if (cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && mp_int_is_odd(quot))) {
    505             UNUSED(mp_int_add_value(K, quot, mp_rat_compare_zero(n) < 0? 
    506                                     -1 : 1, quot));
    507         }
    508         break;
    509     }
    510     }
    512     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    513     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    514     return kbigint_try_fixint(K, tv_quot);
    515 }
    517 /*
    518 ** SOURCE NOTE: this implementation is from the Haskell 98 report
    519 */
    520 /*
    521   approxRational x eps    =  simplest (x-eps) (x+eps)
    522   where simplest x y | y < x         =  simplest y x
    523   | x == y        =  xr
    524   | x > 0         =  simplest' n d n' d'
    525   | y < 0         =  - simplest' (-n') d' (-n) d
    526   | otherwise  =  0 :% 1
    527   where xr@(n:%d) = toRational x
    528   (n':%d')  = toRational y
    530   simplest' n d n' d'          -- assumes 0 < n%d < n'%d'
    531   | r == 0        =  q :% 1
    532   | q /= q'    =  (q+1) :% 1
    533   | otherwise  =  (q*n''+d'') :% n''
    534   where (q,r)         =  quotRem n d
    535   (q',r')    =  quotRem n' d'
    536   (n'':%d'') =  simplest' d' r' d r
    538 */
    540 /* 
    541 ** NOTE: this reads almost like a Haskell commercial.
    542 ** The c code is an order of magnitude longer. Some of this has to do
    543 ** with the representation of values, some because this is iterative, 
    544 ** some because of GC rooting, some because of lack of powerful pattern 
    545 ** matching, and so on, and so on
    546 */
    548 /* Assumes 0 < n1/d1 < n2/d2 */
    549 /* GC: Assumes n1, d1, n2, d2, and res are fresh (can be mutated) and rooted */
    550 static void simplest(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_n1, TValue tv_d1, 
    551                      TValue tv_n2, TValue tv_d2, TValue tv_res)
    552 {
    553     Bigint *n1 = tv2bigint(tv_n1);
    554     Bigint *d1 = tv2bigint(tv_d1);
    555     Bigint *n2 = tv2bigint(tv_n2);
    556     Bigint *d2 = tv2bigint(tv_d2);
    558     Bigrat *res = tv2bigrat(tv_res);
    560     /* create vars q1, r1, q2 & r2 */
    561     TValue tv_q1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    562     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_q1);
    563     Bigint *q1 = tv2bigint(tv_q1);
    565     TValue tv_r1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    566     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_r1);
    567     Bigint *r1 = tv2bigint(tv_r1);
    569     TValue tv_q2 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    570     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_q2);
    571     Bigint *q2 = tv2bigint(tv_q2);
    573     TValue tv_r2 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    574     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_r2);
    575     Bigint *r2 = tv2bigint(tv_r2);
    577     while(true) {
    578         UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, n1, d1, q1, r1));
    579         UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, n2, d2, q2, r2));
    581         if (mp_int_compare_zero(r1) == 0) {
    582             /* res = q1 / 1 */
    583             mp_rat_zero(K, res);
    584             mp_rat_add_int(K, res, q1, res);
    585             break;
    586         } else if (mp_int_compare(q1, q2) != 0) {
    587             /* res = (q1 + 1) / 1 */
    588             mp_rat_zero(K, res);
    589             mp_int_add_value(K, q1, 1, q1);
    590             mp_rat_add_int(K, res, q1, res);
    591             break;
    592         } else {
    593             /* simulate a recursive call */
    594             TValue saved_q1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    595             krooted_tvs_push(K, saved_q1);
    596             UNUSED(mp_int_copy(K, q1, tv2bigint(saved_q1)));
    597             ks_spush(K, saved_q1);
    598             krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    600             UNUSED(mp_int_copy(K, d2, n1));
    601             UNUSED(mp_int_copy(K, d1, n2));
    602             UNUSED(mp_int_copy(K, r2, d1));
    603             UNUSED(mp_int_copy(K, r1, d2));
    604         } /* fall through */
    605     }
    607     /* now, if there were "recursive" calls, complete them */
    608     while(!ks_sisempty(K)) {
    609         TValue saved_q1 = ks_sget(K);
    610         TValue tv_tmp = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    611         krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_tmp);
    612         Bigrat *tmp = tv2bigrat(tv_tmp);
    614         UNUSED(mp_rat_copy(K, res, tmp));
    615         /* res = (saved_q * n(res)) + d(res)) / n(res) */
    616         UNUSED(mp_rat_zero(K, res));
    617         UNUSED(mp_rat_add_int(K, res, tv2bigint(saved_q1), res));
    618         UNUSED(mp_rat_mul_int(K, res, MP_NUMER_P(tmp), res));
    619         UNUSED(mp_rat_add_int(K, res, MP_DENOM_P(tmp), res));
    620         UNUSED(mp_rat_div_int(K, res, MP_NUMER_P(tmp), res));
    621         krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* tmp */
    622         ks_sdpop(K); /* saved_q1 */
    623     }
    625     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* q1, r1, q2, r2 */
    626     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    627     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    628     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    630     return;
    631 }
    633 TValue kbigrat_simplest_rational(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_n1, TValue tv_n2)
    634 {
    635     TValue tv_res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    636     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_res);
    637     Bigrat *res = tv2bigrat(tv_res);
    638     Bigrat *n1 = tv2bigrat(tv_n1);
    639     Bigrat *n2 = tv2bigrat(tv_n2);
    641     int32_t cmp = mp_rat_compare(K, n1, n2);
    642     if (cmp > 0) { /* n1 > n2, swap */
    643         TValue temp = tv_n1;
    644         tv_n1 = tv_n2;
    645         tv_n2 = temp;
    646         n1 = tv2bigrat(tv_n1);
    647         n2 = tv2bigrat(tv_n2);
    648         /* fall through */
    649     } else if (cmp == 0) { /* n1 == n2 */
    650         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    651         return tv_n1;
    652     } /* else fall through */
    654     /* we now know that n1 < n2 */
    655     if (mp_rat_compare_zero(n1) > 0) {
    656         /* 0 > n1 > n2 */
    657         TValue num1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    658         krooted_tvs_push(K, num1);
    659         UNUSED(mp_rat_numer(K, n1, tv2bigint(num1)));
    661         TValue den1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    662         krooted_tvs_push(K, den1);
    663         UNUSED(mp_rat_denom(K, n1, tv2bigint(den1)));
    665         TValue num2 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    666         krooted_tvs_push(K, num2);
    667         UNUSED(mp_rat_numer(K, n2, tv2bigint(num2)));
    669         TValue den2 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    670         krooted_tvs_push(K, den2);
    671         UNUSED(mp_rat_denom(K, n2, tv2bigint(den2)));
    673         simplest(K, num1, den1, num2, den2, tv_res);
    675         krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* num1, num2, den1, den2 */
    676         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    677         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    678         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    680         krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* tv_res */
    681         return kbigrat_try_integer(K, tv_res);
    682     } else if (mp_rat_compare_zero(n2) < 0) {
    683         /* n1 < n2 < 0 */
    685         /* do -(simplest -n2/d2 -n1/d1) */
    687         TValue num1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    688         krooted_tvs_push(K, num1);
    689         UNUSED(mp_int_neg(K, MP_NUMER_P(n2), tv2bigint(num1)));
    691         TValue den1 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    692         krooted_tvs_push(K, den1);
    693         UNUSED(mp_rat_denom(K, n2, tv2bigint(den1)));
    695         TValue num2 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    696         krooted_tvs_push(K, num2);
    697         UNUSED(mp_int_neg(K, MP_NUMER_P(n1), tv2bigint(num2)));
    699         TValue den2 = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    700         krooted_tvs_push(K, den2);
    701         UNUSED(mp_rat_denom(K, n1, tv2bigint(den2)));
    703         simplest(K, num1, den1, num2, den2, tv_res);
    704         mp_rat_neg(K, res, res);
    706         krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* num1, num2, den1, den2 */
    707         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    708         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    709         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    711         krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* tv_res */
    712         return kbigrat_try_integer(K, tv_res);
    713     } else {
    714         /* n1 < 0 < n2 */
    715         krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    716         return i2tv(0);
    717     }
    718 }
    720 TValue kbigrat_rationalize(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_n1, TValue tv_n2)
    721 {
    722     /* delegate all work to simplest_rational */
    723     TValue tv_min = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    724     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_min);
    725     TValue tv_max = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    726     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_max);
    728     Bigrat *n1 = tv2bigrat(tv_n1);
    729     Bigrat *n2 = tv2bigrat(tv_n2);
    730     /* it doesn't matter if these are reversed */
    731     Bigrat *min = tv2bigrat(tv_min);
    732     Bigrat *max = tv2bigrat(tv_max);
    734     UNUSED(mp_rat_sub(K, n1, n2, min));
    735     UNUSED(mp_rat_add(K, n1, n2, max));
    737     TValue res = kbigrat_simplest_rational(K, tv_min, tv_max);
    739     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    740     krooted_tvs_pop(K);
    742     return res;
    743 }