
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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kreal.c (20981B)

      1 /*
      2 ** kreal.c
      3 ** Kernel Reals (doubles)
      4 ** See Copyright Notice in klisp.h
      5 */
      7 #include <stdbool.h>
      8 #include <stdint.h>
      9 #include <string.h>
     10 #include <inttypes.h>
     11 #include <ctype.h> 
     12 #include <math.h>
     13 #include <fenv.h> /* for setting round direction */
     15 #include "kreal.h"
     16 #include "krational.h"
     17 #include "kinteger.h"
     18 #include "kobject.h"
     19 #include "kstate.h"
     20 #include "kmem.h"
     21 #include "kgc.h"
     22 #include "kpair.h" /* for list in throw error */
     23 #include "kerror.h"
     25 double kbigint_to_double(Bigint *bigint)
     26 {
     27     double radix = (double) UINT32_MAX + 1.0;
     28     uint32_t ndigits = bigint->used;
     29     double accum = 0.0;
     31     /* bigint is in little endian format, but we traverse in
     32        big endian */
     33     do {
     34         --ndigits;
     35         accum = accum * radix + (double) bigint->digits[ndigits];
     36     } while (ndigits > 0); /* have to compare like this, it's unsigned */
     37     return mp_int_compare_zero(bigint) < 0? -accum : accum;
     38 }
     40 /* bigrat is rooted */
     41 double kbigrat_to_double(klisp_State *K, Bigrat *bigrat)
     42 {	
     43     /* TODO: check rounding in extreme cases */
     44     TValue tv_rem = kbigrat_copy(K, gc2bigrat(bigrat));
     45     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_rem);
     46     Bigrat *rem = tv2bigrat(tv_rem);
     47     UNUSED(mp_rat_abs(K, rem, rem)); 
     49     TValue int_radix = kbigint_make_simple(K);
     50     krooted_tvs_push(K, int_radix);
     51     /* cant do UINT32_MAX and then +1 because _value functions take 
     52        int32_t arguments */ 
     53     UNUSED(mp_int_set_value(K, tv2bigint(int_radix), INT32_MAX)); 
     54     UNUSED(mp_int_add_value(K, tv2bigint(int_radix), 1, 
     55                             tv2bigint(int_radix)));
     56     UNUSED(mp_int_add(K, tv2bigint(int_radix), tv2bigint(int_radix), 
     57                       tv2bigint(int_radix)));
     59     TValue int_part = kbigint_make_simple(K);
     60     krooted_tvs_push(K, int_part);
     62     double accum = 0.0;
     63     double radix = (double) UINT32_MAX + 1.0;
     64     uint32_t digit = 0;
     65     /* inside there is a check to avoid problem with continuing fractions */
     66     while(mp_rat_compare_zero(rem) > 0) {
     67         UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, MP_NUMER_P(rem), MP_DENOM_P(rem), 
     68                           tv2bigint(int_part), NULL));
     70         double di = kbigint_to_double(tv2bigint(int_part));
     71         bool was_zero = di == 0.0;
     72         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < digit; i++) {
     73             di /= radix;
     74         }
     75         /* if last di became 0.0 we will exit next loop,
     76            this is to avoid problem with continuing fractions */
     77         if (!was_zero && di == 0.0)
     78             break;
     80         ++digit;
     81         accum += di; 
     83         UNUSED(mp_rat_sub_int(K, rem, tv2bigint(int_part), rem));
     84         UNUSED(mp_rat_mul_int(K, rem, tv2bigint(int_radix), rem));
     85     }
     86     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* int_part */
     87     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* int_radix */
     88     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* rem */
     90     return mp_rat_compare_zero(bigrat) < 0? -accum : accum;
     91 }
     93 /* TODO test strict arithmetic and throw errors on overflow and underflow? 
     94    if set */
     95 TValue kexact_to_inexact(klisp_State *K, TValue n)
     96 {
     97     bool strictp = kcurr_strict_arithp(K);
     99     switch(ttype(n)) {
    100     case K_TFIXINT:
    101         /* NOTE: can't over or underflow, and can't give NaN */
    102         return d2tv((double) ivalue(n));
    103     case K_TBIGINT: {
    104         Bigint *bigint = tv2bigint(n);
    105         double d = kbigint_to_double(bigint);
    106         if (strictp && (d == 0.0 || isinf(d) || isnan(d))) {
    107             /* NOTE: bigints can't be zero */
    108             char *msg;
    109             if (isnan(d))
    110                 msg = "unexpected error";
    111             else if (isinf(d))
    112                 msg = "overflow";
    113             else
    114                 msg = "undeflow";
    115             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, msg, 1, n);
    116             return KUNDEF;
    117         } else {
    118             /* d may be inf, ktag_double will handle it */
    119             return ktag_double(d);
    120         }
    121     }
    122     case K_TBIGRAT: {
    123         Bigrat *bigrat = tv2bigrat(n);
    124         double d = kbigrat_to_double(K, bigrat);
    125         /* REFACTOR: this code is the same for bigints... */
    126         if (strictp && (d == 0.0 || isinf(d) || isnan(d))) {
    127             /* NOTE: bigrats can't be zero */
    128             char *msg;
    129             if (isnan(d))
    130                 msg = "unexpected error";
    131             else if (isinf(d))
    132                 msg = "overflow";
    133             else
    134                 msg = "undeflow";
    135             klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, msg, 1, n);
    136             return KUNDEF;
    137         } else {
    138             /* d may be inf, ktag_double will handle it */
    139             return ktag_double(d);
    140         }
    141     }
    142     case K_TEINF:
    143         return tv_equal(n, KEPINF)? KIPINF : KIMINF;
    144         /* all of these are already inexact */
    145     case K_TDOUBLE:
    146     case K_TIINF:
    147     case K_TRWNPV:
    148     case K_TUNDEFINED:
    149         return n;
    150     default:
    151         klisp_assert(0);
    152         return KUNDEF;
    153     }
    154 }
    156 /* assume d is integer and doesn't fit in a fixint */
    157 TValue kdouble_to_bigint(klisp_State *K, double d)
    158 {
    159     bool neg = d < 0;
    160     if (neg)
    161         d = -d;
    163     TValue tv_res = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    164     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_res);
    165     Bigint *res = tv2bigint(tv_res);
    166     mp_int_set_value(K, res, 0);
    168     TValue tv_digit = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    169     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_digit);
    170     Bigint *digit = tv2bigint(tv_digit);
    172     /* do it 32 bits at a time */
    173     double radix = ((double) UINT32_MAX) + 1.0;
    174     int power =  0;
    175     while(d > 0) {
    176         double dd = fmod(d, radix);
    177         d = floor(d / radix);
    178         /* load in two moves because set_value takes signed ints */
    179         uint32_t id = (uint32_t) dd;
    180         int32_t id1 = (int32_t) (id >> 1);
    181         int32_t id2 = (int32_t) (id - id1);
    183         mp_int_set_value(K, digit, id1);
    184         mp_int_add_value(K, digit, id2, digit);
    186         mp_int_mul_pow2(K, digit, power, digit);
    187         mp_int_add(K, res, digit, res);
    189         power += 32;
    190     }
    192     if (neg)
    193         mp_int_neg(K, res, res);
    195     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* digit */
    196     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* res */
    198     return tv_res; /* can't be fixint except when coming from
    199                       kdouble_to_bigrat, so don't convert */
    200 }
    202 /* TODO: should do something like rationalize with range +/- 1/2ulp) */
    203 TValue kdouble_to_bigrat(klisp_State *K, double d)
    204 {
    205     bool neg = d < 0;
    206     if (neg)
    207         d = -d;
    209     /* find an integer, convert it and divide by 
    210        an adequate power of 2 */
    211     TValue tv_res = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    212     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_res);
    213     Bigrat *res = tv2bigrat(tv_res);
    214     UNUSED(mp_rat_set_value(K, res, 0, 1));
    216     TValue tv_den = kbigint_make_simple(K);
    217     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_den);
    218     Bigint *den = tv2bigint(tv_den);
    219     UNUSED(mp_int_set_value(K, den, 1));
    221     /* XXX could be made a lot more efficiently reading ieee
    222        fields directly */
    223     int ie;
    224     d = frexp(d, &ie);
    226     while(d != floor(d)) {
    227         d *= 2.0;
    228         --ie;
    229     }
    230     UNUSED(mp_int_mul_pow2(K, den, -ie, den));
    232     TValue tv_num = kdouble_to_bigint(K, d);
    233     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_num);
    234     Bigint *num = tv2bigint(tv_num);
    236     TValue tv_den2 = kbigrat_make_simple(K);
    237     krooted_tvs_push(K, tv_den2);
    238     Bigrat *den2 = tv2bigrat(tv_den2);
    240     UNUSED(mp_rat_set_value(K, den2, 0, 1));
    241     UNUSED(mp_rat_add_int(K, den2, den, den2));
    242     UNUSED(mp_rat_set_value(K, res, 0, 1));
    243     UNUSED(mp_rat_add_int(K, res, num, res));
    244     UNUSED(mp_rat_div(K, res, den2, res));
    246     if (neg)
    247         UNUSED(mp_rat_neg(K, res, res));
    249     /* now create a value corresponding to 1/2 ulp
    250        for rationalize */
    251     UNUSED(mp_int_mul_pow2(K, den, 1, den));
    252     UNUSED(mp_rat_set_value(K, den2, 0, 1));
    253     UNUSED(mp_rat_add_int(K, den2, den, den2));
    254     UNUSED(mp_rat_recip(K, den2, den2));
    255     /* den2 now has 1/2 ulp */
    257     TValue rationalized = kbigrat_rationalize(K, tv_res, tv_den2);
    259     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* den2 */
    260     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* num */
    261     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* den */
    262     krooted_tvs_pop(K); /* res */
    264     return rationalized;
    265 }
    267 TValue kinexact_to_exact(klisp_State *K, TValue n)
    268 {
    269     switch(ttype(n)) {
    270     case K_TFIXINT:
    271     case K_TBIGINT:
    272     case K_TBIGRAT:
    273     case K_TEINF:
    274         /* all of these are already exact */
    275         return n;
    276     case K_TDOUBLE: {
    277         double d = dvalue(n);
    278         klisp_assert(!isnan(d) && !isinf(d));
    279         if (d == floor(d)) { /* integer */
    280             if (d <= (double) INT32_MAX && 
    281                 d >= (double) INT32_MIN) {
    282                 return i2tv((int32_t) d); /* fixint */
    283             } else {
    284                 return kdouble_to_bigint(K, d);
    285             }
    286         } else { /* non integer rational */
    287             return kdouble_to_bigrat(K, d);
    288         }
    289     }
    290     case K_TIINF:
    291         return tv_equal(n, KIPINF)? KEPINF : KEMINF;
    292     case K_TRWNPV:
    293     case K_TUNDEFINED:
    294         klispE_throw_simple_with_irritants(K, "no primary value", 1, n);
    295         return KUNDEF;
    296     default:
    297         klisp_assert(0);
    298         return KUNDEF;
    299     }
    300 }
    302 /*
    303 ** read/write interface 
    304 */
    306 /*
    307 ** SOURCE NOTE: This is a more or less vanilla implementation of the algorithm
    308 ** described in "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by 
    309 ** Guy L. Steele Jr. & John L. White.
    310 */
    312 /*
    313 ** TODO add awareness of read rounding (e.g. problem with 1.0e23)
    314 ** TODO add exponent if too small or too big
    315 */
    317 mp_result shift_2(klisp_State *K, Bigint *x, Bigint *n, Bigint *r)
    318 {
    319     mp_small nv;
    320     mp_result res = mp_int_to_int(n, &nv);
    321     klisp_assert(res == MP_OK);
    323     if (nv >= 0)
    324         return mp_int_mul_pow2(K, x, nv, r);
    325     else
    326         return mp_int_div_pow2(K, x, -nv, r, NULL);
    327 }
    329 /* returns k, modifies all parameters (except f & p) */
    330 int32_t simple_fixup(klisp_State *K, Bigint *f, Bigint *p, Bigint *r, 
    331                      Bigint *s, Bigint *mm, Bigint *mp)
    332 {
    333     mp_result res;
    334     Bigint tmpz, tmpz2;
    335     Bigint *tmp = &tmpz;
    336     Bigint *tmp2 = &tmpz2;
    337     Bigint onez;
    338     Bigint *one = &onez;
    339     res = mp_int_init(tmp);
    340     res = mp_int_init(tmp2);
    341     res = mp_int_init_value(K, one, 1);
    342     res = mp_int_sub(K, p, one, tmp);
    343     res = shift_2(K, one, tmp, tmp);
    345     if (mp_int_compare(f, tmp) == 0) {
    346         res = shift_2(K, mp, one, mp);
    347         res = shift_2(K, r, one, r);
    348         res = shift_2(K, s, one, s);
    349     }
    351     int k = 0;
    353     /* tmp = ceiling (s/10), for while guard */
    354     res = mp_int_add_value(K, s, 9, tmp);
    355     res = mp_int_div_value(K, tmp, 10, tmp, NULL);
    357     while(mp_int_compare(r, tmp) < 0) {
    358         --k;
    359         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, r, 10, r);
    360         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, mm, 10, mm);
    361         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, mp, 10, mp);
    362         /* tmp = ceiling (s/10), for while guard */
    363         res = mp_int_add_value(K, s, 9, tmp);
    364         res = mp_int_div_value(K, tmp, 10, tmp, NULL);
    365     }
    367     /* tmp = 2r + mp; tmp2 = 2s */
    368     res = mp_int_mul_value(K, r, 2, tmp);
    369     res = mp_int_add(K, tmp, mp, tmp);
    370     res = mp_int_mul_value(K, s, 2, tmp2);
    371     while(mp_int_compare(tmp, tmp2) >= 0) {
    373         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, s, 10, s);
    374         ++k;
    376         /* tmp = 2r + mp; tmp2 = 2s */
    377         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, r, 2, tmp);
    378         res = mp_int_add(K, tmp, mp, tmp);
    379         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, s, 2, tmp2);
    380     }
    382     mp_int_clear(K, tmp);
    383     mp_int_clear(K, tmp2);
    384     mp_int_clear(K, one);
    386     UNUSED(res);
    387     return k;
    388 }
    390 /* TEMP: for now upoint is passed indicating where the least significant
    391    integer digit should be (10^0 position) */
    392 #define digit_pos(k_, upoint_) ((k_) + (upoint_))
    394 bool dtoa(klisp_State *K, double d, char *buf, int32_t upoint, int32_t *out_h, 
    395           int32_t *out_k)
    396 {
    397     klisp_assert(sizeof(mp_small) == 4);
    398     mp_result res;
    399     Bigint e, p, f;
    401     klisp_assert(d > 0.0);
    403     /* convert d to three bigints m: significand, e: exponent & p: precision */
    404     /* d = m^(e-p) & m < 2^p */
    405     int ie, ip;
    406     double mantissa = frexp(d, &ie);
    407     ip = 0;
    409     klisp_assert(mantissa * pow(2.0, ie) == d);
    410     /* now 0.5 <= mantissa < 1 & mantissa * 2^expt = d */
    411 /* this could be a binary search, it could also be done reading the exponent
    412    field of ieee754 directly... */
    413     while(mantissa != floor(mantissa)) { 
    414         mantissa *= 2.0;
    415         ++ip;
    416     }
    418     /* mantissa is int & < 2^ip (was < 1=2^0 and by induction...) */
    419     klisp_assert(mantissa * pow(2.0, ie - ip) == d);
    420     /* mantissa is at most 53 bits long as an int, load it in two parts
    421        to f */
    422     int64_t im = (int64_t) mantissa;
    423     /* f */
    424     /* cant load 32 bits at a time, second param is signed!,
    425        but we know it's positive so load 32 then 31 */
    426     res = mp_int_init_value(K, &f, (mp_small) (im >> 31));
    427     res = mp_int_mul_pow2(K, &f, 31, &f);
    428     res = mp_int_add_value(K, &f, (mp_small) im & 0x7fffffff, &f);
    430     /* adjust f & p so that p is 53 TODO do in one step */
    431     /* XXX: is this is ok for denorms?? */
    432     while(ip < 53) {
    433         ++ip;
    434         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &f, 2, &f);
    435     }
    437     /* e */
    438     res = mp_int_init_value(K, &e, (mp_small) ie);
    440     /* p */
    441     res = mp_int_init_value(K, &p, (mp_small) ip);
    443     /* start of FPP^2 algorithm */
    444     Bigint r, s;
    445     Bigint mp, mm;
    446     Bigint e_p;
    447     Bigint zero, one;
    449     res = mp_int_init_value(K, &zero, 0);
    450     res = mp_int_init_value(K, &one, 1);
    452     res = mp_int_init(&r);
    453     res = mp_int_init(&s);
    454     res = mp_int_init(&mm);
    455     res = mp_int_init(&mp);
    456     res = mp_int_init(&e_p);
    458     res = mp_int_sub(K, &e, &p, &e_p);
    460 //    shift_2(f, max(e-p, 0), r);
    461 //    shift_2(1, max(-(e-p), 0), r);
    462     if (mp_int_compare_zero(&e_p) >= 0) {
    463         res = shift_2(K, &f, &e_p, &r);
    464         res = shift_2(K, &one, &zero, &s); /* nop */
    465         res = shift_2(K, &one, &e_p, &mm);
    466     } else {
    467         res = shift_2(K, &f, &zero, &r); /* nop */
    468         res = mp_int_neg(K, &e_p, &e_p); 
    469         res = shift_2(K, &one, &e_p, &s);
    470         res = shift_2(K, &one, &zero, &mm);
    471     }
    472     mp_int_copy(K, &mm, &mp);
    474     int32_t k = simple_fixup(K, &f, &p, &r, &s, &mm, &mp);
    475     int32_t h = k-1;
    477     Bigint u, tmp, tmp2;
    478     res = mp_int_init(&u);
    479     res = mp_int_init(&tmp);
    480     res = mp_int_init(&tmp2);
    481     bool low, high;
    483     do {
    484         --k;
    485         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &r, 10, &tmp);
    486         res = mp_int_div(K, &tmp, &s, &u, &r);
    487         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &mm, 10, &mm);
    488         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &mp, 10, &mp);
    490         /* low/high flags */
    491         /* XXX try to make 1e23 round correctly,
    492            it causes tmp == tmp2 but should probably
    493            check oddness of digit and (may result in a digit
    494            with value 10?, needing to backtrack) 
    495            In general make it so that if rounding done at reading
    496            (should be round to even) is accounted for and the minimal
    497            length number is generated */
    499         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &r, 2, &tmp);
    501         low = mp_int_compare(&tmp, &mm) < 0;
    503         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &s, 2, &tmp2);
    504         res = mp_int_sub(K, &tmp2, &mp, &tmp2);
    506         high = mp_int_compare(&tmp, &tmp2) > 0;
    508         if (!low && !high) {
    509             mp_small digit;
    510             res = mp_int_to_int(&u, &digit);
    511             klisp_assert(res == MP_OK);
    512             klisp_assert(digit >= 0 && digit <= 9);
    513             buf[digit_pos(k, upoint)] = '0' + digit;
    514         }
    515     } while(!low && !high);
    517     mp_small digit;
    518     res = mp_int_to_int(&u, &digit);
    519     klisp_assert(res == MP_OK);
    520     klisp_assert(digit >= 0 && digit <= 9);
    522     if (low && high) {
    523         res = mp_int_mul_value(K, &r, 2, &tmp);
    524         int cmp = mp_int_compare(&tmp, &s);
    525         if ((cmp == 0 && (digit & 1) != 0) || cmp > 0)
    526             ++digit;
    527     } else if (low) {
    528         /* nothing */
    529     } else if (high) {
    530         ++digit;
    531     } else {
    532         klisp_assert(0);
    533     }
    534     /* double check in case there was an increment */
    535     klisp_assert(digit >= 0 && digit <= 9);
    536     buf[digit_pos(k, upoint)] = '0' + digit;
    538     *out_h = h;
    539     *out_k = k;
    540     /* add '\0' to both sides */
    541     buf[digit_pos(k-1, upoint)] = '\0';
    542     buf[digit_pos(h+1, upoint)] = '\0';
    544     mp_int_clear(K, &f);
    545     mp_int_clear(K, &e);
    546     mp_int_clear(K, &p);
    547     mp_int_clear(K, &r);
    548     mp_int_clear(K, &s);
    549     mp_int_clear(K, &mp);
    550     mp_int_clear(K, &mm);
    551     mp_int_clear(K, &e_p);
    552     mp_int_clear(K, &zero);
    553     mp_int_clear(K, &one);
    554     mp_int_clear(K, &u);
    555     mp_int_clear(K, &tmp);
    556     mp_int_clear(K, &tmp2);
    558     /* NOTE: digits are reversed! */
    559     return true;
    560 }
    563 /* TEMP: this is a stub for now, always return sufficiently large 
    564    number */
    565 int32_t kdouble_print_size(TValue tv_double)
    566 {
    567     klisp_assert(ttisdouble(tv_double));
    568     UNUSED(tv_double);
    569     return 1024;
    570 }
    572 void kdouble_print_string(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_double,
    573                           char *buf, int32_t limit)
    574 {
    575     klisp_assert(ttisdouble(tv_double));
    576     /* TODO: add exponent to values too large or too small */
    577     /* TEMP */
    578     int32_t h = 0;
    579     int32_t k = 0;
    580     int32_t upoint = limit/2;
    581     double od = dvalue(tv_double);
    582     klisp_assert(!isnan(od) && !isinf(od));
    583     klisp_assert(limit > 10);
    585     /* dtoa only works for d > 0 */
    586     if (od == 0.0) {
    587         buf[0] = '0';
    588         buf[1] = '.';
    589         buf[2] = '0';
    590         buf[3] = '\0';
    591         return;
    592     } 
    594     double d;
    595     if (od < 0.0)
    596         d = -od;
    597     else d = od;
    599     /* XXX this doesn't check limit, it should be large enough */
    600     UNUSED(dtoa(K, d, buf, upoint, &h, &k));
    602     klisp_assert(upoint + k >= 0 && upoint + h + 1 < limit);
    604     /* rearrange the digits */
    605     /* TODO do this more efficiently */
    608     int32_t size = h - k + 1;
    609     int32_t start = upoint+k;
    610     /* first reverse the digits */
    611     for (int32_t i = upoint+k, j = upoint+h; i < j; i++, j--) {
    612         char ch = buf[i];
    613         buf[i] = buf[j];
    614         buf[j] = ch;
    615     }
    617     /* TODO use exponents */
    619     /* if necessary make room for leading zeros and sign,
    620        move all to the left */
    622     int extra_size = (od < 0? 1 : 0) + (h < 0? 2 + (-h-1) : 0);
    624     klisp_assert(extra_size + size + 2 < limit); 
    625     memmove(buf+extra_size, buf+start, size);
    627     int32_t i = 0;
    628     if (od < 0)
    629         buf[i++] = '-';
    631     if (h < 0) {
    632         /* fraction with leading 0. and with possibly more leading zeros */
    633         buf[i++] = '0';
    634         buf[i++] = '.';
    635         for (int32_t j = -1; j > h; j--) {
    636             buf[i++] = '0';
    637         }
    638         int frac_size = size;
    639         i += frac_size;
    640         buf[i++] = '\0';
    641     } else if (k >= 0) {
    642         /* integer with possibly trailing zeros */
    643         klisp_assert(size+extra_size+k+4 < limit);
    644         int int_size = size;
    645         i += int_size;
    646         for (int32_t j = 0; j < k; j++) {
    647             buf[i++] = '0';
    648         }
    649         buf[i++] = '.';
    650         buf[i++] = '0';
    651         buf[i++] = '\0';
    652     } else { /* both integer and fractional part, make room for the point */
    653         /* k < 0, h >= 0 */
    654         int32_t int_size = h+1;
    655         int32_t frac_size = -k;
    656         memmove(buf+i+int_size+1, buf+i+int_size, frac_size);
    657         i += int_size;
    658         buf[i++] = '.';
    659         i += frac_size;
    660         buf[i++] = '\0';
    661     }
    662     return;
    663 }
    665 double kdouble_div_mod(double n, double d, double *res_mod) 
    666 {
    667     double div = floor(n / d);
    668     double mod = fmod(n, d);
    670     /* div, mod or div-and-mod */
    671     /* 0 <= mod0 < |d| */
    672     if (mod < 0.0) {
    673         if (d < 0.0) {
    674             mod -= d;
    675             div += 1.0;
    676         } else {
    677             mod += d;
    678             div -= 1.0;
    679         }
    680     }
    681     *res_mod = mod;
    682     return div;
    683 }
    685 double kdouble_div0_mod0(double n, double d, double *res_mod) 
    686 {
    687     double div = floor(n / d);
    688     double mod = fmod(n, d);
    690     /* div0, mod0 or div-and-mod0 */
    691     /*
    692     ** Adjust q and r so that:
    693     ** -|d/2| <= mod0 < |d/2| which is the same as
    694     ** dmin <= mod0 < dmax, where 
    695     ** dmin = -|d/2| and dmax = |d/2| 
    696     */
    697     double dmin = -((d<0.0? -d : d) / 2.0);
    698     double dmax = (d<0.0? -d : d) / 2.0;
    700     if (mod < dmin) {
    701         if (d < 0) {
    702             mod -= d;
    703             div += 1.0;
    704         } else {
    705             mod += d;
    706             div -= 1.0;
    707         }
    708     } else if (mod >= dmax) {
    709         if (d < 0) {
    710             mod += d;
    711             div += 1.0;
    712         } else {
    713             mod -= d;
    714             div -= 1.0;
    715         }
    716     }
    717     *res_mod = mod;
    718     return div;
    719 }
    721 TValue kdouble_to_integer(klisp_State *K, TValue tv_double, kround_mode mode)
    722 {
    723     double d = dvalue(tv_double);
    724     switch(mode) {
    725     case K_TRUNCATE: 
    726         d = trunc(d);
    727         break;
    728     case K_CEILING:
    729         d = ceil(d);
    730         break;
    731     case K_FLOOR:
    732         d = floor(d);
    733         break;
    734     case K_ROUND_EVEN: {
    735         int res = fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); /* REFACTOR: should be done once only... */
    736         klisp_assert(res == 0);
    737         d = nearbyint(d);
    738         break;
    739     }
    740     }
    741     /* ASK John: we currently return inexact if given inexact is this ok?
    742        or should it return an exact integer? */
    743     return ktag_double(d);
    744 #if 0    
    745     tv_double = ktag_double(d); /* won't alloc mem so no need to root */
    746     return kinexact_to_exact(K, tv_double); 
    747 #endif
    748 }