
an open source interpreter for the Kernel Programming Language.
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environments.k (14681B)

      1 ;; check.k & test-helpers.k should be loaded
      3 ;;;
      4 ;;; Basic Functionality
      5 ;;;
      7 ;; 4.8.1 environment?
      9 ($check-predicate (applicative? environment?))
     10 ($check-predicate (environment?))
     11 ($check-predicate (environment? (get-current-environment)))
     12 ($check-not-predicate (environment? ()))
     14 ;; 4.8.2 ignore?
     16 ($check-predicate (applicative? ignore?))
     17 ($check-predicate (ignore?))
     18 ($check-predicate (ignore? #ignore))
     19 ($check-not-predicate (ignore? #f))
     20 ($check-not-predicate (ignore? 0))
     21 ($check-not-predicate (ignore? ()))
     22 ($check-not-predicate (ignore? #inert))
     23 ($check-not-predicate (ignore? #undefined))
     25 ;; 4.8.3 eval
     27 ($check-predicate (applicative? eval))
     28 ($check-error (eval))
     29 ($check-error (eval 0))
     30 ($check-error (eval 0 1))
     31 ($check-error (eval 0 (get-current-environment) 2))
     33 ($let*
     34     ((env (make-environment))
     35      ((encapsulate #ignore #ignore) (make-encapsulation-type))
     36      (encapsulation (encapsulate 0))
     37      (promise ($lazy (+ 1 1)))
     38      (bytevector (make-bytevector 1)))
     39   ($check eq? (eval #t env) #t)
     40   ($check eq? (eval #inert env) #inert)
     41   ($check eq? (eval () env) ())
     42   ($check eq? (eval #ignore env) #ignore)
     43   ($check eq? (eval env env) env)
     44   ($check eq? (eval eval env) eval)
     45   ($check eq? (eval $vau env) $vau)
     46   ($check eq? (eval root-continuation env) root-continuation)
     47   ($check eq? (eval encapsulation env) encapsulation)
     48   ($check eq? (eval promise env) promise)
     49   ($check eq? (eval 0 env) 0)
     50   ($check eq? (eval "string" env) "string")
     51   ($check eq? (eval #\c env) #\c)
     52   ($check eq? (eval (get-current-input-port) env) (get-current-input-port))
     53   ($check eq? (eval bytevector env) bytevector)
     54   ($check-error (eval (string->symbol "eval") env))
     55   ($check eq? (eval (list $quote 1) env) 1)
     56   ($check equal? (eval (list + 1 1) env) 2)
     57   ($check-error (eval (list* not? #t) env))
     58   ($check-error (eval (list 1) env)))
     60 ($let ((env ($bindings->environment (+ *))))
     61   ($check equal? (eval ($quote (+ 1 1)) env) 1))
     63 ; eval semantics in the presence of continuation capturing and 
     64 ; mutation
     66 ; This check will try to mutate the list argument to eval
     67 ; during the evaluation of the list to see if eval makes a 
     68 ; copy of the list previous to start evaluating (this test
     69 ; contemplates the two more usual cases of left-to-right and
     70 ; right-to-left list evaluation)
     71 ($check equal?
     72    ($let* ((ls (list list (list list 1) #ignore (list list 3)))
     73            (mut-ls! ($lambda ()
     74                      (set-car! (cdr ls) (list -1))
     75                      (set-car! (cdddr ls) (list -3))
     76                      2)))
     77     (set-car! (cddr ls) (list mut-ls!))
     78     (eval ls (get-current-environment)))
     79   (list (list 1) 2 (list 3)))
     81 ; This check will capture the continuation in the middle of list
     82 ; evaluation to see whether restarting the continuation later
     83 ; works as expected
     84 ($check equal?
     85   ($let* ((cc ($lambda () ($let/cc cont cont)))
     86           (ls (list list (list list 1) (list cc) (list list 3)))
     87           (res (eval ls (get-current-environment)))
     88           (cont (cadr res)))
     89     ;; in the first pass cont has the continuation
     90     ;; in the second pass it has the 2 passed in 
     91     ;; apply-continuation
     92     ($if (continuation? cont)
     93          (apply-continuation cont 2)
     94          res))
     95   (list (list 1) 2 (list 3)))
     97 ; This check is a combination of the last two.
     98 ; It will capture the continuation in the middle of list
     99 ; evaluation and later mutate the result list to see whether restarting 
    100 ; the continuation later works as expected
    101 ($check equal?
    102   ($let* ((cc ($lambda () ($let/cc cont cont)))
    103           (ls (list list 1 (list cc) 3))
    104           (res (eval ls (get-current-environment)))
    105           (cont (cadr res)))
    106     ;; in the first pass cont has the continuation
    107     ;; in the second pass it has the 2 passed in 
    108     ;; apply-continuation
    109     ($if (continuation? cont)
    110          ($sequence (set-car! res -1)
    111                     (set-car! (cddr res) -3)
    112                     (apply-continuation cont 2))
    113          res))
    114   (list 1 2 3))
    117 ;; TODO add checks to also test what happens when cyclic lists are
    118 ;; mixed with continuation capturing and mutation
    121 ;; 4.8.4 make-environment
    123 ($check-predicate (applicative? make-environment))
    124 ($check-predicate (environment? (make-environment)))
    125 ($let*
    126     ((x 0)
    127      (e1 (make-environment))
    128      (e2 (make-environment (get-current-environment)))
    129      (e3 (make-environment e1))
    130      (e4 (make-environment e2))
    131      (es (list e1 e2 e3 e4)))
    132   ($check-not-predicate ($binds? e1 x))
    133   ($check-predicate ($binds? e2 x))
    134   ($check-not-predicate ($binds? e3 x))
    135   ($check-predicate ($binds? e4 x))
    136   (encycle! es 1 3)
    137   ($check-predicate ($binds? (apply make-environment es))))
    139 ($check-not-predicate (eq? (make-environment) (make-environment)))
    140 ($check-not-predicate (equal? (make-environment) (make-environment)))
    141 ($check-not-predicate (equal? (make-environment) (get-current-environment)))
    143 ;; 5.10.1 $let
    145 ($check-predicate (operative? $let))
    146 ($check equal? ($let () #t) #t)
    147 ($check-error ($let (sym) #inert))
    148 ($check-error ($let (sym 0) #inert))
    149 ($check-error ($let loop ((x 0)) #inert))
    150 ($check-error ($let ((sym 0 1)) #inert))
    152 ($check-predicate
    153  ($let
    154      ((a (and?
    155           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) a))
    156           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) b))))
    157       (b (and?
    158           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) a))
    159           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) b))))
    160       (f ($lambda ()
    161            (and?
    162             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) f))
    163             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) g)))))
    164       (g ($lambda ()
    165            (and?
    166             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) f))
    167             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) g))))))
    168    (and? a b (f) (g))))
    170 ;; 6.7.1 $binds?
    172 ($check-predicate (operative? $binds?))
    173 ($check-predicate ($binds? (make-environment)))
    175 ;; 6.7.2 get-current-environment
    177 ($check-predicate (applicative? get-current-environment))
    178 ($check-predicate (environment? (get-current-environment)))
    179 ($check-not-predicate ($binds? (get-current-environment) x))
    180 ($let ((x 0))
    181   ($check-predicate ($binds? (get-current-environment) x)))
    183 ;; 6.7.3 make-kernel-standard-environment
    185 ($check-predicate (applicative? make-kernel-standard-environment))
    187 ($let ((x 0))
    188   ($check-not-predicate
    189    ($binds? (make-kernel-standard-environment) x)))
    191 ;; symbols defined in the Kernel Report
    193 ($check-predicate
    194  ($binds? (make-kernel-standard-environment)
    195           ;; 4.1 - 4.10
    196           boolean?
    197           eq?
    198           equal?
    199           symbol?
    200           inert? $if
    201           pair? null? cons
    202           set-car! set-cdr! copy-es-immutable
    203           environment? ignore? eval make-environment
    204           $define!
    205           operative? applicative? $vau wrap unwrap
    206           ;; 5.1 - 5.10
    207           $sequence
    208           list list*
    209           $vau $lambda
    210           car cdr
    211           caar cadr cdar cddr
    212           caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
    213           caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
    214           cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
    215           apply
    216           $cond
    217           get-list-metrics list-tail
    218           encycle!
    219           map
    220           $let
    221           ;; 6.1 - 6.4, 6.7 - 6.9
    222           not? and? or? $and? $or?
    223           combiner?
    224           length list-ref append list-neighbors filter
    225           assoc member? finite-list? countable-list? reduce
    226           append! copy-es assq memq?
    227           $binds? get-current-environment make-kernel-standard-environment
    228           $let* $letrec $letrec* $let-redirect $let-safe $remote-eval
    229           $bindings->environment
    230           $set! $provide! $import!
    231           for-each
    232           ;; 7.1 - 7.3
    233           continuation? call/cc extend-continuation guard-continuation
    234           continuation->applicative root-continuation error-continuation
    235           apply-continuation $let/cc guard-dynamic-extent exit
    236           ;; 8.1
    237           make-encapsulation-type
    238           ;; 9.1
    239           promise? force $lazy memoize
    240           ;; 10.1
    241           make-keyed-dynamic-variable
    242           ;; 11.1
    243           make-keyed-static-variable
    244           ;; 12.1 - 12.10
    245           number? finite? integer?
    246           =? <? <=? >=? >?
    247           + * -
    248           zero?
    249           div mod div-and-mod
    250           div0 mod0 div0-and-mod0
    251           positive? negative?
    252           odd? even?
    253           abs
    254           max min
    255           lcm gcd
    256           exact? inexact? robust? undefined?
    257           get-real-internal-bounds get-real-exact-bounds
    258           get-real-internal-primary get-real-exact-primary
    259           make-inexact
    260           real->inexact real->exact
    261           with-strict-arithmetic get-strict-arithmetic?
    262           ;; not implemented: with-narrow-arithmetic get-narrow-arithmetic?
    263           rational?
    264           /
    265           numerator denominator
    266           floor ceiling truncate round
    267           rationalize simplest-rational
    268           real?
    269           exp log
    270           sin cos tan asin acos atan
    271           sqrt expt
    272           ;; not implemented: complex?
    273           ;; not implemented: make-rectangular real-part imag-part
    274           ;; not implemented: make-polar magnitude angle
    275           ;; 13.1
    276           string->symbol
    277           ;; 15.1 - 15.2
    278           port?
    279           input-port? output-port?
    280           with-input-from-file with-output-to-file
    281           get-current-input-port get-current-output-port
    282           open-input-file open-output-file
    283           close-input-file close-output-file
    284           read
    285           write
    286           call-with-input-file call-with-output-file
    287           load
    288           get-module))
    290 ;; Additional symbols defined in klisp.
    291 ($check-predicate
    292  ($binds? (make-kernel-standard-environment)
    293           ;; symbols
    294           symbol->string
    295           ;; strings
    296           string?
    297           symbol->string
    298           ;; TODO
    299           ;; chars
    300           char?
    301           char=? char<? char<=? char>=? char>?
    302           char->integer integer->char
    303           ;; TODO
    304           ;; ports
    305           textual-port? binary-port?
    306           flush-output-port
    307           with-error-to-file
    308           get-current-error-port
    309           open-binary-input-file open-binary-output-file
    310           close-input-port close-output-port close-port
    311           eof-object?
    312           read-char peek-char char-ready? write-char
    313           newline
    314           display
    315           read-u8 peek-u8 u8-ready? write-u8
    316           ;; system functions
    317           get-current-second get-current-jiffy get-jiffies-per-second
    318           file-exists? delete-file rename-file
    319           ;; bytevectors
    320           bytevector?
    321           ;; error handling
    322           error system-error-continuation))
    324 ;; 6.7.4 $let*
    326 ($check-predicate (operative? $let*))
    327 ($check equal? ($let* () #f) #f)
    328 ($check equal? ($let* () #f #t) #t)
    329 ($check-error ($let* (sym) #inert))
    330 ($check-error ($let* (sym 0) #inert))
    331 ($check-error ($let* loop ((x 0)) #inert))
    332 ($check-error ($let* ((sym 0 1)) #inert))
    334 ($check-predicate
    335  ($let*
    336      ((a (and?
    337           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) a))
    338           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) b))
    339           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) c))))
    340       (b (and?
    341           ($binds? (get-current-environment) a)
    342           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) b))
    343           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) c))))
    344       (c (and?
    345           ($binds? (get-current-environment) a)
    346           ($binds? (get-current-environment) b)
    347           (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) c))))
    348       (f ($lambda ()
    349            (and?
    350             ($binds? (get-current-environment) a)
    351             ($binds? (get-current-environment) b)
    352             ($binds? (get-current-environment) c)
    353             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) f))
    354             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) g)))))
    355       (g ($lambda ()
    356            (and?
    357             ($binds? (get-current-environment) a)
    358             ($binds? (get-current-environment) b)
    359             ($binds? (get-current-environment) c)
    360             ($binds? (get-current-environment) f)
    361             (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) g))))))
    362    (and? a b c (f) (g))))
    364 ;; 6.7.5 $letrec
    366 ($check-predicate (operative? $letrec))
    367 ($check-no-error ($letrec () #inert))
    369 ($check-predicate
    370  ($letrec ((x (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) x)))) x))
    372 ($check-predicate
    373  ($letrec
    374      ((f ($lambda ()
    375            (and?
    376             ($binds? (get-current-environment) f)
    377             ($binds? (get-current-environment) g))))
    378       (g ($lambda ()
    379            (and?
    380             ($binds? (get-current-environment) f)
    381             ($binds? (get-current-environment) g)))))
    382    (and? (f) (g))))
    384 ;; 6.7.6 $letrec*
    386 ($check-predicate (operative? $letrec*))
    387 ($check equal? ($letrec* () 123) 123)
    389 ($check-predicate
    390  ($letrec* ((x (not? ($binds? (get-current-environment) x)))) x))
    392 ($check-predicate
    393  ($letrec*
    394      ((a 1)
    395       (f ($lambda ()
    396            (and?
    397             ($binds? (get-current-environment) a)
    398             ($binds? (get-current-environment) f)))))
    399    (f)))
    401 ($check-predicate
    402  ($letrec*
    403      ((f ($lambda ()
    404            ($binds? (get-current-environment) f)))
    405       (g ($lambda ()
    406            (and?
    407             ($binds? (get-current-environment) f)
    408             ($binds? (get-current-environment) g)))))
    409    (and? (f) (g))))
    411 ($check-predicate
    412  ($letrec*
    413      ((a 1)
    414       (b 2)
    415       (f ($lambda () ($binds? (get-current-environment) f))))
    416    (f)))
    418 ;; 6.7.7 $let-redirect
    420 ($check-predicate (operative? $let-redirect))
    421 ($check equal? ($let-redirect (make-environment) () 42) 42)
    423 ($let
    424     ((a 1)
    425      (env ($let ((a 2)) (get-current-environment))))
    426   ($check equal? ($let-redirect (get-current-environment) () a) 1)
    427   ($check equal? ($let-redirect env () a) 2)
    428   ($check equal? ($let-redirect env ((a 3)) a) 3)
    429   ($check equal? ($let-redirect env ((a a)) a) 1))
    431 ;; 6.7.8 $let-safe
    433 ($check-predicate (operative? $let-safe))
    434 ($check equal? ($let-safe () 42) 42)
    435 ($let
    436     (($lambda 42))
    437   ($check equal? ($let-safe ((x $lambda)) (($lambda () x))) 42)
    438   ($check-error ($let ((x $lambda)) (($lambda () x)))))
    440 ;; 6.7.9 $remote-eval
    442 ($check-predicate (operative? $remote-eval))
    443 ($check equal? ($remote-eval 42 (make-environment)) 42)
    445 ($let
    446     ((e0 (make-kernel-standard-environment))
    447      (e1 ($let ((or? not?)) (get-current-environment))))
    448   ($check equal? ($remote-eval (or? #t) e0) #t)
    449   ($check equal? ($remote-eval (or? #t) e1) #f))
    451 ;; 6.7.10 $bindings->environment
    453 ($check-predicate (operative? $bindings->environment))
    454 ($check-predicate (environment? ($bindings->environment)))
    455 ($let
    456     ((env ($bindings->environment (a 1) (b 2))))
    457   ($check-predicate ($binds? env a b))
    458   ($check equal? (eval ($quote a) env) 1)
    459   ($check equal? (eval ($quote b) env) 2))