Sana's gatsbyjs-based blog
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404.js (2477B)

      1 import React from 'react';
      2 import { graphql, useStaticQuery, Link } from 'gatsby';
      3 import Footer from '../components/footer';
      4 import SEO from '../components/seo';
      5 const cover = ``;
      7 const NotFoundPage = () => {
      8   const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
      9     query getHomeName404 {
     10       site {
     11         siteMetadata {
     12           homeName
     13         }
     14       }
     15     }
     16   `);
     17   const { homeName } =;
     18   return (
     19     <div className={'error-template'}>
     20       <SEO title="404: Not found" />
     21       <div
     22         className={'site-wrapper'}
     23         style={{
     24           backgroundColor: `#000`,
     25           backgroundImage: `url(${cover})`,
     26           backgroundRepeat: `no-repeat`,
     27           backgroundSize: `contain`,
     28         }}
     29       >
     30         <header
     31           className={'site-header outer no-cover'}
     32           style={{ background: `transparent` }}
     33         >
     34           <div className={'inner'}>
     35             <nav className={'site-nav-center'}>
     36               <Link to={'/'} className={'site-nav-logo'}>
     37                 {homeName}
     38               </Link>
     39             </nav>
     40           </div>
     41         </header>
     42         <main id={'site-main'} className={'site-main outer'}>
     43           <div className={'inner'}>
     44             <section className={'error-message'}>
     45               <h1
     46                 className={'error-code'}
     47                 style={{
     48                   color: `rgb(240, 237, 200)`,
     49                   opacity: 0.9,
     50                 }}
     51               >
     52                 404
     53               </h1>
     54               <br />
     55               <p
     56                 className={'error-description'}
     57                 style={{ color: `rgb(240, 237, 200)`, opacity: 0.9 }}
     58               >
     59                 It was quite lonely and cold here, far away from the Sun.
     60                 <br />
     61                 Thanks for stopping by!
     62               </p>
     63               <br />
     64               <Link
     65                 to={'/'}
     66                 className={'error-link'}
     67                 style={{
     68                   border: `1px solid rgb(240, 237, 200)`,
     69                   borderRadius: `20px`,
     70                   color: `rgb(240, 237, 200)`,
     71                   padding: `9px 16px`,
     72                 }}
     73               >
     74                 Land on the home page.
     75               </Link>
     76             </section>
     77           </div>
     78         </main>
     79         <Footer style={{ background: `transparent` }} />
     80       </div>
     81     </div>
     82   );
     83 };
     85 export default NotFoundPage;