commit 4c0eff00acffd49acfb12a4b70dcb10f6a524c7c
parent 797474f131feeb7c59c8e510edaf297d891bb7d5
Author: Oto Havle <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 20:30:25 +0200
Added tests of number related functions.
2 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/tests/numbers.k b/src/tests/numbers.k
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+;; check.k & test-helpers.k should be loaded
+;; Please look for the keyword FAIL in the source code.
+;; The marked lines include
+;; - failing tests
+;; - tests corresponding to incorrect or unclear specification
+;; Other bugs:
+;; - evaluating
+;; ($check equal? (round 1.1) 1)
+;; ($check equal? (round -1.1) -1)
+;; freezes the interpreter
+;; 12.4 External representation of numbers.
+;; check various formats against plain decimals
+($check equal? #d000 0)
+($check equal? #d099 99)
+($check equal? #d-099 -99)
+($check equal? #d35/67 35/67)
+($check equal? #x00 0)
+($check equal? #x0FF 255)
+($check equal? #x-0FF -255)
+($check equal? #x-AB/CD -171/205)
+($check equal? #b00000 0)
+($check equal? #b01111 15)
+($check equal? #b-01111 -15)
+($check equal? #b#e101 5)
+($check equal? #o0000 0)
+($check equal? #o0777 511)
+($check equal? #o-0777 -511)
+($check equal? #e#o-16 -14)
+($check equal? #e-infinity #e-infinity)
+($check equal? #e+infinity #e+infinity)
+($check equal? #i-infinity #i-infinity)
+($check equal? #i+infinity #i+infinity)
+;; 12.5.1 number? finite? integer?
+($check-predicate (number? 0 1 3/5 -3.14e0 #real))
+($check-not-predicate (number? 5 "6" 7))
+($check-predicate (finite? 0 1/3 -99999999))
+($check-not-predicate (finite? #e+infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (finite? #e-infinity))
+($check-error (finite? #real)) ; FAIL
+($check-error (finite? #undefined)) ; FAIL
+($check-predicate (integer? 0 8/2 -12/6 1.0 -1.25e2))
+($check-not-predicate (integer? #e+infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (integer? #e-infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (integer? #real))
+($check-not-predicate (integer? "0"))
+;; 12.5.2 =?
+($check-predicate (=?))
+($check-predicate (=? -1))
+($check-predicate (=? 0 0.0 0/1 -0.0 -0/1))
+($check-predicate (=? #e+infinity #e+infinity))
+($check-predicate (=? #e-infinity #e-infinity))
+($check-predicate (=? . #0=(1 . #0#)))
+($check-not-predicate (=? 0 1))
+($check-not-predicate (=? 1 #e-infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (=? #e+infinity #e-infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (=? 2 5/2))
+($check-not-predicate (=? . #0=(1 2 . #0#)))
+($check-error (=? 0 #f))
+($check-error (=? 1 #t))
+($check-error (=? #real #real))
+($check-error (=? 1 #real))
+($check-error (=? #real -1/2))
+($check-error (=? #real #e+infinity))
+;; 12.5.3 <? <=? >=? >?
+($check-predicate (<?))
+($check-predicate (<? 1))
+($check-predicate (<? 1 3 7 15))
+($check-not-predicate (<? 1 7 3 7 15))
+($check-predicate (<? #e-infinity -1 0 1 #e+infinity))
+;; 12.5.4 +
+($check equal? (+ 1 1) 2)
+($check equal? (+) 0)
+($check equal? (+ . #0=(0 . #0#)) 0)
+($check equal? (+ . #0=(1 . #0#)) #e+infinity)
+($check equal? (+ . #0=(-1 . #0#)) #e-infinity)
+;---- ($check equal? (+ . #0=(1 -1 . #0#)) #real) ; FAIL
+;; 12.5.5 *
+($check equal? (* 2 3) 6)
+($check equal? (*) 1)
+;---- ($check equal? (* 0 #e+infinity) #real) ; FAIL
+;---- ($check equal? (* 0 #e-infinity) #real) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (* . #0=(1 . #0#)) 1)
+($check equal? (* . #0=(2 . #0#)) #e+infinity)
+($check equal? (* . #0=(1/2 . #0#)) 0)
+;---- ($check equal? (* . #0=(1/2 2 . #0#)) #real) ; FAIL
+;---- ($check equal? (* . #0=(-1 . #0#)) #real) ; FAIL
+;; 12.5.5 -
+($check equal? (- 5 3) 2)
+($check-error (-))
+($check-error (- 0))
+;; 12.5.7 zero?
+($check-predicate (zero? 0 0/1 -0 -0/1 0.0 -0.0 #i0))
+($check-not-predicate (zero? 1))
+($check-not-predicate (zero? -0.0001))
+($check-not-predicate (zero? #e+infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (zero? #e-infinity))
+($check-error (zero? #real)) ; FAIL
+;; 12.5.8 div, mod, div-and-mod
+($check equal? (div 10 2) 5)
+($check equal? (div -10 2) -5)
+($check equal? (div 10 -2) -5)
+($check equal? (div -10 -2) 5)
+($check equal? (div 10 7) 1)
+($check equal? (div -10 7) -2)
+;; (div real1 real2) ... Let n be the greatest integer such that
+;; real2 * n <= real1. Applicative div returns n.
+;; If real2 is negative, then such integer n does not exist.
+;; interpretation : result shall be #undefined
+;--- ($check equal? (div 10 -7) #undefined) ; FAIL
+;--- ($check equal? (div -10 -7) #undefined) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (mod 10 7) 3)
+($check equal? (div-and-mod 10 7) (list 1 3))
+;; 12.5.9 div0, mod0, div-and-mod0
+;; Test cases from R6RS. The commented test cases
+;; contradict the KernelReport.
+($check equal? (div-and-mod 123 10) (list 12 3))
+;----- ($check equal? (div-and-mod 123 -10) (list -12 3))
+($check equal? (div-and-mod -123 10) (list -13 7))
+;----- ($check equal? (div-and-mod -123 -10) (list 13 7))
+($check equal? (div0-and-mod0 123 10) (list 12 3))
+;----- ($check equal? (div0-and-mod0 123 -10) (list -12 3))
+($check equal? (div0-and-mod0 -123 10) (list -12 -3))
+;----- ($check equal? (div0-and-mod0 -123 -10) (list 12 -3))
+;; 12.5.10 positive? negative?
+($check-predicate (positive? 1 1.0 1/1 999999999999 #e+infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (positive? 0)) ; FAIL
+($check-not-predicate (positive? #e-infinity)) ; FAIL
+($check-error (positive? #real)) ; FAIL
+($check-predicate (negative? -1 -1.0 -1/1 -999999999999 #e-infinity)) ; FAIL
+($check-not-predicate (negative? 0))
+($check-not-predicate (negative? #e+infinity))
+($check-error (negative? #real)) ; FAIL
+;; 12.5.11 even? odd?
+($check-predicate (even? 0 2 -2 4/2 9999999999998))
+($check-error (even? #e+infinity))
+($check-error (even? #e-infinity))
+($check-predicate (odd? 1 -1 6/2 9999999999999))
+($check-error (odd? #e+infinity))
+($check-error (odd? #e-infinity))
+;; 12.5.12 abs
+($check equal? (abs 0) 0)
+($check equal? (abs 1) 1)
+($check equal? (abs -1) 1)
+($check equal? (abs #e+infinity) #e+infinity)
+($check equal? (abs #e-infinity) #e+infinity)
+;; 12.5.12 max min
+($check equal? (max) #e-infinity)
+($check equal? (max 1 2 3 4) 4)
+($check equal? (max #e-infinity #e+infinity) #e+infinity)
+($check equal? (min) #e+infinity)
+($check equal? (min 1 2 3 4) 1)
+($check equal? (min #e-infinity #e+infinity) #e-infinity)
+;; 12.5.12 lcm gcd
+;; TODO
+;; 12.6.1 exact? inexact? robust? undefined?
+($check-predicate (exact? 0 1 -1 1/2 999999999999 #e-infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (exact? 3.14))
+($check-not-predicate (exact? #i-infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (exact? #real))
+($check-not-predicate (exact? #undefined))
+($check-predicate (inexact? #real 3.14 #undefined #i+infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (inexact? 0))
+($check-not-predicate (inexact? #e+infinity))
+($check-predicate (robust? 0 1 -1 1/3 999999999999 #e-infinity #e+infinity))
+($check-predicate (robust? 3.14)) ; FAIL
+($check-not-predicate (robust? #real))
+($check-not-predicate (robust? #undefined))
+($check-predicate (undefined? #undefined))
+($check-not-predicate (undefined? 0))
+;; 12.6.2 get-real-internal-bounds get-real-exact-bounds
+;; TODO: How to test it?
+($check equal? (get-real-internal-bounds 0) (list 0 0))
+($check equal? (get-real-exact-bounds 0) (list 0 0))
+;; 12.6.3 get-real-internal-primary get-real-exact-primary
+;; TODO: How to test it?
+;; 12.6.4 make-inexact
+;; TODO
+;; 12.6.5 real->inexact real->exact
+;; TODO
+;; 12.6.6 with-strict-arithmetic get-strict-arithmetic?
+;; TODO
+;; 12.7.1 with-narrow-arithmetic get-narrow-arithmetic?
+;; TODO
+;; 12.8.1 rational?
+($check-predicate (rational? 0 1 1/2))
+($check-not-predicate (rational? (sqrt 2))) ; FAIL
+($check-not-predicate (rational? #e+infinity))
+;; 12.8.2 /
+($check equal? (/ 2 3) 2/3)
+($check equal? (/ 1 2 3) 1/6)
+($check-error (/ 1 0))
+($check-error (/ #e+infinity #e+infinity))
+;; 12.8.3 numerator denominator
+($check equal? (numerator 3/4) 3)
+($check equal? (numerator -3/4) -3)
+($check equal? (denominator 3/4) 4)
+($check equal? (denominator -3/4) 4)
+;; 12.8.4 floor ceiling truncate bound
+($check equal? (floor 0) 0)
+($check equal? (floor 1.23) 1) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (floor -1.23) -2) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (ceiling 0) 0)
+($check equal? (ceiling 1.23) 2) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (ceiling -1.23) -1) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (truncate 0) 0)
+($check equal? (truncate 1.99) 1) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (truncate -1.99) -1) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (round 0) 0)
+($check equal? (round 1/2) 0)
+;-- ($check equal? (round 1.1) 1) ; FREEZES INTERPRETER
+($check equal? (round 3/2) 2)
+;--($check equal? (round 1.9) 2)
+($check equal? (round -1/2) 0)
+;-- ($check equal? (round -1.1) -1) ; FREEZES INTERPRETER
+($check equal? (round -3/2) -2)
+;--($check equal? (round -1.9) -2)
+;; 12.8.5 rationalize simplest-rational
+($check equal? (rationalize 0 1) 0)
+($check equal? (rationalize 0.1 0.05) 1/6) ; FAIL
+($check equal? (simplest-rational 2/7 3/5) 1/2)
+($check equal? (simplest-rational 0.1 0.3) 1/4) ; FAIL
+;; 12.9.1 real?
+($check-predicate (real? 0 1 -1 1/2 999999999999 #e-infinity))
+($check-not-predicate (real? #undefined))
+;; 12.9.2 exp log
+;; These functions are not described in the Report, but let us try...
+($check equal? (exp 0.0) 1.0)
+($check equal? (log 1.0) 0.0)
+;; 12.9.2 sin cos tan
+($check equal? (sin 0.0) 0.0)
+($check equal? (cos 0.0) 1.0)
+($check equal? (tan 0.0) 0.0)
+;; 12.9.2 asin acos atan
+($check equal? (asin 0.0) 0.0)
+($check equal? (acos 1.0) 0.0)
+($check equal? (atan 0.0) 0.0)
+;; 12.9.5 sqrt
+($check equal? (sqrt 0.0) 0.0)
+($check equal? (sqrt 1.0) 1.0)
+($check equal? (sqrt 4.0) 2.0)
+;; 12.9.6 expt
+($check equal? (expt 2.0 4.0) 16.0)
+;; 12.10 Complex features
+;; not implemented
diff --git a/src/tests/test-all.k b/src/tests/test-all.k
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@
(load "tests/environments.k")
(load "tests/environment-mutation.k")
(load "tests/combiners.k")
+(load "tests/numbers.k")
\ No newline at end of file