commit c873d1b7d30cf5dd40c48a6360ab2e19a204d84e
parent 3680a143a98bc05c3e540306aee4d5d0dd624677
Author: Andres Navarro <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 20:23:28 -0300
Added bigint support for div, mod, div-and-mod, div0, mod0 and div0-and-mod0. Bugfix: in fixint_div0_mod0, the correction had a bug. There seems to be a bug in - and div0-and-mod0, sometimes it incorrectly returns 0 instead of a fixint...
4 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/kgnumbers.c b/src/kgnumbers.c
@@ -166,14 +166,10 @@ TValue knum_times(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2)
/* report: #e+infinity * 0 has no primary value */
klispE_throw(K, "*: result has no primary value");
return KINERT;
- } else {
- return (kpositivep(n1) == kpositivep(n2))?
- }
- } else {
- return (tv_equal(n1, n2))?
- }
+ } else
+ return knum_same_signp(n1, n2)? KEPINF : KEMINF;
+ } else
+ return (tv_equal(n1, n2))? KEPINF : KEMINF;
klispE_throw(K, "*: unsopported type");
return KINERT;
@@ -414,49 +410,60 @@ bool kzerop(TValue n) { return kfast_zerop(n); }
/* Helpers for div, mod, div0 and mod0 */
-/* zerop signals div0 and mod0 if true div and mod if false */
-inline void div_mod(bool zerop, int32_t n, int32_t d, int32_t *div,
- int32_t *mod)
+int32_t kfixint_div_mod(int32_t n, int32_t d, int32_t *res_mod)
- *div = n / d;
- *mod = n % d;
+ int32_t div = n / d;
+ int32_t mod = n % d;
+ /* div, mod or div-and-mod */
+ /* 0 <= mod0 < |d| */
+ if (mod < 0) {
+ if (d < 0) {
+ mod -= d;
+ ++div;
+ } else {
+ mod += d;
+ --div;
+ }
+ }
+ *res_mod = mod;
+ return div;
- if (zerop) {
- /* div0, mod0 or div-and-mod0 */
- /* -|d/2| <= mod0 < |d/2| */
+int32_t kfixint_div0_mod0(int32_t n, int32_t d, int32_t *res_mod)
+ int32_t div = n / d;
+ int32_t mod = n % d;
- int32_t dabs = ((d<0? -d : d) + 1) / 2;
+ /* div0, mod0 or div-and-mod0 */
+ /*
+ ** Adjust q and r so that:
+ ** -|d/2| <= mod0 < |d/2| which is the same as
+ ** dmin <= mod0 < dmax, where
+ ** dmin = -floor(|d/2|) and dmax = ceil(|d/2|)
+ */
+ int32_t dmin = -((d<0? -d : d) / 2);
+ int32_t dmax = ((d<0? -d : d) + 1) / 2;
- if (*mod < -dabs) {
- if (d < 0) {
- *mod -= d;
- ++(*div);
- } else {
- *mod += d;
- --(*div);
- }
- } else if (*mod >= dabs) {
- if (d < 0) {
- *mod += d;
- --(*div);
- } else {
- *mod -= d;
- ++(*div);
- }
+ if (mod < dmin) {
+ if (d < 0) {
+ mod -= d;
+ ++div;
+ } else {
+ mod += d;
+ --div;
- } else {
- /* div, mod or div-and-mod */
- /* 0 <= mod0 < |d| */
- if (*mod < 0) {
- if (d < 0) {
- *mod -= d;
- ++(*div);
- } else {
- *mod += d;
- --(*div);
- }
+ } else if (mod >= dmax) {
+ if (d < 0) {
+ mod += d;
+ --div;
+ } else {
+ mod -= d;
+ ++div;
+ *res_mod = mod;
+ return div;
/* flags are FDIV_DIV, FDIV_MOD, FDIV_ZERO */
@@ -474,24 +481,72 @@ void kdiv_mod(klisp_State *K, TValue *xparams, TValue ptree, TValue denv)
bind_2tp(K, name, ptree, "number", knumberp, tv_n,
"number", knumberp, tv_d);
- /* TEMP: only fixnums */
TValue tv_div, tv_mod;
if (kfast_zerop(tv_d)) {
klispE_throw_extra(K, name, ": division by zero");
- } else if (ttiseinf(tv_n)) {
- klispE_throw_extra(K, name, ": non finite dividend");
- return;
- } else if (ttiseinf(tv_d)) {
- tv_div = ((ivalue(tv_n) ^ ivalue(tv_d)) < 0)? KEPINF : KEMINF;
- tv_mod = i2tv(0);
- } else {
- int32_t div, mod;
- div_mod(flags & FDIV_ZERO, ivalue(tv_n), ivalue(tv_d), &div, &mod);
- tv_div = i2tv(div);
- tv_mod = i2tv(mod);
+ }
+ switch(max_ttype(tv_n, tv_d)) {
+ case K_TFIXINT:
+ /* NOTE: the only case were the result wouldn't fit in a fixint
+ is INT32_MIN divided by -1, resulting in INT32_MAX + 1.
+ The remainder is always < |tv_d| so no problem there, and
+ the quotient is always <= |tv_n|. All that said, the code to
+ correct the result returned by c operators / and % could cause
+ problems if d = INT32_MIN or d = INT32_MAX so just to be safe
+ we restrict d to be |d| < INT32_MAX and n to be
+ |n| < INT32_MAX */
+ if (!(ivalue(tv_n) <= INT32_MIN+2 || ivalue(tv_n) >= INT32_MAX-1 ||
+ ivalue(tv_d) <= INT32_MIN+2 || ivalue(tv_d) >= INT32_MAX-1)) {
+ int32_t div, mod;
+ if ((flags & FDIV_ZERO) == 0)
+ div = kfixint_div_mod(ivalue(tv_n), ivalue(tv_d), &mod);
+ else
+ div = kfixint_div0_mod0(ivalue(tv_n), ivalue(tv_d), &mod);
+ tv_div = i2tv(div);
+ tv_mod = i2tv(mod);
+ break;
+ } /* else fall through */
+ case K_TBIGINT:
+ kensure_bigint(tv_n);
+ kensure_bigint(tv_d);
+ if ((flags & FDIV_ZERO) == 0)
+ tv_div = kbigint_div_mod(K, tv_n, tv_d, &tv_mod);
+ else
+ tv_div = kbigint_div0_mod0(K, tv_n, tv_d, &tv_mod);
+ break;
+ case K_TEINF:
+ if (ttiseinf(tv_n)) {
+ klispE_throw_extra(K, name, ": non finite dividend");
+ return;
+ } else { /* if (ttiseinf(tv_d)) */
+ /* The semantics here are unclear, following the general
+ guideline of the report that says that if an infinity is
+ involved it should be understand as a limit. In that
+ case once the divisor is greater in magnitude than the
+ dividend the division stabilizes itself at q = 0; r = n
+ if both have the same sign, and q = 1; r = +infinity if
+ both have different sign (but in that case !(r < |d|)
+ !!) */
+ /* RATIONALE: if q were 0 we can't accomplish
+ q * d + r = n because q * d is undefined, if q isn't zero
+ then, either q*d + r is infinite or undefined so
+ there's no good q. on the other hand if we want
+ n - q*d = r & 0 <= r < d, r can't be infinite because it
+ would be equal to d, but q*d is infinite, so there's no
+ way out */
+ /* throw an exception, until this is resolved */
+ /* ASK John */
+ klispE_throw_extra(K, name, ": non finite divisor");
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ klispE_throw_extra(K, name, ": unsopported type");
+ return KINERT;
TValue res;
if (flags & FDIV_DIV) {
if (flags & FDIV_MOD) { /* return both div and mod */
diff --git a/src/kgnumbers.h b/src/kgnumbers.h
@@ -119,4 +119,9 @@ inline TValue kneg_inf(TValue i)
return tv_equal(i, KEPINF)? KEMINF : KEPINF;
+inline bool knum_same_signp(TValue n1, TValue n2)
+ return kpositivep(n1) == kpositivep(n2);
diff --git a/src/kinteger.c b/src/kinteger.c
@@ -162,6 +162,91 @@ TValue kbigint_minus(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2)
return kbigint_try_fixint(K, res);
+/* NOTE: n2 can't be zero, that case should be checked before calling this */
+TValue kbigint_div_mod(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2, TValue *res_r)
+ /* GC: root bigints */
+ TValue tv_q = kbigint_new(K, false, 0);
+ TValue tv_r = kbigint_new(K, false, 0);
+ Bigint *n = tv2bigint(n1);
+ Bigint *d = tv2bigint(n2);
+ Bigint *q = tv2bigint(tv_q);
+ Bigint *r = tv2bigint(tv_r);
+ UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, n, d, q, r));
+ /* Adjust q & r so that 0 <= r < |d| */
+ if (mp_int_compare_zero(r) < 0) {
+ if (mp_int_compare_zero(d) < 0) {
+ mp_int_sub(K, r, d, r);
+ mp_int_add_value(K, q, 1, q);
+ } else {
+ mp_int_add(K, r, d, r);
+ mp_int_sub_value(K, q, 1, q);
+ }
+ }
+ *res_r = kbigint_try_fixint(K, tv_r);
+ return kbigint_try_fixint(K, tv_q);
+TValue kbigint_div0_mod0(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2, TValue *res_r)
+ /* GC: root bigints */
+ TValue tv_q = kbigint_new(K, false, 0);
+ TValue tv_r = kbigint_new(K, false, 0);
+ Bigint *n = tv2bigint(n1);
+ Bigint *d = tv2bigint(n2);
+ Bigint *q = tv2bigint(tv_q);
+ Bigint *r = tv2bigint(tv_r);
+ UNUSED(mp_int_div(K, n, d, q, r));
+#if 0
+ /* Adjust q & r so that -|d/2| <= r < |d/2| */
+ /* It seems easier to check -|d| <= 2r < |d| */
+ TValue tv_two_r = kbigint_new(K, false, 0);
+ Bigint *two_r = tv2bigint(tv_two_r);
+ /* two_r = r * 2 = r * 2^1 */
+// UNUSED(mp_int_mul_pow2(K, r, 1, two_r));
+ UNUSED(mp_int_mul_value(K, r, 2, two_r));
+ TValue tv_abs_d = kbigint_new(K, false, 0);
+ /* NOTE: this makes a copy if d >= 0 */
+ Bigint *abs_d = tv2bigint(tv_abs_d);
+ UNUSED(mp_int_abs(K, d, abs_d));
+ /* the case analysis is inverse to that of fixint */
+ /* this checks 2r >= |d| (which is the same r >= |d/2|) */
+ if (mp_int_compare(two_r, abs_d) >= 0) {
+ if (mp_int_compare_zero(d) < 0) {
+ mp_int_add(K, r, d, r);
+ mp_int_sub_value(K, q, 1, q);
+ } else {
+ mp_int_sub(K, r, d, r);
+ mp_int_add_value(K, q, 1, q);
+ }
+ } else {
+ UNUSED(mp_int_neg(K, abs_d, abs_d));
+ /* this checks 2r < -|d| (which is the same r < |d/2|) */
+ if (mp_int_compare(two_r, abs_d) < 0) {
+ if (mp_int_compare_zero(d) < 0) {
+ mp_int_sub(K, r, d, r);
+ mp_int_add_value(K, q, 1, q);
+ } else {
+ mp_int_add(K, r, d, r);
+ mp_int_sub_value(K, q, 1, q);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *res_r = kbigint_try_fixint(K, tv_r);
+ return kbigint_try_fixint(K, tv_q);
bool kbigint_negativep(TValue tv_bigint)
return (mp_int_compare_zero(tv2bigint(tv_bigint)) < 0);
diff --git a/src/kinteger.h b/src/kinteger.h
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ bool kbigint_gep(TValue bigint1, TValue bigint2);
TValue kbigint_plus(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2);
TValue kbigint_times(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2);
TValue kbigint_minus(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2);
+TValue kbigint_div_mod(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2, TValue *res_r);
+TValue kbigint_div0_mod0(klisp_State *K, TValue n1, TValue n2, TValue *res_r);
bool kbigint_negativep(TValue tv_bigint);
bool kbigint_positivep(TValue tv_bigint);