
lab stuff from undergrad second year.
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bank.cpp (4280B)

      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <stdlib.h>
      3 #include <iostream>
      4 using namespace std;
      6 class BBVA {
      7     char name[20];
      8     int accountNumber;
      9     char accountType[10];
     10     float balance;
     11   public:
     12     void assign(int);
     13     void deposit(float);
     14     void withdraw(float);
     15     void display(int);
     16 };
     18 void BBVA::assign(int x) {
     19   cout << "\nEnter the name, account type and balance for account number " << x << " :\t";
     20   cin >> name >> accountType >> balance;
     21   accountNumber = x;
     22   fflush(stdin);
     23 }
     25 void BBVA::deposit(float x) {
     26   if(x < 0) {
     27     cout << "Invalid deposit sum.\n";
     28     return;
     29   }
     30   balance+=x;
     31   cout << "\nSuccessfully deposited " << x << ". New balance is: " << balance << endl;
     32 }
     34 void BBVA::withdraw(float x) {
     35   if(x < 0 || x > balance) {
     36     cout << "\nInsufficient balance.\n";
     37     return;
     38   }
     39   balance-=x;
     40   cout << "\nSuccessfully withdrawn " << x << " from the account. Current balance is: " << balance << endl;
     41 }
     43 void BBVA::display(int x) {
     44   cout << "\nAccount number: " << accountNumber << endl << "Name: " << name << endl << "Account: " << accountType << endl << "Balance: " << balance << endl;
     45 }
     47 int main() {
     48   int max, maxNew, input = 7, index;
     49   float sum;
     50   do {
     51     cout << "\nEnter the number of accounts\nYour input> ";
     52     cin >> max;
     53     // cout << endl;
     54     if(max < 1)
     55       cout << "\nInvalid input, try again.\n\n";
     56   } while(max < 1);
     57   // BBVA *a = new BBVA[max];
     58   BBVA *a = (BBVA *) malloc(max * sizeof(BBVA));
     59   if(a == NULL) {
     60     cout << "\nInsufficient memory.\n";
     61     return 0;
     62   }
     63   BBVA *b = a;
     64    do{
     65     sum = 0;
     66     cout << "\nEnter number corrosponding to their label\n\n1. Enter the details\t2. Deposit money\n3. Withdraw money\t4. Display details\n5. Add more accounts\t6. Exit\n\nYour input> ";
     67     cin >> input;
     68     fflush(stdin);
     69     switch (input) {
     70       case 1:
     71               cout << "\nEnter the account number. (Between 0 and " << max - 1 << ")\nYour input> ";
     72               cin >> index;
     73               if(index < 0 || index >= max) {
     74                 cout << "\nAccount not found. Can not store the information.\n";
     75                 break;
     76               }
     77               a[index].assign(index);
     78               break;
     79       case 2:
     80               cout << "\nEnter the account number. (Between 0 and " << max - 1 << ")\nYour input> ";
     81               cin >> index;
     82               if(index < 0 || index >= max) {
     83                 cout << "\nAccount not found. Can not deposit money.\n";
     84                 break;
     85               }
     86               cout << "\nEnter amount to be deposited.\nYour input> ";
     87               cin >> sum;
     88               a[index].deposit(sum);
     89               break;
     90       case 3:
     91               cout << "\nEnter the account number. (Between 0 and " << max - 1 << ")\nYour input> ";
     92               cin >> index;
     93               if(index < 0 || index >= max) {
     94                 cout << "\nAccount not found. Can not withdraw money.\n";
     95                 break;
     96               }
     97               cout << "\nEnter amount to be withdrawn.\nYour input> ";
     98               cin >> sum;
     99               a[index].withdraw(sum);
    100               break;
    101       case 4:
    102               cout << "\nEnter the account number. (Between 0 and " << max - 1 << ")\nYour input> ";
    103               cin >> index;
    104               if(index < 0 || index >= max){
    105                 cout << "\nAccount not found. Can not display details.\n";
    106                 break;
    107               }
    108               a[index].display(index);
    109               break;
    110       case 5:
    111               cout << "\nEnter new number of bank accounts\nYour input> ";
    112               cin >> maxNew;
    113               if(maxNew > max) {
    114                   a = (BBVA *) realloc(a, maxNew * sizeof(BBVA));
    115                   if(a == NULL) {
    116                     cout << "Insufficient memory.\n";
    117                     a = b;
    118                   }
    119                   max = maxNew;
    120                   cout << "\nNumber of accounts has been updated to " << max << ".\n";
    121               }
    122               else cout << "\nInvalid input. New size should be greater than " << max << ".\n";
    123               break;
    124       case 6:
    125               cout << "\nProgramme has ended.\n";
    126               break;
    127       default:
    128               cout << "\nInvalid choice. Try again.\n\n";
    129               break;
    130     }
    131   } while(input != 6);
    132   return 0;
    133 }