
lab stuff from undergrad second year.
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      1 [toc]
      3 # Turing Machine (TM)
      4 ## Standard TM to compute modulo and division of two natural numbers as well as to check if a given natural number is prime
      5 ### STM as a transducer to compute modulo and division
      7 Consider two numbers `u` and `v`. `u % v` is defined as `(u - v) % v`, if `u` is greater than or equal to `v` else, it is  `u`. Using this, a recursive relation can be established, which is:
      8 $\mod(u, v) = \begin{cases} u: u < v\\mod (u - v, v): otherwise\end{cases}$
     10 Its iterative code in JavaScript is:
     12 ```
     13 function modulo(u, v) {
     14   while(u >= v)
     15     u = u - v;
     16   return u;
     17 }
     18 ```
     19 Repeatedly subtracting yields remainder. However, if we count the number of times subtraction was performed, we get the quotient. Hence, modifying the above code slightly, quotient can be calculated:
     21 ```
     22 function newModulo(u, v) {
     23   var quo = 0;
     24   while(u >= v) {
     25     u = u - v;
     26     quo++;
     27   }
     28   return u;
     29 }
     30 ```
     31 In the above code, `quo` variable gives the quotient. Noting that repeated subtraction yields remainder, and count of subtraction yields quotient, state transition diagram of a STM with tape of infinite memory (in theory) can be drawn.
     33 __Refer figure 1 for TM1 which acts as a transducer to find remainder and quotient of two natural numbers__
     35 ### STM to check if entered natural number is prime or not
     37 Consider a natural number `num`. If it is a composite number, it has atleast one factor between two and $\frac{num}{2}$, both inclusive.
     39 What the STM is doing can be summed up in the following JavaScript code snippet:
     40 ```
     41 function checkPrime(num) {
     42   var div = Math.floor(num/2);
     43   if(div == 0)
     44     return 0;
     45   while(div > 1) {
     46     if(num % div == 0)
     47       return 0;
     48     div = div - 1;
     49   }
     50   return 1;
     51 }
     52 ```
     53 The above code requires modulo function, which is defined in the above secion, and the steps are provided in the Analysis section. A state transition diagram for the above logic can be drawn.
     55 __Refer figure 2 for TM1 which acts as a transducer to find remainder and quotient of two natural numbers__
     57 ### Source code
     58 ```
     59 // to be added tomorrow
     60 ```
     62 ### Analysis
     64 #### For calculation of remainder and quotient
     66 Consider two numbers `a` and `b`, given that `a > b`, to perform `a - b`, keep decrementing `b` by one and `a` by one till `b` becomes `0`.
     67 Implementing this in STM subtracting `1` from a number takes linear time.
     69 Since calculation of modulo is subtracion of `v` from `u` until `u` is strictly smaller than `v`, procedure to obtain modulo by repeated subtraction, ie `u - v` is as follows: (__Assumption: Instruction pointer points to index 1__)
     71 1. While current cell value is not `0`, move right.
     72 2. If current cell value is `0`, go left. If it is `1`: Go right. Go right. Else, goto step #3
     73     - Having travelled two right from reading `1`, if current cell is `1`:
     74         - Go right until current cell is `B`.
     75         - Move left until current cell is `1`.
     76         - Mark it as `X`.
     77         - Move left until current cell is `B`.
     78         - Move right, make `1` as `B`. Goto step #1.
     79     - Having travelled two right from reading `1`, if current cell is `X`, one subtraction is finished. (It's progress can be tracked, which will be mentioned later while dealing with quotient)
     80         - Go right making all `X` as `1` until current cell is `B`.
     81         - if current cell is `B` go left until current cell is `0`. Goto step #2.
     82 3. If the current cell is `B`, go right, go right. If current cell is `X`, modulo is `0`. Stop. Else, goto step #4.
     83 4. Having travelled two right from reading `B`, if the current cell is `1`, it simply means LHS number was smaller than RHS. In that case:
     84     - Move right until current cell is `X`.
     85     - Make current cell as `1`.
     86     - Goto right until current cell is `B`.
     87     - Make `B` as `1`. Repeat these four sub-steps until instruction pointer reaches `B` on the right hand side (or in other words, all `X` has been converted to `1`).
     89 To find quotient, a small tweak should suffice. That is, "_Having travelled two right from reading `1`, if current cell is `X`, one subtraction is finished._" Make use of a different symbol in the array to distinguish second number from quotient (use another symbol, say `i` -- personal choice, really does not matter). After making all `X` as `1`, go right until current cell is `B`. Make `B` as `1`. Move right, make current symbol as `B`. Go left until current cell is `0`. Goto step #2.
     91 #### To find if the number is prime
     93 For an input `num`, the first step is to make a copy of $\lfloor\dfrac{num}{2}\rfloor$ start reading the tape from the beginning. (__Assumption: Instruction pointer points to index 0__)
     95 1. For every second `1` encountered, mark it as `D`.
     96 2. Move right until `B` is found.
     97 3. Update `B` as `1`.
     98 4. Move right and add `B` to the array.
     99 5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 until instruction pointer reaches `0`. The complexity is observed to be linear time, ie $O(n)$.
    101 Let the number copied towards the right-had side be called `div`.
    103 1. Now, to compute modulo, follow the modulo procedure described in the previous section, perform `num % div`. If result of modulo is zero, stop. The number is not prime.
    104 2. If the result of modulo was not zero, dercement `div` by one, which takes linear time (traversing till the end of tape, marking it as `B`, and coming back, which was mentioned in the preious section). Repeat the above step till `div` is greater than one. If `div` becomes one, `num` is prime.
    106 The worst case is if `num` was a prime number. In that case, modulo has to be calculated from $\lfloor\dfrac{num}{2}\rfloor$ down to two, both inclusive. And computation of modulo depends on size of `div` as well as `num`.
    108 ### Output
    109 #### Result #1
    110 #### Result #2
    111 #### Result #3
    112 #### Result #4
    113 #### Result #5
    114 #### Result #6
    115 #### Result #7
    116 #### Result #8
    117 #### Result #9
    118 #### Result #10
    119 #### Result #11
    120 #### Result #12
    121 #### Result #13
    122 #### Result #14
    123 #### Result #15
    124 #### Result #16
    125 #### Result #17
    126 #### Result #18
    127 #### Result #19
    128 #### Result #20